Chapter 26: The weekend.

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I woke up on the couch. The house was silent, I took that as a sign that no one was awake. Nothing could describe the amount of embarrassment I felt at the moment.
I sighed as I looked at Summer, she was sleeping on a chair next to the sofa. Her eyes closed and her breathing even. Her hair was loose, it was over her face and on her shoulders, moving everytimr she breathed. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out as I saw 20 miscalls from Carl and ten from Earnie.
'Fetch me frm Summers house' I typed to Devon.
'k' Devon
I moved my gaze back on Summer, she let out a small sigh as she moved into another position.
She was uncomfortable, but was still sleeping.
She looked so peaceful.
I sighed standing up, I wish I could take back yesterday. I wish I didn't come to Summer's house, she probably thought I was a wimp. Damn it!
I silently scolded myself as I looked at the notebook and pen on the coffee table.
Thank you so much for taking care of me last night. It means a lot to me especially since you all waited until I fell asleep
Thank you so much
Kind regards
Hunter Stone
I finished it off in my best hand writing. I tip toe'd to the door and slowly opened it. Guess they forgot to lock the door.
I made my way out as a silva Honda made its way into the street.
The car came to a stop, the window opened and Devon gave me a wave.
"Dude" he said as I got in.
"Sup" I said, taking a last look at the house.
We drove to my house in silence.
"I need a place to stay for tonight " Devon said. "My sister is having that-time-of-the -month and dude I don't wanna be there"
I laughed "okay"
"Shot" he said getting out his car and grabbing a small bag from the boot.
We got inside my house and Carl gave me a grateful smile.
"Hunter" he said "don't ever do that again"
"Meet my friend, Devon" I said ignoring his comment "Devon, my cousin, Carl and his boyfriend Earnie"
"Hi" Devon said.
"Cool, now that the introductions are finished, Devon is staying the night and I'll be in my room. See ya" I said.
I hurried up the stairs before Carl could stop me.
"So? Rough night?" Devon suggested as he got into my room. He threw his bag on the floor and flopped onto my bed.
"Yeah" I muttered rubbing my eyes.
"Really? I didn't think you and Summer would- you know b-" he started
"What?" I said looking at him.
"Was it your first-"
"Oh my- dude? No? What!" I said standing up.
"There is nothing to be embarrassed about I mean"
"Devon, in the nicest way possible- you are an ass!" I said to him as he grabbed a packet of chips that were lying in my bed.
"Why?" He asked, his mouth open as he chewed.
"You're dating my best friend" I stated.
"Woah woah woah" Devon said finishing off the giant packet of chips me putting the packet in the trash. "I still don't believe in dating"
"Okay" I said as I opened my cupboard.
"Yeah, I'm going to ask her out on Monday,I'm going to try this whole relationship thing out" he said.
"Really?" I said. "I thought you-"
"Stop throwing my words back at me" he said. "I said I don't believe in it, but I'll try it out!"
"Okay" I said
"Hell yeah, I mean I want to be her first" he said.
"First what?" I said widening my eyes.
"Boyfriend" he said laughing "oh gosh the look on your face was PRICELESS"
I rolled my eyes as I got out my PlayStation 5.
"FIFA?" I asked him.
"Yeah boss" he said jumping off my bed and onto the floor as he grabbed the controller.
He grabbed the controller and clicked on a team,
He played in silence for a few minutes.
"So, dude tell me about last night" he said.
I told him everything that happened and he looked at me laughing. He paused the game as he rolled on the floor.
"Wimp much?" He asked me clutching his sides. Carl came in,
"Sandwiches boys" he said handing us a plate of four sliced sandwiches.
I grabbed it and ate the warm melted avocado and cheese.
"Nah but I'm joking" Devon said finally calming down. "You've been through some touch shiz"
"Yeah" I muttered.
"You know what you need?" He said looking at me as he grabbed a chicken and mayo sandwich.
"A weekend on the cruz" he said.
"The cruz?" I said to him.
"Damn straight, three straight days on a cruz, girls, alcohol" he winked.
"When?" I said.
"Tomorrow" he said "why do you think I'm only staying one night at your mansion, tomorrow. I'm off being a man"
I laughed at his statement. "Come on a Hunter you should come"
"Um" I said.
"You need a break! Time to chill, Next week is exams. You need to clear your mind"
"Fine" I said.
"Serious?" He said grinning "sweet! I'll call the guys"
I nodded, I hope I won't regret this decision.
Hey guys x
Hey my beautiful colorful jelly tots x
How ya'll doing?
I'm great thanks for asking ;]
So the lights are out.........yeah
Anyway! Five more chapters left of this book( or that's my plan anyway, it's probably gonna be more but whatever)
Btw: it's Devon's car on the left/ above
What are you doing for Mother's Day?
How was your weekend?
You know the drill ;)
Lots of love

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