Harmony Shattered: The Cataclysmic Genesis of the Clow Cards

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura and Tomoyo won't. instead they will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies. I will be continuing on this pattern.

Harmony Shattered: The Cataclysmic Genesis of the Clow Cards

Sakura, having absorbed the weight of Calista's tumultuous past, summarised the revelation with a mix of empathy and confusion. "You were angry at Clow Reed for wanting to continue. You both knew he was putting his own life on the line to create the Clow Cards, and he didn't care if he got injured or even died in the process."

"I told him outright he was mad, but he paid no notice. Instead, he found someone who was willing and stupid enough to go along with the idea," Calista disclosed.

"Who?" Sakura inquired, curiosity lighting up her eyes.

"Doesn't matter," Calista dismissed, brushing off the significance. "Chances are she's either stuck in a world sealed off from ours, like I was, or dead."

Cerberus, perpetually inquisitive, couldn't resist delving further. "Wait. What could you possibly have done for Clow Reed to trap his very own sister?"

"I guess he didn't like my reaction..." Calista answered, trailing off.

"Your reaction. To what?" Sakura probed, attempting to unravel the layers of the perplexing narrative. But each revelation only added to the confusion.

"For..." Calista began, her eyes shimmering with tears. "For his death."

"It wasn't Clow Reed's-?" Sakura cautiously started, her question left unfinished as Calista vehemently cut her off.

"No!" Calista snapped. "But I sure as hell will kill him for what he did!"

"Time has already taken care of that for you, Calista. Clow Reed is long dead now and has been for many years," Cerberus gently reminded, attempting to soothe the charged atmosphere.

"Shhh," Tomoyo whispered into the Lion's ear, sensing the rising tension. "Now is not the time to make Sakura or Calista angry right now."

With a palpable air of anticipation, Sakura, determined to understand, finally posed the crucial question, "What happened?"

Flashback to a few years later

The atmosphere in Clow Reed's study was charged with the heady scent of aged parchment and the subtle hum of magical energy. Soft candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls adorned with esoteric symbols. The room echoed with the delicate rustle of pages turning, each one revealing another triumph in Clow's lifelong pursuit of magic.

Calista, showing the passage of time through lines etched on her face, stood at a cautious distance. The air was laced with the distinct aroma of old books, mingling with the sweet undertone of vanilla-scented candles. The flickering lights played upon Clow's face, accentuating the lines etched by years of magical experimentation.

"Congratulations," Calista's voice, tinged with a mix of pride and concealed worry, cut through the room. "I'm genuinely proud of you, Clow. Your unwavering dedication has finally borne fruit after all these years."

The ambiance was further enriched by the muted sounds of turning pages, creating a symphony of knowledge and accomplishment. The room seemed to hold its breath as Clow Reed, with a mischievous gleam in his eye, turned to face his sister.

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