Chapter 12: It was never this bad (Rewritten)

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I went home after a long day, getting into the house I found my father there reading a newspaper.
"Hey, uh dad?" I said to him.
"Hi Summer" he said not looking away from the paper.
"Dad can I ask you a question?" I asked him.
"mmmm" he responded, taking a sip of his coffee and glancing at me.
"Have you noticed that I haven't been spending supper with you guys?" I asked him, I braced myself for his answer. Biting my lip, as I waited for his answer
"Uh not really" he said, he raised his eyebrows and looked at me with his big brown eyes.
"You've always been quiet, Summer so I am going to be honest right" he said.
I looked at him sighing, he patted the chair next to him, motioning for me to sit.
"Sum" he said. "I need you to listen to me okay? I've noticed a small change in you, the way you act! The way you just stay in your room screaming and it worries me" he said putting his newspaper down.
I felt tears fill in my eyes.
"What's happening, baby girl?" He asked me.
"Just- I don't stress about it" I said letting my tears fall out. The doorbell rang so I wiped my tears with the back of my sleeve and went to go answer it.
"Wait- Summer-" my dad said.
"Hunter!" I said opening the door.
"Sup!" He said strolling in "hey Mr Arias"
"Hi- you are?" My dad asked standing up, he looked at me a bit worried.
"Hunter- Hunter Stone sir" he said shaking my fathers hand "your daughter tutors me"
We walked to my room and he took some time to look around.
"Wow" he said "it's so- neat"
"Haven't you seen a girls room before" I asked.
"Yeah- but it's never this neat" he said.
"Okay, so I heard you have Pythagoras in your test coming up" I said to him.
"Who?" He said, he had a confused look on his face.
"What's the formula for Pythagoras?" I asked him sitting on my bed crossed legged.
"What are you talking about?" He asked me, he flopped on my bed taking out his blue Maths book out.
I mentally face palmed, this was going to be a long afternoon.
After about two hours Hunter got Pythagoras, I had to admit it was fun. When Hunter left it was about half past four. I checked my text messages. I got a message from an unknown number.

Do me a favor and go die, it would be better this way!

I opened the next one

From: Unknown no.
Death is a peaceful thing, maybe you should try it
Sent: 08:45 am

I felt a familiar pain in my chest.
I couldn't help it but let out a few tears. Who hated me so much! What did I do so badly that made them want me to die? I haven't been rude to anyone in my life, I've always tried to be friendly.
I decided I didn't want to go to Stephanie's house.
I went to my phone and dialed Stephanie.
"Hey" she answered.
"Hi Stephanie" I said sniffing.
"What's wrong?" she asked me.
"I-I can't come" I said to her.
"Why? What's wrong? Did someone die?" She asked me.
The way she said die, she didn't seem to care at all. The way she said it bothered me.
"No" I said "I- I'm not feeling well"
"Oh no, please try to come, we will cheer you up" she said.
"It's not that" I said "I-I'm sorry for any inconvenience" I dropped the phone and stared into space for a second.
I found my bag, reaching into my pencil case and getting my scissors. I touched the blade softly, tears had stained my cheeks. There was a small cut on my finger. I pulled up my sleeve and swiped the blade across my arm.
I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming.
Swiping the blade across my arm once more making the cut deeper. I did it countless amount of times, blood oozed out of my cut, my vision blurred and I started to feel dizzy. Someone called me, I couldn't hear who exactly.
I staggered to my door and tried to lock the door. I didn't want my brother to see this. He didn't need to see me like this.
I turned the key and dropped down to the floor. Someone knocked on the door, louder and louder. Time seemed to slow down.
I felt myself loosing oxygen, I couldn't breathe.
I tried to breathe in and out but it didn't seem to be working. Feeling as if I was drowning and slowly suffocating,
I looked down at my cut and started panicking. It was never this bad. It wasn't supposed to be this bad. There was a stinging pain in my arm, my head hurt. I drifted slowly in and out of consciousness, it was never this bad.
It was never this bad. I really believed my time was up. I was dying. This is it.
All my enemies can rejoice. I was dying, more blood flowed out of my system and tears stopped running down my cheeks.
It was never this bad.
My book isn't edited yet so I will be editing it slowly x
The chapters with a ✅ means it's been edited or rewritten
I'm sorry it's so short x
Lotsa love people x

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