Sakura's Magical Evolution

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In the serene embrace of her bed, Sakura clutched the grey bear Syaoran had gifted her months ago, a tangible reminder of their shared moments. Her peaceful countenance soon crumbled as an insistent ringing intruded upon her dreams, forcibly rousing her from slumber. She let out a grumbling sigh and shifted beneath her blankets, attempting to bury herself from the world.

As the intrusive sound persisted and grew more annoying by the second, Sakura's groans evolved into articulate grumbles. She reached out, her hand fumbling for the source of the disturbance. Her fingers finally connected with her alarm clock, and with sleepy determination, she tried to silence it by pressing the snooze button. However, much to her dismay, the noise refused to cease.

"Stupid alarm clock," she muttered, her voice heavy with sleep. But soon, the fog of slumber lifted, and she realised her error. It wasn't her alarm clock; it was her phone.

With a begrudging sigh, Sakura rose from her bed and made her way to retrieve her mobile phone. She stared at the screen, squinting in the harsh light, and sleepily answered, "Hello...?"

"Sakura?" a voice sounded from the other end.

"Huh?" Sakura responded, her mind slowly emerging from its sleepy haze.

"It's Tomoyo. Listen, I'm en route to your residence as we speak. I'm aware it's early, but—" Before Tomoyo could complete her sentence, another voice interjected from her side. "-Look. I got to go. See you soon."

The call ended abruptly, leaving Sakura holding her phone, her thoughts drifting in the wake of Tomoyo's mysterious morning message. I wonder what she wants, she pondered, her brow furrowed.

Kero, who had roused from his slumber, fluttered over to Sakura, rubbing his eyes with tiny paws. "Who was calling you so early?"

Sakura let out a sigh and replied, her voice still carrying the remnants of sleepiness. "It was Tomoyo... She said she's on her way here, right now."

Kero, always eager for sweets, couldn't help but add, "I hope she brought us some treats."

But then, Kero's playful demeanour shifted as he noticed Sakura's troubled expression. "What's wrong? You've been distant since sealing the Void Card. Are you sure it didn't take that feeling away?" he inquired, his fuzzy face displaying genuine concern.

"I'm sure," Sakura responded, her tone weighted with solemnity. "Tomoyo was right about the Void and Nameless Cards merging to create the Hope Card. My feelings of love are intact. It's just... Touya and I had a major argument, and I've never seen him so upset. Usually, we patch things up within a few hours, but this time he brought Syaoran into it. He yelled at me for trusting Syaoran too much."

Sakura's voice trembled as she continued, pacing back and forth in her room. "Kero, I love Syaoran. It took me a long time to realise it, and even longer to tell him. But now that I have, I don't want him to leave," she confessed, her emotions welling up, and tears beginning to fall.

Kero gazed at her with a mixture of sympathy and helplessness, knowing that there was little he could do to alleviate Sakura's emotional turmoil when it came to Syaoran. It was a matter only Syaoran himself could address, and he couldn't stay in Japan for much longer due to school and his new living arrangements.

"Um... Sakura, didn't you mention that Tomoyo would be arriving soon?" Kero inquired, his curiosity evident as he observed Sakura, who was still in her nightdress. Sakura gasped in horror as she realised the need to get ready on time. The room filled with the sounds of her hurried movements, slamming and crashing into things as she frantically got dressed.


Tomoyo, Sakura, and Kero were now sitting in Sakura's bedroom, savouring slices of chocolate cake that Tomoyo had brought with her.

"Sakura, don't worry about Touya's anger toward Li; he's just concerned about his little sister," Tomoyo reassured Sakura after hearing her account of the argument.

"You know what's surprising? I can't believe that you confessed your true feelings to Li, and I wasn't there to capture it on video," Tomoyo lamented, her heart slightly aching. Sakura blushed at the memory of when she had revealed her emotions to Syaoran.

"I did manage to record Li's confession, though. It's a pity I didn't capture yours," Tomoyo added, gazing at her best friend. Sakura rubbed the back of her neck and shifted her attention to the Hope Card, which she had taken out to examine more closely.

"Kero, remember when I mentioned that I didn't want anyone else taking my Cards and that I want to use them without my staff?" Sakura changed the topic. Kero glanced at her while nibbling on his cake.

"Yes, Sakura, it requires a tremendous amount of concentration and control over magic to use them without a medium," Kero pointed out, taking another bite of his cake.

"But it is possible, right? If she put in enough effort?" Tomoyo asked as she observed the pink Sakura book nearby.

"Yes, it is indeed possible for Sakura to wield the Cards without her staff, but it will demand rigorous practice, as well as time and energy," Kero replied, recalling Clow Reed's abilities. "However, I strongly suggest you consult with Eriol before attempting anything," Kero added, looking directly at Sakura.

"I'll make sure to be there each and every time you practise, Sakura," Tomoyo promised, grasping Sakura's hands tightly. Their intimate moment was interrupted by a sudden knocking at the door. Sakura got up from the floor and walked over to her bedroom door, opening it.

"Syaoran, what are you doing here?" Sakura asked in surprise as Syaoran entered the room. Sakura blushed and quickly averted her gaze, only to find Tomoyo wearing a sly smile.

"Hey, kid, has Sakura filled you in on her plan to use her Cards without the staff?" Kero called out to Syaoran, who looked at him with wide eyes.

"You want to do what?" Syaoran blurted out, his voice rising unintentionally. Sakura looked at him with a hint of shyness, as if she had done something wrong.

"Well, I think it's a great idea," Tomoyo chimed in, coming to Sakura's rescue. "Sakura will be able to use her Cards without summoning the staff. After all, we know it can be done."

Syaoran still looked concerned. "But won't Sakura be in the same situation she was in when she was transforming the Cards into Sakura Cards?"

"Don't worry about it. I've told her to run it past Eriol first before she tries anything," Kero reassured him. He had confidence in Sakura's abilities, as long as she put in the effort. However, he did acknowledge that getting Sakura to finish her homework on time was challenging enough.

Syaoran's expression softened, and he looked down at the ground. "Sakura..." he began, his voice trailing off as he seemed a bit flustered. "I was hoping that we could go for a walk?"

Sakura, blushing, replied, "I would like that very much." She glanced at Syaoran, who stood there like a statue, seemingly lost in thought.

Before anyone could say more, Tomoyo quickly intervened, breaking the moment. "Oh my, look at the time! I better be heading out myself. I have a few things to do with Meilin before summer vacation ends." With that, she dashed out the door, leaving Sakura and Syaoran in the doorway, their feelings hanging in the air.

The Past Returnsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें