Legacy of Flames: Unveiling Resentment

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura and Tomoyo won't. instead they will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies. I will be continuing this pattern.


"Eriol!" Sakura's panicked cry echoed through the room, the desperation evident in her voice as she witnessed her friend's futile struggle against the unforgiving ropes. Each attempt to free himself only resulted in the bindings tightening, a cruel dance of entrapment. Both friends now ensnared, Sakura wasted no time summoning the power of one of her arcane Cards. "Windy Card, transform into a binding cord," she commanded, tossing the card into the air with determination.

"Release!" Sakura's voice resonated with authority as her Staff activated the Card's magic. A spectral, womanly figure emerged from the card, gliding menacingly toward Calista. The Windy Card manifested into ethereal white ropes, seeking to ensnare their elusive target.

The group watched with bated breath as the spectral ropes closed in on Calista. However, their hopes were shattered as the bindings dissolved before their eyes.

"Prophetic." Calista remarked casually, her tone dripping with a sinister calmness. "Now let me show you what a true sorceress can do with the elements."

Calista raised her hands above her head and within seconds, an ominous gust of wind spiralled into existence. Her long, dark hair whipped around her face, an eerie dance accentuating the unfolding chaos. Sakura's worry deepened as nearby objects were violently drawn into the growing vortex above.

Cerberus voiced the group's collective concern, "This can't be good." The clouds expanded ominously, casting a foreboding shadow over the scene.

Satisfied with her malevolent creation, Calista directed the tempestuous cloud towards Sakura. The destructive force surged forward, a manifestation of Calista's unleashed power.

"Sheled!" Sakura's urgent cry pierced through the tempest as she activated her Card. An ethereal shield materialised just in the nick of time, its faint opaqueness a barrier between Sakura and impending destruction. The Shield repelled the random objects caught in the winds, sending them ricocheting in all directions, shattering upon impact with the ground. A collective sigh of relief echoed through the group, acknowledging Sakura's safety.

"I don't want to hurt you, Calista," Sakura called out from within the protective bubble of the Shield.

"Do you think I want to hurt you?" Calista retorted, her voice tinged with a sinister edge. She continued her assault, sending more objects hurtling towards Sakura. The Shield vibrated with each impact, the cacophony of broken wood and metal creating a symphony of destruction around the trapped girl.

"Your actions tell me otherwise," Sakura retorted, her voice unwavering despite the chaotic storm brewing around them.

Still bound, Eriol began a methodical struggle to free himself. With each subtle movement, the ropes loosened their grip, granting him the freedom to wield his Sun Staff. Uttering incantations under his breath, the Staff radiated a brilliant glow, causing the remaining bonds to crumble and fall to the ground.

"Hey, Calista!" Eriol's voice cut through the tempest as he pointed his charged Staff at her.

Calista turned, but it was too late. Bolts of lightning surged toward her, striking her chest with a force that made her stagger backward, momentarily losing her balance.

"You dare attack me!?" Calista's roar echoed through the room, her eyes ablaze with rage.

Eriol shifted his stance, bracing himself for an inevitable and painful retaliation. A chilling wind began to gust, rapidly gaining momentum until it felt like a tempest had unleashed its fury in the heart of the room. Safe within her protective bubble, Sakura observed as her friends shielded their faces, struggling against the blistering winds threatening to knock them over. The air crackled with magic and the room seemed to vibrate with the raw power of the unfolding confrontation.

"Eriol, look out!" Sakura's urgent cry filled the air as electricity crackled and shot out in the form of lightning bolts, aiming for Eriol.

Responding swiftly to Sakura's warning, Eriol deftly dodged Calista's relentless attacks, countering with a barrage of fire bolts that illuminated the room like a chaotic display of fireworks. Lightning struck the ground, creating dazzling flashes that forced everyone to shield their eyes. Eriol's fire bolts left a trail of destruction, scorching marks and igniting mini fires that added to the chaos.

The room became a battlefield of elements, fire and lightning clashing in a desperate struggle for dominance. The air crackled with energy and the once pristine surroundings were marred by the destructive dance of magic.

"Give up, Calista!" Eriol's voice cut through the chaos, his agility allowing him to evade her attacks.

"Never!" Calista's roar echoed, accompanied by yet another searing lightning bolt.

Eriol, using his now battle-worn Sun Staff, redirects her attack, but the accumulated strain proves too much. The staff shattered, breaking off a piece with the force of the impact.

Undeterred, Eriol discarded the broken remnants of his staff. Drawing on the teachings from his books, he chanted an incantation he had committed to memory. His hands glowed white, poised to absorb any energy they came into contact with, a determined resolve etched across his face as he prepared for the next phase of the intense confrontation.

Readying himself, Eriol swiftly moved his arms, gracefully catching all of Calista's attacks safely in his hands. A sense of relief washed over him as the spell proved effective and a subtle smile graced Eriol's face. Calista's relentless onslaught continued and it didn't take long for her rage to manifest, each attack absorbed by the young sorcerer, even the sly ones that she believed had gone unnoticed.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, Eriol responded, "I'm sorry for what happened, Calista, but attacking me won't bring him back."

"Maybe not, but how can I let this opportunity slide?" Calista retorted with a venomous edge. "After all, it's your fault he's dead!"

Seizing the opportunity to shift the tide, Eriol transitioned from a defensive stance to an offensive one. Harnessing the power he had absorbed, he rubbed his hands together, generating an electric charge that pulsed through his veins. Bolts of electricity shot out from his fingertips, aimed directly at Calista, who quickly summoned her own protective shield. The lightning collided with the shield, only to ricochet back.

Eriol, anticipating the rebound, dodged sideways with agile precision as the electrifying force shot past him. The room crackled with the intense energy of the confrontation, the air heavy with the weight of their conflicting powers.

"You're not the only one who can mirror power!" Calista's triumphant shout reverberated through the room. In a blink, her bolts of lightning morphed into searing flames, a sudden and unexpected transformation that caught Eriol off guard.

Calista's maniacal laughter filled the air as Eriol, now forced to contend with a fiery onslaught, dodged her attacks once again. The toll of wielding this new magic began to wear on him, fatigue evident in his every movement.

Eriol, holding his hands out in a desperate attempt to fend off the flames, found himself overwhelmed. The harsh heat of the fire seared through his defences, causing him to recoil in pain from the burns.

Amidst the ongoing battle, Calista and Eriol remained locked in a fierce struggle, oblivious to the havoc they were wreaking on their surroundings. Unbeknownst to them, Cerberus had taken on the role of protector, using his large angelic wings as a shield to safeguard Tomoyo from the magical crossfire. Despite his best efforts, the billowing smoke hindered his ability to ward off all rogue attacks.

Panic etched across Sakura's face as she witnessed a massive flame hurtling toward her guardian and friend. "Watch out!" she cried out, the urgency in her voice cutting through the chaotic cacophony of battle.

A/N: (Edited: 16/11/23)

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