Chapter 13: Minty chocolate ✔️

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I stood in my bedroom, throwing my phone on the floor out of frustration.
It wasn't supposed to be like this! She was supposed to come.
Stupid stupid stupid!
"Stephanie?" My mother called me coming into my room. She had an angry expression on her face. Her arms were crossed and her forehead was wrinkled.
"Mom" I said looking at her.
"Don't call me that" My mom said.
"Mother" I corrected myself.
"Get up, straighten your posture! Stephanie, you look like an savage please go change, your father and I want to speak to you" Mother said.
"Mom- mother please this is ridiculous, I have other plans" I said to her.
"If you aren't downstairs with some proper clothes on-" she didn't Finnish her sentence, she didn't need to.
Mother tuned on her heel, and I slammed the door behind her.
I changed out of my crop top and shorts into a uncomfortable skirt and top. Walking downstairs I saw Mavis, our maid.
"Stephanie" she said to me holding out her hands.
"Hi Mavis" I said to her, I walked closer to her and collapsing into her hug. She was warm and smelt like vanilla.
"You'd better go" she said to me. "Your father looks mad"
I nodded and looked at Mavis one more time, her dark face was smiling and her hair wrapped up in a bandana, she was wearing her uniform.
"Bye Mav" I said to her. "You going home now?"
"No, I need to go and check on Siyabonga" she said. "The accident is taking toll on our family"
"Send him my regards" I said
Mavis gave me a shaky smile.
"Bye" she said to me waving. I walked into the room, my parents stood up and waited for food to be served. We all sat down and served ourselves small portions of food.
"Stephanie" my father spoke after stuffing a carrot into his mouth and swallowing it. "I heard you came up third in your grade"
I looked down at my food as I put various vegetables in my mouth.
"Stephanie, look at your father while he speaks to you" Mother said.
"Who was first?" He said to me.
"Summer Arias then Blair" I said to them.
"What is Summer's average?" Father asked. Sipping on his red wine.
I swallowed "ninety seven, I think" I said.
"Blair?" Mother asked.
"Ninety six point five" I said.
Mother sighed and Father glared at me, his black eyes bored holes in my skull.
"You have a ninety five percent average, Stephanie" father said, softly at first but then his voice got louder, he banged his fist on the table as he did so.
"Ninety five dammit!" He yelled finally making me jump.
"Mavis! Mavis come here!" He yelled. "Mavis!"
"Yes mister?" She said coming to him,
"I want more red wine" he said to her.
"I'm off duty sir" she said to him.
"Mavis, do I pay you to be off duty? Do I pay you to be damned well off duty?" He asked her angrily,
"In all due respect but I'm off duty, I don't have to listen to you when I'm off duty, now will you please excuse me, I need to catch a taxi" she said she walked out the room.
"Mavis! Come get me wine!" He yelled louder, he stood up.
I cringed, absolutely hating the man who was standing in front of me. He had no right to treat Mavis like that.
I heard the front door slam and he turned to glare at me.
"Do I take you to school to be third place? To get a ninety five percent average?" He asked me.
"No" I said.
"Am I? Am I tough on her?" He said to my mother. "Am I tough on you?"
"Calm down, John" she said. "Have you taken your pills?"
"You are dismissed, both of you" he said.
"And Stephanie, I expect you to either be in bed or studying" he said to her. "and where's your friend?"
"She couldn't make it" I said.
"That's to bad" he said. "Get out"
I walked out of the room and showered, brushing my hair and brushing my teeth. I walked to got a mini skirt and a cropped top out of my closet and got my favorite red high heels.
I put my hair into a bun and crawled into bed. Switching off the lights. My phone buzzed and I took it out.
Hey, u coming tonite? - Devon
Or u with summer- Devon
Summer bailed I'll b there - me
Must I fetch u- Devon
Yes, normal spot?- me
K- Devon
There was a small knock on the door and I switched off my phone sliding it under my pillow and making sure the blanket covered my outfit.
There was a tall figure at the door, I instantly knew it was my father.
He closed the door after a few minutes, I waited it about ten minutes then the front door slammed.
I got up and switched the light on, going to the bathroom. I put three coats of mascara on and of course foundation, a blood red lipstick and my hair was loose on my shoulders. It was slightly wavy but I didn't really mind. Applying a little bit of blush and finishing off my look with a smokey eye, I walked down the stairs barefoot, making sure I didn't wake my mother up. Once I opened the front door, I slid my heels on and breathed in the cool dark night.
Walking down a few blocks I saw Devon's white Range Rover there.
I opened the door and faced Devon's grinning face.
"Looking hot" he said.
"Just drive, you pervert" I said punching his arm.
"Yes ma'm" he said starting the car.
"What's the plan?" He asked.
"To forget" I said looking out the window. We got closer to the house, there was already guys passed out on the lawn. The night was still young though.
"Meet here at two?" He said to me.
"Make it half past" I said to him
"Stephanie- are you sure?" He asked
"No" I said "make it three"
"Steph" he started.
"Come on! Don't be such a killjoy, I wanna have fun" I said.
"Fine" he said and I walked into the party. The air was stuffy and I walked straight to the bartender.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey Stephanie" he said "the normal?"
"Nah, give me something strong" I said to him as someone wrapped their arms around my waist.
I turned around and saw the birthday boy.
"hey James" I said hugging him.
"Steph" he slurred hugging me back.
"How old now?" I asked.
"Eighteen!" He said grinning like a little boy, "ready to give me my present?" He asked winking.
"Maybe later" I said turning to the bartender before muttering "maybe never" under my breath.
"Here" he said giving me the drink.
"Thanks" I said grabbing the red plastic cup and taking long gulps. The drink burned my throat and made my eyes water, I turned putting the plastic cup on the table.
"Round two" I said
He poured the drink and I drank it.
My throat still burned and the familiar bitterness met with my taste buds but I started to feel a little tipsy and I loved it. I walked to the snack table and grabbed a brownie, hoping it would take away the bitter taste away but the brownie tasted weird so I settled for chips.
I went to the dance floor finding Paige and Sasha there.
"Hey girls" I said to them.
"Hey" they replied.
"What you gonna do about Summer?" Sasha asked.
"You gonna keep being nice to her?" Paige asked hopefully.
"Agh you guys are making my head hurt" I groaned, I grabbed a strangers cup and gulped down the remains of their drink.
"I wanna dance" I said loudly.
Shar came around bumping into everyone as she reached out to grab my hands.
"Hey Stephanie" she said loudly.
"Yeah" I said.
"I found a dealer" she said to me grinning.
"Oh yeah who?" I asked.
"I-i think his name goes by RayDay" she said.
I giggled "what a stupid name"
"He sells the best" she said.
"Isn't it illegal?" I asked her.
"Yeah but whatever" she said grinning.
I smiled at her, the music was starting to become a little to loud for my liking, my head started spinning and I felt as if I had lost control. I didn't like it. I guess I took a stronger drink.
I stumbled a little as I tried to get out of the stuffy room. Pushing people as I moved past them. The whole room started spinning and I saw two of everything. I was getting really hot
I stumbled outside, I saw the pool and dove for it. Landing in the cold water I felt myself start to relax. Sinking deeper and deeper.
I felt someone pull me up, and out of the water. There was pressure applied on my stomach as i felt something travel up my throat. More pressure until water and alcohol made its way up and out of my mouth.
I felt someone touch my face, opening my eyes and gently touching my lips.
"Is she alive?" Someone said, the voice belonged to a male
"I don't know" Another voice said. "Do mouth to mouth"
Oxygen made its way into my system and I felt my brain slowly take control.
"She is breathing" someone exclaimed.
I opened my eyes slowly, everything was a blur for a second but my eyes focused. I saw a boy with brown eyes and messy brown eyes look down to me. Blair was staring at me too.
"Wha-" I started then suddenly a horrifying pain stuck my head. I gripped my head and closed my eyes,
"What is it?" The guy said. His voice was slightly deep and his breath fanned my face. He smelt minty.
"Ow" I said rubbing my temples. "It's so sore"
"Your head?" Blair asked
"Why does it hurt so much?" I muttered.
"What did you have?" The boy asked me.
"two shots of something, a brownie and a-" I was cut off my a loud police siren. My head hurt even more and I didn't bother moving.
There was loud screams fear and loud curses.
The boy scooped me up and started running.
He was pretty fast considering that he was running with me.
I bounced as he ran, we ran into the woods, I knew that because of the towering trees and the sound of water. There was a loud gun shot from the distance, the boy carried on running and for a moment I forgot about everything, he smelt like minty chocolate, it was nice to be in his arms.
There was a scream followed by couple more gunshots that took me out of my trance.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"My house" he muttered.
He ran for a couple more minutes then he came to a stop. He opened a door then went inside. For a few minutes there was silence.
I opened my eyes and there was complete darkness, I couldn't see anything.
He switched a flashlight on and I looked around. We were in a shed.
"are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine" I said.
"We should wait here until the shooting stops then I will take you home" he said.
There was a few more gunshots and then a police siren. We sat in silence for about an hour until everything was completely quiet.
"Stay here" he muttered
"Okay" I whispered as he went out.
My head stopped hurting and I felt a bit better. He came back with a two litre bottle of water. He gave it to me and I grabbed it gulping down the water desperately. I felt much better.
"Ready to go home?" He whispered grabbing my hand.
"Yeah but first" I said as we walked out the shed and into the night.
"Yes" he said, I saw him perfectly for the first time, the street lamp was very helpful.
I took a deep breathe in and looked at him carefully.
"who are you?" I asked him.
He smiled at me, showing my his perfect straight white teeth. It was a perfect dimpled smile.
He pulled a hand through his hair and said
"Richard, Richard Arias"
Eeeeek! Stephanie's POV! I was so excited to do this chapter. I think it's one of my favorite chapters in the whole book!!!
Unfortunate news though: I don't think I will make another Stephanie POV..
Buuut.... I was thinking of adding Raymond's POV sometime( not in the next few chapters though but near the end)
Now you guys see where Stephanie come from.
Now I have a question for you:
Do you think Stephanie has a reason for acting like she does or if you have another reason why she is so mean then let me know! Maybe I'll add it to my ending! Dedication to the funniest comment!!!
Maybe :}
Lotsa love to you all!
Thank you so much for my 500 views! It means so much to me xxxx
#stay beautiful

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