Whispers of Auras and Theatrical Memories

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The scorching sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the school grounds. The first day of summer vacation came to a close, marked by the laughter of students heading home. Sakura and Tomoyo, their school uniforms feeling uncomfortably warm, decided to escape the heat and retreat to Sakura's house, a haven shaded by the lush greenery of her backyard.

"Eriol's back in Tomoeda and he's attending your school?" Kero questioned, beads of sweat forming on his tiny brow as he sipped iced tea.

"Yes. I wasn't expecting him to return so soon and without warning." Tomoyo explained, her calm demeanour unaffected by the rising temperature.

"Did he say why he was back?" Kero asked, his curiosity piqued.

"All he said was, an old friend." Tomoyo answered, feeling confused.

"An old friend?" Kero echoed, confusion knitting his tiny brows. "Did he mention who it was?"

The two girls exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment that their knowledge had its limits.

"I'm sorry, Kero. I should've brought this up yesterday. I sensed Clow Reed's aura. It was just for a moment, and I didn't get a chance to investigate," Sakura admitted, her voice tinged with regret.

"What! How could you forget to tell me?" Kero erupted, his exclamation almost as explosive as the tea he unintentionally spit out. Sakura, feeling like the worst Mistress in the world, hung her head in shame.

"Take it easy, Kero. Sakura didn't mean to forget. She's dealing with a lot right now – Li's return, a sudden magic power surge," Tomoyo intervened, her calm tone acting as a balm to the heated moment.

Kero sighed in defeat, shaking his head. "I guess you're right, Tomoyo. I have a theory as to why Sakura's magic has suddenly gone into overdrive, but I'll have to confirm it with Yue to clarify," he conceded, changing his tune after absorbing Tomoyo's reasoning. Sakura let out a breath, and Tomoyo thanked Kero for his understanding.

"Now, Sakura," Tomoyo said, turning her attention away from Kero and focusing on the girl beside her. "Do tell me about that kiss you and Li shared last night. It looked pretty intense." Tomoyo's question hit the air like a firework, and Sakura turned all shades of red in a matter of seconds.

"The kiss?" Sakura squeaked, fully aware that Tomoyo had been dying to ask about it since last night but refrained during school hours.

"Yes, the kiss and don't leave anything out. I need to know all the details," Tomoyo demanded, her voice growing louder by the minute.

"I... er... wanted to give Syaoran my answer to his question before he left," Sakura stammered, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink.

"So you told him and he made the first move?" Tomoyo questioned, her curiosity working overtime to piece together the scene.

"Not exactly. I made the first move and kissed him," Sakura admitted, fidgeting with her shirt sleeve.

"Oh my goodness, Sakura!" Tomoyo exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement anymore.

"Tomoyo, please, keep it down. I don't want my brother or father running in here," Sakura begged, casting a nervous glance around.

"I can't believe you kissed Li. I was sure if there was going to be any kissing between you two, then I would have imagined Li taking the lead," Tomoyo added with a mischievous grin.

"What! You gave that kid your first kiss!" Kero shouted in disbelief.

"Kero! Shush!" Sakura retaliated, her eyes widening in panic. "If Touya finds out I kissed Syaoran, he'll end up six feet under, and I'll never hear the end of it," she explained, lowering her voice to a near whisper.

"Wait. Didn't you kiss Li in the play Sleeping Beauty back in Fifth grade?" Tomoyo asked, her memory working overtime.

"No, and before you say I chickened out, the play was rudely interrupted by the Light and Dark Cards. You can thank them for their timely appearance," Sakura huffed, crossing her arms.

"So you were willing to give Li your first kiss back then, even though you liked Mr. Tsukishiro?" Tomoyo asked, her tone laced with playful curiosity, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

Wide-eyed, Sakura stared at Tomoyo in disbelief. The notion that the 'kiss scene' in Sleeping Beauty might be considered her first kiss with Li had never crossed her mind before.

"I never thought of it like that. I just wanted to do my best in the play," Sakura answered, feeling embarrassed that the idea hadn't crossed her mind.

"Well, if you ask me, I think Sakura made an awesome prince in that play," Kero chimed back into the girls' conversation.

"I can't agree more, Kero. Sakura really did make a great prince. On the other hand, Li could've tried harder to be a more convincing princess," Tomoyo commented, unimpressed by Syaoran's robotic acting skills.

"With all the different situations his mother puts him through and expects him to succeed, no questions asked, I'm very surprised he didn't try harder in the play."

"Don't blame the kid, Tomoyo. He was in a confusing place back then, and knowing that he was going to be kissed by someone he liked must have played on his mind a lot," Kero said, nodding towards Sakura.

"I still have both the costumes at home. I would love to film that scene once more, knowing there won't be any interruptions this time," Tomoyo said, spacing out at the thought of it. Sakura stared at her, flustered at the idea of recreating the kiss. Kero saw his chance to steal some of Sakura's food while she was distracted by Tomoyo.

Suddenly, Sakura's face shot up, her eyes widening in alarm, and she was now staring intensely at the window. The room seemed to hush, and an uneasy stillness settled over the trio.

"What's wrong, Sakura?" Tomoyo asked, her voice a mixture of concern and curiosity as she caught sight of her friend's abrupt change in demeanour.

"I thought I sensed an aura, although I'm not sure who it belongs to," Sakura answered, her unease palpable, her gaze fixed on the window as if trying to penetrate the darkness beyond.

"Hiiragizawa isn't standing outside your bedroom window again, is he?" Tomoyo asked, a hint of suspicion creeping into her tone. She rose from her seat and walked purposefully to the window in question, peering into the night.

"Sakura's right. There is a strange aura, but I can't say I recognize it," Kero confirmed, his eyes narrowing as he concentrated on his magical senses.

"No. It doesn't belong to Eriol. I'm not sure who it is, but whoever they are, they have a similar one to that of Clow Reed's," Sakura said, her voice carrying a mix of uncertainty and a hint of urgency. The room, once filled with the light banter of friends, now hung on the edge of a mysterious revelation.

A/N; (Edited 15/11/23)

Who does this new aura belong to? and if it isn't Eriol, or Clow Reed, then who is it?

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