Raw Truth

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Amidst the city's hustle and bustle, within the confines of a nondescript hotel room, an enigmatic event unfolded. A pitch-black, circle-like barrier materialised. As the eerie glow subsided, Sakura, Eriol and Yue stood in its place.

Eriol couldn't help but conceal a satisfied grin as he remarked, "Perfect. That went smoother than anticipated."

Sakura, disoriented by the abrupt transition, mustered a faint acknowledgement, "Wow..."

"Apologies for the disorientation," Eriol said. "Portals aren't my preferred mode of travel, but the occasion called for it."

"Master Eriol. I didn't know you had that kind of power." Yue said.

"I have been studying and experimenting with different magic for a while now." Eriol informed Yue and Sakura.

Sakura's curiosity surged as she inquired, "Eriol, who is she? How does she know about Clow Reed and the Cards?"

Eriol, adopting a thoughtful posture, took a seat, signifying the importance of his forthcoming explanation. "Her name is Calista, she's Clow Reed's sister."

"So they're related then?" Sakura concluded.

Eriol nodded and continued, "Their parents were deeply entrenched in the world of magic, introducing them both to its secrets at a tender age. They nurtured Clow's prodigious magical talent, sidelining Calista, whose power paled in comparison."

"What are you talking about?" Yue demanded. "Clow Reed never had any siblings."

"All in good time Yue." Eriol replied.

Eriol proceeded to explain, "As Clow grew older, their parents' focus on him intensified. They guided him to unlock magic's full potential and harness its limitless power. Meanwhile, his sister watched over him, her heart brimming with support as they got older. But like any sibling there were arguments and jealousy over the years."

"So, that's when Clow created the Clow Cards?" Sakura asked, feeling a little unsure of the history of their creator.

"Eventually, but it wasn't until a lot later when he did," Eriol answered.

"I know all about the creation of the Clow Cards and why Clow Reed decided to create them." Yue stressed. "What I don't know, who is this sister of Clow's that you are talking about."

"Patience Yue." Eriol replied, his demeanour still calm. "All of your questions will be answered. Although I guess I can skip to when Clow created the Clow cards."

"When Clow Reed created the Clow Cards he wanted to blend both Eastern and Western magic together to symbolise his heritage," Eriol continued. "Calista on the other hand didn't process nearly as much power but she did support her brother with his plan and even stood by him when he began creating them."

"That sounds wonderful. Calista must have cared about Clow Reed very much." Sakura said.

Eriol nodded, his expression turning sombre. "Indeed, she did. In fact, she went to extraordinary lengths to protect him."

Intrigued, Sakura pressed further, "Protect him from what?"

Eriol's gaze sharpened as he revealed, "from himself."

Sakura and Yue were taken aback by the cryptic statement. Eriol continued, "The Clow Cards harnessed immense power, and Calista, with growing concern, attempted to reason with Clow to reconsider his ambitious creation of fifty-two magical entities."

Yue was insistent, "We know Clow created fifty-three cards, including the Void Card."

Eriol acknowledged Yue's observation, "Indeed, but I'm getting to that. As Calista watched, the balance between positive and negative magical energy within the Cards began to shift dangerously. Life on Earth became erratic and unpredictable, with continuous earthquakes resembling the turmoil all over China."

Eriol continued, "Anyway, Clow assured Calista that everything was just fine and that he would be able to reverse all the damage done. However, as Clow created more and more Cards, the fate of the world was at stake."

Sakura, growing increasingly concerned, asked, "It was that bad?"

Eriol nodded and explained, "Magic affects all walks of life, Sakura, regardless of whether people possess magic or not. The world's natural balance was deeply affected by this."

Eriol continued to reveal the dark history, "Once all the Cards had been created, the world had become a very scary place. Earthquakes erupted many times a day, tearing the very ground beneath people's feet. The nights were plagued by relentless tremors, turning life into a never-ending nightmare, akin to the horrors unleashed by the unbalance of the Clow Cards."

Sakura's eyes widened, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "Surely Calista put a stop to this?"

Eriol sighed, "she tried, but like I said she didn't process the power to undo the damage. All she could do was watch helplessly."

Yue, growing increasingly frustrated, exclaimed, "Surely Clow put a stop to all of that; he wouldn't let the world be destroyed because of his creations?"

Eriol replied solemnly, "Yes, Clow did put an end to the chaos. But it came at a terrible cost. It wasn't until a little boy lost his life, his innocence taken by the chaos that had consumed the world." 

Sakura's face went pale as she grasped the devastating reality of Clow Reed's actions. She shook her head, unable to fathom the consequences of his creations.

Yue persisted, his voice heavy with emotion, "You still didn't answer my question. Why did Clow erase Calista's existence?" 

Eriol, in a sombre tone, replied, "I'm sorry, Yue, but I am unable to answer any more questions. It seems we have company." He rose to his feet, signalling the end of the discussion, leaving a chilling air of mystery surrounding the past events.

A/N; (Edited 03/11/23)

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