Chapter 11: Hunting (Rewritten)

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Hunter POV:
I rushed home, as I got in Carl shot me a worried look. He was in his uniform, his blonde choppy hair gelled back and his green eyes slightly red.
"Where have you been?" He asked.
"Um- sorry, I was at a friends house and I lost track of time" I said.
Earnie came out, he wore a black suit and he was carrying a black brief case.
"Okay, so who died?" I asked him noting his outfit.
"No one, I have a meeting with the mayor, He wants me to renovate his house!" Earnie said.
"Ignore him babe, you look fabulous" Carl said looking at Earnie a look of lust filled his eyes.
His anger seemed to have decreased. "Are you ready?" Carl asked.
Earnie shot him a glare, "not even close, sit down Hunter"
I looked at him unsure but sat down anyway.
He put my hair in a wig cap then put a blond wig on my hair,
"Get Maddie's makeup kit please" Earnie said.
Maddie was Earnie's best friend, she was also the one going to help me today.
Carl went upstairs and got it.
Earnie put a fake mustache on the top of my lips then got a brown pencil, putting dots on my cheeks. He got a can of old spice and sprayed it on me then he grabbed a brown leather jacket that was my side.
"Put this on, Maddie is your girlfriend, try to speak normally and act as if you are in love with her. People hardly suspect teenagers in love" he said.
As if on cue the doorbell rang and Maddie came, her brown hair which was normally in a tight high pony on her head was loose, she was wearing a yellow dress with a small jean jacket over it, Maddie had ton of makeup layered on her face and she wore bright red lipstick.
"Don't forget 16 avenue near the dam" Carl said looking at me.
"And your names are Casey and George" Earnie said.
We nodded then walked outside.
"Are you ready to do this?" She asked as she got into the passenger seat.
It was a blue punch buggy with its paint coming off, it look slightly rusted and very old.
Earnie came rushing out. "Here wear these" he said giving me two white small boxes,
"Contact lenses with a special camera, you can only wear these for a limit of ten hours and you can't take them out then put it in again"
I nodded and handed Maddie her pair, mine were brown contacts and Maddies were blue.
I put them in my eyes struggling to adjust for a few minutes but it soon focused.
"Blink really fast to activate them, not now when you close to Raymond" Earnie said "good luck"
"Thanks I'm gonna need it" I said.
I started the car, it made a loud sound but soon started moving.
I peered over to Maddie "where did you get the car?"
"My uncles old car, it stays in the garage" she replied.
I started thinking about the plan.
After a quiet car ride we got to our destination, since the area was close to a mall, we parked near in the malls parking lot.
I put my arm over Maddie and she put her arm on my waist. This felt so unnatural but somewhat comforting.
"Thanks for helping me hey" I said to her.
"You owe me big time" she said bumping her hip on mine.
"Love ya Maddie" I said laughing.
"Casey, call me Casey" she said getting serious as we moved near the alley.
"Yeah, sorry" I said nodding.
We walked into the alley and Maddie started her act.
"So I was totes talking to the guy and he said he was a better boyfriend then you are and I was totes like no freaking way" she said chewing on her chewing gum loudly.
"No one is better than me" I said protectively "that guy needs to know his place"
"Oh George! So protective" Maddie said dramatically "you are so cute!"
Raymond peered around the corner staring at us.
"So where are we again?" She said looking around.
"Uh" I said. "I-"
"George! We're  lost!" She said, her hands went up in frustration.
"Babe, we aren't lost I can get us out of here" I said looking at her.
Maddie stared at me for a second, "George you said that last time! Where did we land up?"
"In Venice" I said looking down.
"In freaking Venice" she shrieked.
"It's sometimes I wish you could just vanish"
"And who got us out of the mess?" I asked looking at her, Maddie looked younger with her blue contacts, she was twenty five years old but she looked eighteen.
"you" she said sighing "but we wouldn't be in the mess on the first place if it wasn't for you"
"Fine, I'm sorry Maddie-" I almost gasped realizing I said the wrong name.
"MADDIE? Who the hell is Maddie George? Have you been cheating on me?" She screamed outraged.
"No I-I meant Casey" I said startled that she saved me.
"Of course you did" she said angrily. "You know what? I can't even deal with you right now just- go away" she walked to where Raymond was, I saw her bury her face in her hands, looking up for a split second to blink extremely fast. Great! The plan was going well.
"Casey-" I started walking forward to her.
She shook her head and walked closer to where Raymond was. I ran around the wall and peered over the corner hoping I remained hidden. I blinked quickly and there was a small beep.
"So I overheard your conversation" he said to Maddie.
She just sniffed looking away.
"He upset you didn't he?" He said coming closer to her with a soothing voice.
She flinched when he touched her shoulder "I won't hurt you, I just wanted to offer you a little something to make you feel better"
He turned around getting a black bag, he handed her a bag with a white substance.
"Try it out, I'm giving you a little tester, I'll be here every week if you want more" he said.
Maddie looked at the bag unsurely then she opened it picking the substance with her fingers.
"I don't-" she started but Raymond have her an angry look.
"Do it" he hissed.
She didn't want to, it was visible in her facial expression.
"Do it" Raymond said louder this time "do you want to feel better or not?"
I decided it was enough, coming to her rescue, I walked over to Maddie.
"Cas- What is this?" I said picking up the bag.
"My best" Raymond said looking at me. "I have more if you want?"
"Casey... Give it back" I said sternly as I threw the bag bag to Raymond.
"Excuse me but she can decide for herself" he started but I already gripped Maddie's hand and started walking away.
"Hey, hey come back here!" Raymond yelled.
I quickened my pace as I heard footsteps behind us,
"I'll remember you, boy! This is my turf! You obey my rules! You can't just steal customers from me!" He shouted, his face was red and he started jogging near me.
He gripped the back of my top and almost automatically I pushed Maddie away.
I turned around "RUN!!" I shouted
to Maddie.
She hesitated waiting for me to follow her.
"MAD- CASEY RUN!! I'll catch up" I shouted, punching Raymond's eye.
He grunted, letting me go and grabbing his eye.
"That's it!" He yelled,
I ran, I was faster than him, so much faster. My heart was beating so fast I felt as stop beating, I knew Raymond was on my lead and I wouldn't allow him to get me. I made that mistake once before. I didn't lead him to the car, leading him into a shop, I then dodged him in the isles then ran to the car.
I was safe, I knew that. Raymond wasn't much of a runner, he threw some punches well but he couldn't run to save his life.
I drove past the alley again, he was walking back to his spot puffing a little bit.
I drove home, I looked over at Maddie, she stared out of the window thinking about something.
"Thanks, Mads " I said.
"Anytime" she muttered.
Once we got home, Carl was there waiting for us.
"What happened?" He asked.
I took off the contact lenses and handed it to him "see for yourself"
"Isn't it enough evidence?" I asked. "Can we-"
"No, not yet" he said.
"We need more, we need to make sure that even the judge will be convinced enough because if he isn't I loose my job and you're going back to jail with a permanent record! You'll probably be there for about two years or more" Carl explained.
"Carl! Use your head! We got him literally selling drugs to Maddie!" I shouted.
"Hunter, just trust me okay, even if it's a little more evidence." He said.
Maddie came out, she was wrapped in a towel and her hair was wet. I guessed she had just come out of the shower.
"Does anyone have something for me to wear? That dress is so uncomfortable" she said flicking her hair to one side and splashing me in the face with droplets of water.
"Yeah I'll go look for something" I said wiping my face.
"Hunter,don't fret okay? I'll find something" he said.
"How can't I fret? In Seattle the police are probably going to link these stories up, they will be over here in minute, I'll be arrested" I said to him.
I walked up the stairs and found some pants and a top and handed it Maddie.
"Thanks can I change here?" She asked.
I nodded walking out of the room, closing the door behind me.
"What's the plan when we have enough evidence?" I asked Carl.
"We will drive back to Seattle, you will show them the evidence and bam! Freedom!" Carl said as he watched the whole scene play out in front of him on the computer
"Who even came up with the contacts?" I asked.
"It was Earnie's latest invention, he doesn't want it to go public though" Carl said staring at the scene, Raymond was talking to Maddie at the time.
"Okay well" I said heading up to my room "Imma go to sleep."
I opened the door forgetting Maddie was there for a second. Maddie's towel was spread on the floor, I still didn't see Maddie though.
I felt myself blush a bit.
"Maddie?" I called out.
There was no answer so I picked the towel off from the floor and took it back to the bathroom. I then walked back into my room an pulled the covers open, finding Maddie sprawled there I felt my cheeks burn.
No, I wasn't attracted to Maddie but she was a my bed! Yeah yeah, I sounded like a little immature boy. But she was in my bed!
Pushing her over to the side as I slid in.
"Your bed is comfy" she muttered, her eyes were still closed.
"You are forgetting that not all the guys in this house are gay" I said.
She giggled, pulling the bed spread over us.
She reminded me of my Sister, when she had nightmares she would always come into my room and sleep there, it was the times when Raymond and my mom were arguing. She would always cover her little ears and sing a song. I would always lock my door so that Raymond wouldn't come in and take her away from me. Or the other way round.
My worst nightmare happened and I found my sister lying dead on the floor of the kitchen the next morning.
All because I didn't close a stupid door, all because I didn't lock the door.
She would've been alive.
Maddie grabbed my hand and squeezed it. As if she knew what I thinking.
I squeezed her hand back. I really appreciated Maddie at the moment, more than ever.
Sighing I turned over and drifted into deep sleep.
Hey guys xx
So you expected something to happen with Maddie didn't you?
How's life?
How you doing?
Lotsa love

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