Chapter 30: French Kisses and way to many thank you's

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I groaned as I walked out the exam room.
Blair came to me, a big smile visible on her face.
"I aced it!" She said smirking.
"That diagram though" I said sulking.
"Oh don't sulk! It was one small diagram, you knew everything else" she said.
I sighed "it's not the same"
Hunter smiled at me as he came out, he looked as if he wanted to come over and talk to me but suddenly someone gasped and the hallway was filled with excited giggles and whispers.
I looked up, trying to find the source of the attention.
I looked over seeing, a familiar blue eyed, blonde haired guy roaming the halls. Once his eyes caught mine, he instantly grinned ignoring the girls throwing him smiles and suggestive winks.
"Summer" he said waving as he moved closer to me.
I felt my cheeks instantly go red and Blair nudged me.
Aiden came over and smirked "babe! This place is like a freaking maze!" He said.
"Hey" I said reaching up and hugging him "what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I came to pick you up" he said
"Really?" I asked grinning.
"Ofcourse babe" he said smiling.
In the corner of my eye I saw Hunter. He shot Aiden a glare.
Suddenly Stephanie approached him, she said something and he nodded. Grabbing her as he leaned in kissing her.
I turned my attention back to Aiden, I tried to hide the fact that it felt as if a knife was in my chest and it was slowly twisting. I turned back to them.
He pushed her against the lockers. I couldn't help but wish that was me. Especially because I was about to kiss him the other day and he ran away.
"Are you okay?" Aiden asked grabbing my hand and holding it, he didn't seem to notice the scene that was going on behind him.
"I'm good, do you want to go?" I said struggling to get out the words without my voice breaking or me crying.
Aiden turned around and we started walking towards the entrance. There was a crowd formed around them. Some people yelled abuse others yelled for them to get a room. Most people just encouraged them.
I wanted to stop right there and break them apart.
They seemed to deepen the kiss as Aiden and I walked past.
I couldn't watch any longer. I looked at my feet and silently sighed forcing myself to get a grip.
Aiden smirked as he pulled me forward.
"I walked here? Do you want the bus?" He asked.
"I have my car" I said.
"Can I drive?" He asked.
I nodded, scared if I said something I would cry.
We pulled out of the school car park.
Why didn't Hunter realize he was breaking my heart?
"Your hurting" Aiden said softly.
I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say, I just looked out the window.
"Why?" He asked me.
I took a shaky sigh and focused on the road, tears slipped out of my eyes.
"Summer" Aiden said softly.
"It doesn't matter" I said to him "please drop it"
He kept silent for the whole car ride. We went straight past my house. I looked back to him. "Why are we going?" I asked.
He didn't answer me, keeping his eyes straight on the road.
I stayed silent, I was still crying, I put my head in my hands and just stayed in that position. Crying my eyes out.
Yes, true I was embarrassed. Very.
I was crying in front of Aiden, why?even worse my crush just kissed my worst enemy in front of me.
The car ride remained silent and I didn't even notice when we stopped. I looked up, seeing we were at the hill.
"Do you want to go up?" He asked "I understand if you don't- we don't even have to talk. Just let the river calm you"
I nodded, opening the car door.
We went up in silence.
I took a another shaky breathe as I sat on the letting the calm waters work their magic. I looked up at Aiden.
"Thanks- for understanding" I said.
"I'm not dropping it" he said softly
I couldn't help but fall into his arms.
"Thank you" I said "for caring"
"Stop thanking me" he said hugging me.
"So I guess I owe you an explanation." I said.
He shifted so I moved laying my head on his lap.
I looked up at him and he gave me a small smile.
"You don't have to tell me now" he said.
"It's fine- I might as well get it out" I said.
He nodded.
"Well- I really liked this guy Hunter, he and I was pretty close friends and he knows I really like him. I think I made it pretty obvious at the family thing" I said.
"Was he there?" Aiden asked.
"Yes" I said "that's why I was outside the garden for a long time"
"Carry on" he said.
"We spoke for a while, and he didn't tell me he was coming, it was supposed to be a surprise I guess. I don't even know he was in the city. So he surprised me, we chatted for a while and I almost kissed him. Then he ran away, he literally left me standing there in the dark" I said "and now he is sucking off my enemy's face"
"He's a jerk" Aiden said. "you deserve better"
He played with my hair, his breathing was even. Hearing that made me look up to him with a new light.
"really?" I said.
"Defiantly" he said "youre gorgeous, I don't understand why guys aren't throwing themselves at you. But still they don't deserve you"
"And who does?" I asked me.
He shrugged "someone like me, maybe"
I smiled "what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I am resisting the urge to go back to the school and punch the living shoes out of him" he said.( of course he didn't say shoes)
"Thanks Aiden" I said smiling up to him "really"
He smiled. "I know what will cheer you up"
"what?" I asked.
"What did the cow say he was doing on Saturday?" He asked me.
I chuckled "I don't know"
"He was going to the mooooovies" Aiden said.
I laughed "your so cheesy"
He winked "you like cheesy though"
"I don't know about cheesy, but I do like cheese" I said smirking.
He smirked "you're so weird"
"Im not weird" I said in mock hurt.
"I like weird" he said smirking.
"In that case I am very weird then" I said smirking.
He laughed. "Okay then"
"I can't believe he would do something like that though" I said.
"Maybe- he was trying to make you jealous" Aiden said.
"By kissing Stephanie? Trust me this wasn't the first time"I said.
"He probably genuinely likes her"
"I doubt it" Aiden said,
I looked out into the river.
"Your right about this place" I said."it's really calming"
"Sometimes you just need a place to relax" he said "and this is my place"
"Well thanks for bringing me here" I said.
"Summer- you need to stop thanking me" he said "please"
I smiled. "What is your biggest desire?"
"What do you mean?" He asked me.
"Like something you've always wanted to do?" I asked. "Mine is to make something no one has ever made before even if I don't get recognition for it"
"Well- At the moment, I really want to kiss you at the moment, but I can't" he said.
"Why?" I asked bluntly.
"You're still hurting over the Hunter dude" he said,
"I need to forget him anyway" I said.
"I won't be the one to distract you" he said seriously "your first kiss has to be special, well I'd hope for it to be"
I nodded.
"Well I guess this is pretty special though?" He said leaning forward.
I closed my eyes. Then suddenly I remembered.
"Aiden! We have our parents supper thing" I said.
His eyes widened.
"we have to go!" He said. He drove me home and promised to be here in an hour. I offered to fetch him but he insisted on taking the bus.
I got back in the house.
"Summer? Where were you?" My mother asked me.
"Sorry" I said.
"We have dinner, please hurry" she said "and wear something appropriate.
I nodded sprinting upstairs. I found my white skinny jeans and a blue blouse. I wore that with saddles. I quickly tied up my hair and put on foundation, mascara. I tried to keep my makeup as simple as possible. I sprayed perfume on myself and helped my mother out the plates.
"How many people is Aiden bringing?' My mother asked.
"I'm not sure" I said frowning, Aiden hadn't told me much about his family other than the stuff about his dad.
The doorbell rang and my heart skipped a beat. It's him.
It's them
I breathed as my father came in the room with my brother. Abby smirked as she typed something on her phone.
I opened the door. Aiden was dressed in a blue t-shirt and black pants. His hair was the usual messy and he had a smile visible on his face.
"Aiden" I breathed "hi"
He smiled "hey"
I looked behind him, seeing a small girl with brown hair and big grey eyes looking up at her mother. She tugged her mothers hand.
"Mommy- I'm hungry" she said.
Her mother smiled politely, shushing the little girl. Her mother had blue oceanic eyes and jet black hair. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. She was gorgeous. Now we know where Aiden got his looks from.
"Hello, I'm Summer and this is my family" I said "please- come in"
Aiden walked in and his mother and the little girl followed him.
"I'm Sheila, my husband Joe and my three children, Abigail, Richard and you know Summer" my mom said shaking Aidens mother hand.
"Hello, nice to meet you" she said smiling "Cassidy, My little pride and joy, Lilly and of course Aiden"
I looked over at Cassidy's dress code, she wore a purple halter neck top and faded Jeans. She wore old knee high boots. Lilly wore a blue rain jacket with a pink my little pony t-shirt underneath and jeans. She had little rain boots on.
"Oh it's nice to meet you, Cassidy" my mother said smiling "let's go to the dinner table"
My mom started walking there and everyone else followed, Aiden stayed behind, pulling me into the TV room.
"I didn't get to say thanks for organizing this" he said.
"We haven't sealed the deal yet" I said.
"It doesn't matter" he said "thanks you don't even understand"
I smiled "pleasure"
He grabbed my hand squeezing it, then we walked to the dinner table. Everyone except my mom was seated. I'm guessing my mom was in the kitchen.
"I'll go help her" Cassidy said standing up and walking to the kitchen.
"So, my father said.
"Aiden right?"
"Yes sir" Aiden said.
"How's school? What grade are you in again?"
"In Grade twelve sir" he said. My dad nodded.
"Are you into sports?" My father asked.
"Defiantly, rugby and I play a bit of soccer" he said.
"Ah" my father said smiling. He went on speaking about rugby and positions. My brother joined in.
I noticed Lilly looking a little uncomfortable.
I slid in the seat where her mother was sitting "so you're Lilly?"
"Yes" she responded, she had a tooth missing making her look nun more cuter.
"How old are you?" I asked her.
"I'm seven " she said.
"That's cool" I said. "While we are waiting for food do you want to see my room?"
"Ooh yes please!" She asked me eagerly.
I smiled as I stood up and helped her down.
"Abby? Do you want to come with?" I asked Abigail, she sat there looking bored out of her mind.
"please" she said nodding. I heard laughter coming from the kitchen as we walked past it.
"We are just going to my room quick" I said peaking through the door.
Cassidy had a wide smile on her face and my mother nodded.
"Be sure to be back in ten minutes" my mom said.
I nodded, Abby, Lilly and I headed upstairs and Lilly grabbed my hand.
"I like this house, it's big" she said smiling.
"Well- thank you" I said.
I opened my door and Lilly let go of my hand and ran in.
"Wow!" She screamed. "It's beautiful!"
"Thank you" I said.
"I always imagined my big sister's room to look like this" she said "you're gonna marry my brother aren't you?"
"Um" I said not knowing what to say.
Abby chuckled, I looked to her for help and she shrugged.
"Yes, their gonna get married, one day not now though" Abby said.
"Yes of course not now" Lilly said "cause they get married then they'll be allowed to kiss and if they kiss too much then they'll have babies. And I can't be an Aunty now! I'm only seven!"
I laughed.
"But if they do get married now then you guys will be my sisters" she said.
Abby grinned "yes"
"I've always wanted a sister! Now I'll have two" Lilly said smiling.
I laughed "Yay! You'll be the sister I never had"
"Hey!" Abby said punching my shoulder.
"Ow- I was joking" I said rubbing my shoulder.
"Naughty Abby" Lilly said shaking her head as she came closer to me . "I'll kiss it better"
She jumped on my bed and came closer to me and kissed my shoulder.
"See! Much better" she exclaimed.
"Yay!" I cheered.
"We should go down now" Abby said.
"Yes" I nodded
"can I have a piggy back ride?" Lilly asked
"Sure" Abby said leaning down as Lilly got on her back as wrapped her little legs around my sister waist.
"Can you drive?" She asked.
Abby nodded.
"So can my brother except he drives a motorcycle! It's huge" Lilly said. As we walked downstairs.
"Lilly!" Cassidy said shocked.
"Get off"
Lilly wiggled around then got off my sister.
"what have I taught you?" Cassidy scolded her.
"No, it's totally fine" Abby said "I offered"
We all sat down at the table and I sat next to Aiden, he grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it again.
My mother took off the lids and we dished up.
I mostly spoke to Aiden and Lilly spoke to Abby and Richard.
The adults spoke amongst themselves. After Supper, Aiden, Abby and I got the dishes and took it to the kitchen.
When we were finished, the adults told us to occupy ourselves because they wanted to talk about the flat.
We sat in the TV room. There was nothing nice playing on TV.
"I'm bored" my sister moaned.
"Me too" Lilly said.
"How bout we all get icecream?Abby said.
"Abs- it's like Nine o'clock and plus all we have is moms slimmers choice ice cream and it takes gross" I said.
"Come on we'll take the car" my sister said."and we'll go to Ice Cream Palace"
"I second that!" Lilly said jumping up.
"Me too" Aiden said. They looked at me expectantly.
"Fine- lets get ice cream" I said.
Lilly let out a small cheer and Abby got up to tell our parents and get Richard from his room.
"Dibs the front seat' Lilly screamed.
"Um no" Aiden said.
"Run around, touch the ground. Dibs" Lilly said touching the ground.
"Lilly" Aiden warned.
Lilly stuck out her tongue, "you aren't fun! Can I sit in the front?"
She asked me.
"Lilly" Aiden said again.
"She's my sister! She can choose" Lilly said.
"I'm your brother" Aiden said.
"She's prettier" Lilly said.
Aiden mocked being hurt.
"I'm pretty!"
"No you aren't! Boys can't be pretty" she said.
"Ah! I'm hurt!" Aiden said dramatically dropping to the ground "my heart"
I laughed.
"Let's go and pretend we didn't see anything" I whispered to Lilly and she nodded excitedly.
"Hey!" Aiden said.
We laughed and Abby came back with the keys.
"Richards up playing Call Of Duty, he said the next person who disturbs him gets killed, so I think we good to go without him" Abby said as we walked to the garage.
Lilly climbed into my sisters Land Rover. She got into the front seat and my sister strapped her up and got in.
Aiden and I sat in the back seat, He looked over at me and smirked.
"What?" I said.
"You look pretty" he whispered.
I smiled "thanks"
"How are you feeling?" He whispered.
"Better" I said.
"Your hearts in one piece now?" He asked.
"Perfectly" I said giggling.
Lilly turned back and laughed,
"Aiden and Summer sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Lilly sang.
"Okay okay" Aiden said "we aren't kissing"
"you were about to" Lilly pointed out and my sister winked at me in the review mirror.
"No doing it dirty in my car please" she said "especially since we have little eyes in the car"
I chocked on air and I knew my cheeks were red.
"Abigail" Aiden said looking at her shocked.
She shrugged "just saying"
There was silence in the car until Lilly looked back at us then to Abby.
"How do you do it dirty?" She asked.
Aiden started whistling and I looked out the window.
"Well someone has to explain" Lilly said crossing her arms.
"You said it you explain it"I said to Abby.
"What do you want me to corrupt Lilly's mind?" She said.
Aiden laughed "no thanks, I still have to stay with her remember"
"Guys! How do you do it dirty?" Lilly moaned.
"Um- it's when you kiss someone" Abby lied.
"Oh" Lilly said nodding. "So like French Kissing?"
Aidens eyes widened and I almost chocked on air again.
"How the hell do you know what French kissing is Lilly?" Aiden said.
"Isn't it when you kiss someone and you say something French before?" She asked innocently.
"Like bonjour" she said kissing the air "bonjour"
I laughed nervously and the we stopped at the Ice Cream Palace.
"Yes, yup uh-huh that's what it is totally, hahhahahahaha" I said "look ice cream!"
Lilly looked at us still not convinced "that isnt how you French kiss is it?" She asked cocking her head.
"Yes it is" Aiden said getting out the car.
We all came out and Lilly shook her head.
"No it isn't! You're a liar liar pants on fire!" She said "when you lie your voice goes all high"
We got into the ice cream shop, it was pretty full.
Lilly looked at us "I want a proper explanation"
"We told you" Abby said "what ice cream do you want?"
Lilly shook her head "don't change the subject"
"Why do you want to know?" Aiden asked "are you planning on kiss any boys?"
"Ew no thank you! Boys have cooties!" She shrieked.
Suddenly a girl with bright pink hair and a lot of tattoos came past us. She had a large ice cream with rainbow sprinkles in her hand.
"Ooh!" Lilly said "I want that"
Phew. Lilly is distracted.
We got back home at eleven o'clock, the line was pretty long and we decided to eat there. When we got home the adults were still talking and laughing.
Lilly fell asleep on the way home so Aiden carried her out of the car.
"Okay- I think we should go" Cassidy said "thanks so much for everything. I'll be seeing you tomorrow to view the house and finalize?"
"Yes" my mom agreed "it was nice to meet you"
Cassidy smiled and came up to Aiden grabbing Lilly.
I went up to my room and got my car keys.
"You can have my car for tonight" I said giving my keys to Aiden.
"Thanks" he said smiling.
He lay Lilly in the back seat and his mom waved goodbye and she got in the car.
Aiden smiled snd they waved goodbye and they started driving off. My mom and dad got back inside and Aiden suddenly stopped the car.
I looked at him confused as he came to me.
I was the only one left on the porch and he smiled, hugging me.
"I don't usually believe in miracles but you are one" he said to me.
"Thank you for everything"
"It's nothing" I said.
He smiled leaning in, he kissed my forehead.
His lips were very soft and warm.
"Text me when you get home?" I asked.
"Okay" he said,
"Bye Aiden" I said.
"Bye babe!" He said smiling as he got into the car and drove away.
I sighed, closing the door behind and headed upstairs. My mom grinned at me,
"Nice people" she said to me "Aidens pretty cute"
I laughed "I know"
"You'd be a good couple" she said smirking.
"Thanks mom" I said going into my bedroom. I took a quick shower and changed into my PJ's.
I got into bed and put my phone on charge.
My head still tingling where he kissed me.
My phone buzzed and Aidens name popped up. My heart skipped a beat as I put my password in and looked at the message.
'I'm home x Thanks for the amazing night.'
I grinned as put my phone down and I sat there just smiling like a creepy phyco. Then I realized something.
I, Summer Leila Arias may or may not have certain feelings towards Aiden.
Hey guys x
How are you doing?
Ooh next chapter more romance.
Yay! I love this chapter.
Vote of this chapter made you smile, even slightly.
Comment if it made you laugh, or feel some emotion.
I'll write more of these chapters.
Lots of love
Ps: Aiden isn't a gold digger, he doesn't like Summer because of her money. That's if he likes her *wink wink* you'll find out in the next chapter.
PPS: I'm sorry to all Hunter fans, there will be more of him in the last chapter, since it will be in his POV( three more chapters left xxx YAY!!)

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