Shattered Resilience

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Amidst the summer's embrace, Sakura relished a leisurely walk home, basking in the serene aftermath of a spirited cheerleading practice. The day's tranquil ambience provided her the gift of peaceful contemplation, allowing her to collect her thoughts on the flurry of recent events.

"Sakura!" A gentle voice carried through the air, beckoning to her from a distance of half a block. Observing Sakura's deep reverie, the girl quickened her pace into a light jog to catch up. "Sakura," she called once more, reaching out to lightly touch her friend's arm.

"Tomoyo, what's the matter?" Sakura inquired, her gaze shifting to the concerned expression on her friend's face.

"Have you, by any chance, forgotten our plan to visit my place after practice today?" Tomoyo gently reminded her, her touch still delicate and reassuring.

"I'm sorry, Tomoyo. It completely slipped my mind," Sakura admitted, her voice filled with genuine regret as she realised her oversight, a serene acknowledgment of the situation.

"That's okay, Sakura. Don't worry about it. Let's just go now. We can take the car this time; it's much faster," Tomoyo said, leading her friend back the other way, where a long black car was waiting.

With Sakura holding her hand, she noticed the sleek black limousine parked nearby, with two female bodyguards dressed in black business suits standing next to it. As the two schoolgirls approached the limousine, Tomoyo gave a friendly smile and waved to the guards, apologising for the delay.

The young girl then turned to the guards and cheerfully explained, "Sakura will be coming with me to my house." In response, the two bodyguards nodded and opened the rear passenger door, allowing the girls to climb in.


As the limousine continued its journey, a towering, obsidian fence gradually came into view, extending across the entire forecourt, seeming to stretch endlessly into the distance. Sakura remained seated, her gaze fixed upon the awe-inspiring sight of Tomoyo's family estate. The fence, standing tall and imposing, served as a silent sentinel, guarding the grandeur that lay beyond.

In the midst of Sakura's admiration, a subtle mechanical hum filled the air, and the imposing black divider, which had discreetly separated the passengers from the driver, began to gracefully lower, revealing the interior of the limousine.

"We have arrived, Miss Daidouji," the driver announced, her voice bearing a touch of formality, drawing the attention of both girls to her presence.

In response to the driver's words, the limousine's sleek doors on either side silently swung open. One of the bodyguards, displaying a graceful fluidity of movement, circled around to the side where Sakura was seated and gently pulled open her door, extending an invitation to step out.

Sakura stepped out from the limousine with deliberate steps, taking her time to absorb the grandeur that unfolded before her.

"Wow, Tomoyo, I totally forgot how big and beautiful your place is!" Sakura exclaimed with genuine excitement. Her gaze wandered across the vast garden space that stretched out before them, guiding their path to the front door.

Tomoyo couldn't help but giggle at Sakura's response. It was, indeed, characteristic of her best friend to forget the intricate details of such opulence. After all, it wasn't every day that her close friend, who attended a public school, entered the world of lavish living within a grand mansion.

As the two girls embarked on their leisurely walk up the garden path, Sakura marvelled at the meticulous hedges on either side, neatly cut and perfectly maintained. The freshly mowed grass underfoot provided a cushion of softness, while a magnificent water fountain served as the garden's central masterpiece. The mansion itself rose three stories high, with a protective brick wall encompassing the immediate grounds. Each of the first and second floors had their very own balconies that offered sweeping vistas of the entire estate.

After strolling through the enchanting gardens, the girls reached the majestic steps leading to the imposing double doors. Still smiling, Tomoyo gracefully opened the doors, ushering Sakura inside.

As they ventured down the lengthy hallway, they were greeted by a maid who extended a polite welcome. With a courteous demeanour, she inquired if there was anything they required.

"I would appreciate a pot of tea for two brought to my room, and please let my mother know that Sakura has arrived. Thank you," Tomoyo instructed the maid with a tone of warmth and refinement. The maid nodded in acknowledgment before departing, her steps echoing as she made her way back to the bustling kitchen.

Gently clasping Sakura's hand, Tomoyo led her through the rest of the hallway and up a flight of stairs that brought them to a set of imposing double doors. Sakura waited in quiet anticipation, observing as Tomoyo deftly unlocked them with a single key.

Upon entering, the two girls found themselves in what appeared to be a well-appointed living room.

"Please, make yourself at home, Sakura. I'll be right back after freshening up," Tomoyo gracefully informed her friend before disappearing from view. Sakura nodded in acknowledgment, methodically placing her school bag and hat on an ornate coat rack nearby.

Surveying the expansive room, Sakura couldn't help but notice that it resonated with Tomoyo's impeccable taste. It was evident that Tomoyo had meticulously overseen every detail, ensuring her exacting standards were met before the project commenced. The room exuded a sense of perfection, resembling a page torn from a classic, meticulously designed catalogue that would require months to fully appreciate. Each element of the living room suite was meticulously arranged, devoid of blemish or omission. The artwork adorning the walls seamlessly complemented the room's overall design.

Sakura, with a thoughtful sigh, decided that allowing a gentle current of fresh air into the room would be a welcome respite, both for her and her thoughts. She believed that Tomoyo wouldn't object to the idea. She approached the balcony doors and, with both hands, carefully pulled them open just wide enough for the cool summer breeze to cascade through, tousling her bangs and refreshing her face. Sakura stood motionless, her eyes closed, savouring the sensation as if it were a cleansing ritual for her inner worries.

After watching her for several minutes from the door of her bedroom, Tomoyo finally spoke, "Sakura, are you alright?"

Sakura slowly opened her eyes, turning her head to meet Tomoyo's gaze with a faint smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied softly before turning her attention back to the open balcony doors.

Approaching Sakura, Tomoyo placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, silently conveying her presence and support. She leaned in closer and whispered into Sakura's ear, "You know, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm always here to listen. Please promise me, Sakura, that you'll talk to me when you're ready."

Tomoyo, being Sakura's oldest friend, had developed an intimate understanding of her. She could discern Sakura's distress even when she wore a cheerful facade. Tomoyo knew the subtle nuances in Sakura's eyes that revealed her true feelings. She felt a pang of sadness that Sakura would keep things from her but respected her choice not to share, instead opting to reassure her that she was there whenever Sakura felt ready to open up.

Savouring one last breath of the invigorating air, Sakura turned around to face Tomoyo. "I'm sorry, Tomoyo. My mind has been elsewhere these days," she confessed, pushing aside her inner turmoil.

Tomoyo offered understanding, her gaze fixed directly on Sakura's eyes. "It's understandable. You miss Li, but you know he won't be gone for long, and during his absence, you shouldn't let it weigh you down. You don't want to make yourself unwell over something beyond your control."

Biting her lower lip, Sakura was hesitant to accept any truths, even from Tomoyo. "Please, Sakura, try to understand. I don't want to see you unhappy. Your sadness affects me too," Tomoyo implored, her voice carrying more conviction this time.

"Stop!" Sakura's voice cracked, her emotions spilling over, alarming both herself and Tomoyo with the sudden torrent of feelings. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice quivered with raw pain. "Just stop, okay? I don't need you to tell me you share my pain. You can't possibly fathom what I'm going through." Sakura's words hung heavy in the air, each syllable resonating with the depths of her sorrow. Without another word, she bolted out of the house, leaving a stunned and dejected Tomoyo standing alone in the now-empty room.

A/N; (Edited 02/11/23)

Oh dear, looks like Sakura isn't handling things too well, I do hope she manages to sort things out soon. 

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