Beyond the Hourglass

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura and Tomoyo won't. instead they will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol and Yue will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies.


A single tear traced a delicate path down Sakura's cheek as she absorbed Eriol's poignant narrative. "I'm so sorry, Calista. I honestly had no idea you've been enduring this silent struggle for so long," she murmured, tenderly wiping her face. Tomoyo and Cerberus, silent witnesses to the emotional revelation, stood stoically, their presence offering a silent solidarity.

Meanwhile, Calista, overwhelmed by the weight of her past, looked down, tears carving a delicate trail down her pallid complexion. "All I ever craved was to reunite with my son," she whispered, the words a fragile admission of her deepest longing.

"I know," Sakura responded, her voice a gentle undercurrent of understanding.

Calista, her voice trembling, continued to unravel the complexities of her emotions. "When I discovered you possessed the Clow Cards, panic seized me. I feared you'd be consumed by them, much like Clow." She paused, taking a steadying breath. "I believed I had to intervene, to save you. Yet, now I see that's not necessary. Your bond with the Cards is formidable, and their loyalty to you is undeniable."

"Thank you, Calista," Sakura said, her smile a beacon of gratitude.

With a heavy heart, Calista revealed her sole regret, "My only genuine remorse is that I never got to bid farewell to Lang. Consumed by the desperate pursuit to bring him back, I missed his passing and now it's too late."

Sakura, her gaze drifting downward, noticed the presence of the weathered old bear. A bittersweet smile played on her lips as she tenderly picked it up, inspecting the worn relic of a past marked by loss and longing.

"Perhaps you still can," Sakura gently suggested, holding out the weathered teddy bear.

A gasp escaped Calista as she reached out slowly, her hands enveloping the cherished bear. "Thank you, Sakura."

"This was his favourite teddy bear. Lang took it everywhere with him," Calista continued, cradling her son's bear close to her heart.

"I'm so sorry for the choices I made, for kidnapping you and holding you against your will," Calista expressed, glancing over at Tomoyo.

"It's okay. While I can't say I'm thrilled, I understand why you did it," Tomoyo replied, her grasp on Sakura's hand unwavering.

"You have an incredible friend in Sakura," Calista acknowledged, motioning towards her.

Tomoyo smiled, tightening her grip. "I know."

"You're a wonderful owner. Clow Reed would be proud," Calista complimented, a warm smile gracing her thin lips.

The group observed in quiet reverence as Calista's ethereal form began to ascend, her ghostly skin glowing brightly.

"Thank you for your assistance and for granting me the chance to finally move on," she expressed before fading from sight.

The room plunged into darkness as the last particles of light vanished. Turning her attention to her best friend, Sakura wrapped her arms tightly around Tomoyo.

"I'm so sorry," Sakura whispered, tears streaming down her face. "Are you hurt?"

Shaking her head, Tomoyo returned the embrace. "I'm fine, Sakura. I knew you would come for me," she said, a reassuring smile on her lips.

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