Chapter 10: Hows that for drama (rewritten)

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My alarm rang, it was far away though.
I looked down pushing myself from the cold hard bathroom floor.
I walked to my bed and switched the alarm off. I shook my head wondering how on earth I was still alive as I picked off the dry blood on my arms and the scab forming.
I went back in the bathroom and showered, then I did the homework I couldn't do last night. I checked the time, it was only half past six so I decided to get dressed in a hoodie, jeans and boots. I would put on makeup to cover up my bruises when I woke up.
Lying into bed fully clothed, I set my alarm for seven forty and I fell asleep.
I woke up at seven forty and found my car in the garage for the first time in days, I opened the drivers door and got in, there was a strange smell in my car, it was slightly sour. I cringed, checking in the backseat finding chunks of meat and something orange spewed all over the floor. Gross!
Opening all the windows and finishing a can of deodorant, I drove to school, since our school was near a car wash I decided to get my car washed and come pick it up at lunch.
The car ride was gross, even with every single window open, I could still smell the vomit.
Once I had finally gotten to school, I looked for my sister. Finding her near her locker, I tapped on her shoulder.
"Abby" I said to her, she turned around. Her brown hair curled on the ends, whipped back as she turned around. Crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes,
"Yeah, what do you want?" She asked me loudly, I closed my eye for a second. Trying to control my tears and ignore the strike of pain in my chest.
"Why is there vomit in my car?" I asked her, opening my eyes finally,
She shrugged and carried on speaking with her friend. Feeling a little annoyed and embarrassed by the way she reacted, I walked away from her walking near my first lesson.
"Hey class" Ms Chez said looking at us with a bright smile on her face." how are you all doing?"
A few people muttered " good" others muttered " tired"
I didn't respond.
"How's your husband ma'm?" James asked giving her a smile.
"He is fine" she said.
"Any chance he was hit by a car?" James asked innocently.
"No, he is fine anyway, so class can you guys please choose a partner" she said. Blair looked at me and I smiled back. I moved closer to where she was sitting.
"How are you today?" She asked giving me a small shove, in a gentle way though.
"Okay" I lied. I was far from okay, emotionally I felt empty. Numb but I didn't say that instead I responded with a simply little white lie.
" I don't understand why you wear a hoodie in this heat" she said.
I shrugged as the teacher told us to be quiet.
"Okay today you guys will be doing short skits, the main focus point in this. Exercise it making the class laugh" Miss Chez said. "Maybe making the class cry, in other words show some form of emotion"
"Can I go with you?" James asked Miss Chez.
"James, you are trying to hard" Blair said smirking at him.
"Oh shut up babe, we all know you want this" James said gesturing to himself. There was a chorus of ooh's in the class.
"James, I don't want rejects" she said. Someone in the class shouted "lame" but others just laughed.
James smirked, "Blair, babe come on don't be jelly it doesn't look good on you"
"Maybe she needs some custard with that Jelly?" Angus shouted.
"I'll be your custard" Mark said winking at her.
She smiled politely "in your perverted dreams, Mark" she said.
I had to admit, I felt a bit jealous. Every guy likes Blair but she brushed them all off, I wondered why.
Miss Chez looked at the class amused. She didn't stop them, instead she leaned back on her chair and nodded slowly.
"So tell me, Blair when last did you have a boyfriend?" Michel from the back asked.
She gave him a small smile. "Never had one"
"Aww is there something we need to know?" James asked.
"There is nothing wrong with waiting for the right guy" she defended herself.
"Don't give me that right guy nonsense" Mike smirked " date me"
"Mike you're chance has left, I'll be you're right guy" Mark said shoving his twin. Mike glared at his twin and rolled bus eyes, he opened his mouth about to say something but closed it again.
The whole class stopped and watched Mike, there was a small smile on Blair's face and we waited for her response.
"Mike, did you not just come out of a relationship?" She asked ignoring Mark completely.
"Yeah" he said slowly.
"and whose fault was it that you guys had to break up?" Blair asked.
"Mine, I didn't spend enough time with her and she wasn't happy, I had my eyes on you" he said.
"And that is some lame pickup line that will suddenly cause me to fall head over-" Blair started but Mike came closer to her holding her hands in his.
"No, how could you ever think that" he started, he said it with such sincerity and hope in his eyes. I thought for a moment they would kiss considering how reasonably close they were.
Blair started laughing and Mike soon followed,
Miss chez looked at both of them with confusion.
"How's that for acting?" Blair asked ma'm.
"Wow" Miss Chez said "beautiful" she grinned. She clapped grinning "you guys are talented"
"We learn from the best ma'm" James chuckled.
"Well what can I say" Miss Chez said smiling.
The bell rang and I hurried out of the classroom, Stephanie gripped my arm and we walked down the halls together.
She gripped the arm with my cuts on it, I winced as her grip got tighter.
"So" she said leading me into an empty classroom closing the door behind her.
I looked around trying to find a way to get out but she grabbed my hand.
"This game is simple" she said "you answer a question and I leave you alone, you don't answer you'll pay" she said.
"I don't want to play" I said quietly.
"Shut up" Stephanie whisper-yelled, the kept gripping hand arm, "if you get the answer wrong, you pay? Understand?"
I nodded slowly, looking around the classroom for a way out. There was non. Fear passed through me as I looked at Stephanie's evil face.
"Do you like Hunter? She asked me,
I felt my heart skip a beat at his name, "no" I said. She slapped me. Hot tears escaped my eyes as my cheek stung from the pain. I didn't want this abuse anymore.
"Wrong answer" she said, someone pushed the door causing Stephanie and I to land on the floor,
"Stacey?" Stephanie exclaimed.
"Yeah, I have been looking for you" Stacey said staring at me, " let's go"
I looked at Stephanie, she shot Stacey a glare.
Stacey looked at me as we walked out of the classroom, she seemed unfazed by Stephanie's look.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"No" I answered honestly for the first time today.
"What did she do to you?" Stacey asked looking me up and down.
"She just asked me a question" I replied.
Stacey looked relieved, " so she didn't touch you?" Something made me say no, something made me feel a small feeling of insecurity, a little bit uncomfortable with the situation, it felt as if she knew what Stephanie was going to do.
"Why do you look relieved" I asked her coming to a stop and staring at her.
"I'm your friend silly, I'm just checking up on you" she said giving me an innocent look.
"Okay" I said as we moved near the cafeteria, I got my lunch from my bag. It was a large muffin and some iced coffee.
My sister approached my table, "where is the car?" She asked.
"I'm not letting you touch my car again" I said "there was vomit in my car and you have your own"
"Summer, I am your older sister!" She hissed. " give me the car keys"
"No" I said stubbornly. "Take your own car"
"So now you have a voice?" my sister spat.
"I always had one you just didn't listen" I said back, irritated.
"Give me the keys" my sister said "you're causing a scene"
"I have to go, Stace" I said ignoring my sister" see you later"
I grabbed my muffin but left my iced coffee " you can have it"
Stacey grinned "thanks"
I ignored my sister's glare and walked to the car wash.
"Here" the man said showing me where my car was. "Partied to hard?" He asked me.
"Uh yeah" I said."something like that"
The guy laughed and walked away "that was me a few years ago"
"Okay" I said slowly.
I got into my car, the smell was defiantly better, it has a hint of barf but I could deal, driving to school. It took me about two minutes and it was still break when I got back inside. Stephanie shot me a glare " you know our little game isn't done" she sneered.
I didn't say anything. Instead I focused on biting down the tears.
She walked away laughing with her buddies, I wanted to go home, the feeling of fear had crossed me and I didn't like it. I was back to being weak and powerless again. I felt the need to cut.
The bell rang and I didn't want to be late for class so I ignored the urge to cry. It was Maths AP. I had this class with Paige only, I didn't know the rest of the class that well and part of the reason was that they were Grade 12 Maths Lit students. Paige slid next to me, "So it's only you and me nerd" she said.
I fiddled with my shirt.
"Stephanie didnt give me any orders so you're fine" Paige said.
"So you only operate by Stephanie, if she says jump you have to" I asked curiously.
Paige looked me for a second, she gave me a look of sadness, a look that told me she was guilty, really really guilty. "She said if I don't follow her orders she will hurt my sister"
"Why do you believe so would?" I asked gaining the courage suddenly,
"She knows people, she can easily make it look like an accident" she said. I wanted to say something but the teacher came in.
"Morning... Afternoon class" Mrs Dea said.
We all muttered an hello in response.
The class went on but I couldn't focus, I was thinking of what Paige said.
"Summer" the teacher said looking at me.
"Uh" I looked on the board and tried to work out the expression.
Paige out her hand up.
"It's 5x -23y+ 4" she said.
"Thanks Paige, Summer please concentrate a little more"
"Yes ma'm" I said blushing a little bit.
The class continued and I made sure I focused more. When the lesson was over Paige came over to me. "How about I make you a deal?"
"What deal?" I said to her.
"We an be friends, but not tell Stephanie" she said. "You look like a cool person but Stephanie won't allow us to be friends and I hate being her little slave and doing all the dirty work she doesn't want to do."
"Okay" I said hesitantly.
"And if I am told I have to hurt you please don't take it to heart, I have to protect my family" she said.
I nodded and she ran out of the class.
Classes carried on as usual and Stephanie didn't bother me until the end of school.
I was taking books out of my locker when she approached me. She was alone and she had a small smirk on her face.
"Hey bestie" she said.
I looked over at her, was she high or something.
"Hi" I said unsurely.
"So look, I wanted to apologize about these past few months and my horrible behavior" she said looking at me earnestly." I've been completely put of character, my parents have been a little to hard on me pressuring me to study harder and you getting a higher average than me kinda scared me"
" I wanted to make you feel pain so you could fail and my parents could stop pressuring me but- I was wrong and I wanted to ask for forgiveness, I really there is nothing I can do to fix this so how about friends?" She said
I looked at her trying to see if she was being honest. She looked truly upset.
"Friends?" She repeated.
"Okay" I said. I didn't want to say no out of fear. I thought back to a few days ago when she simply uttered the words "finish her off"
This wasn't a friend. I didn't say anything however, instead a looked at her face for signs of highness.
"Yay" she said enthusiastically.
"Do you want to come to my house tomorrow?" She asked.
"I can't" I started, "I have to tutor Hunter"
Something in her expression changed but her tone didn't change.
"Can't you miss one tutorial? For me please!" She asked.
"I don't know, " I said
She nodded "I totally understand but think about it"
Stephanie walked away and I rested my back on my locker. Blair came to me, her hair was sticking out in places and she looked as if she had been running.
"Did you come out of gym class?" I joked.
"Did you speak to Steph?" She asked ignoring my joke.
"Well hello to you too" I said, I was in a good mood so I couldn't help smile.
"Summer" Blair said pleading me.
"Yeah," I responded.
"Don't trust her, don't go to her house tomorrow and don't spend time with Stacey anymore please" she said.
"Why?" I asked looking at her confused.
"Stephanie and Stacey are teamed up, they are going to hurt you please you have to listen to me" Blair said as Stacey came over.
Stacey didn't seem to hear anything because she came over with a big smile on her face, her hair was loose and in curls. She wore a cropped top that had: 'like I care' written on it.
"Hi Sum" she said. "Hey- your Blair right?"
"It's none of your business" Blair said glaring at her,
She looked at me " please believe me, don't do it"
I looked at her confused, "Blair I don't think that-"
Blair gripped my shoulders and shook me " you have to believe me"
She left after that. She suddenly made me very angry, I get her warning about Stephanie I mean what made her change her mind anyway? But warn me about Stacey? How dare she? Stacey was my first friend and she never do something like that!
"What did she say?" Stacey said looking innocently at me.
"Nothing" I said, even though I was angry at Blair I didn't want to et her in trouble with Stephanie so I lied.
"Oh" Stacey said.
"Did you go home and get changed?" I asked.
"No, I have a dance thing with Stephanie, she is going to change now" Stacey said.
"Since when were you paired with Stephanie?" I asked.
"Since always, she is so nice isn't she?" Stacey said.
"Uh yeah sure" I said "I have to go, see you tomorrow and good luck with the dance thing"
"Bye" Stacey said waving to me.
I walked out to the parking lot and saw Paige and Stephanie, they were dressed the same was as Stacey was dressed.
I walked past them but Stephanie stopped me,
"Bye Summer" she said to me waving.
I grinned "Bye Stephanie, bye Paige"
Paige's eyes widened and her mouth shaped an '0'.
"Don't stress Paigey, me and Sum are like Bff's" she said "right?"
"Yeah" I said nodding my head.
I walked down the steps and to my car, I heard Stephanie laugh loudly, turning around as Paige looked at me, she didn't look comfortable and have a forced laugh.
I waved goodbye to them and got into my car.
So this is how it was like to be a normal girl? To have friends and all.
I was happy, maybe this year started off badly but it was getting better.
I looked at the cuts on my hands, I dug in my bag for a bandage roll and wrapped the bandage around my arm.
I was excited about going to Stephanie's house. I was going to show Blair that she was wrong. Stacey is an amazing person and she wouldn't hurt me. Perhaps I was wrong after all
Driving home I saw Hunter leaning on his car, he was on his phone. Tapping away. Parking my car and getting out.
"Hey Hunter" I said.
"Hey" he said still tapping on his phone.
"How did your prepared reading go?" I asked.
"Okay" he said. "You seem very happy"
"Yeah- a little" I said. " what did you get?"
"Seven out of ten" he said.
"Oh cool" I said as we walked into my house sitting in the same spot as yesterday.
"Yup, I have a - shit" he said looking at me.
"You have a what?" I said joked.
"No, I- I have to go" he said "I promise I'll be here tomorrow"
"How 'bout Thursday?" I asked.
" yeah it's fine" he said rushing out.
He was going to see Stephanie, it was obvious, she had a dance thing today and he was going to watch.
That was pretty weird though, I walked to the kitchen and say mom, a wave of tiredness came though me, I wanted to jump in bed with Max on-
"Who did you sell Max to?" I asked.
"None of your business" my mom said rudely.
"Mom-" I said sighing.
" it doesn't matter now because he isn't coming back" she sneered. I sighed and grabbed a packet of Fritos from the counter, walking up to my room and getting out my iPad, I clicked on Wattpad and looked for a random book that seemed interesting, I tried not to mess Fritos on my bed whilst I read.
When I was finished I put my Fritos packet on my ottoman and pushed my iPad aside completing my homework, there was a small note in my book. It was blue, it was written in white ink.
Squinting to read it because the writing was untidy, I checked what it said.

Stay away frm Hunter u freak!

I threw the note away and tried not to think about it.

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