A Fateful Encounter

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She shook her head, unable to fathom the consequences of his creations.

Yue persisted, his voice heavy with emotion, "You still didn't answer my question. Why did Clow erase Calista's existence?" 

Eriol, in a sombre tone, replied, "I'm sorry, Yue, but I am unable to answer any more questions. It seems we have company." He rose to his feet, signalling the end of the discussion, leaving a chilling air of mystery surrounding the past events.


Eriol's voice, though hushed, carried a gravity that spoke volumes. 'Quickly, we must leave this place now,' he whispered, his eyes darting around, searching for any signs of impending danger.

Sakura, still reeling from the abruptness of Eriol's warning, couldn't help but voice her confusion. 'Wait, Eriol, what's going on?'

His response was measured, tinged with a touch of world-weariness. "We need to move before Calista finds us, and I dread to think of the consequences when her temper flares."

Sakura and Yue exchanged uneasy glances. The weight of their past revelations hung heavy in the air. The mere existence of Clow Reed's long-lost sister, coupled with the revelation that he played a role in her disappearance, had left them grappling with unanswered questions and a sense of unease.

Sakura found herself captivated by the emotions flickering across Eriol's face. With each word he uttered, his expression grew increasingly sombre, a reflection of the burden he bore. Meanwhile, Yue remained a stoic presence, his stillness a testament to his understanding of the gravity of the situation. Eriol moved with practised efficiency, gathering essentials into a bag, a task he had performed countless times in the past.

"That's the last of it," Eriol declared, tucking an ancient looking book into his bag. "We should depart promptly."

Sakura and Yue made their way back to the centre of the room, where Eriol patiently awaited them. A blinding flash of light later, and they found themselves standing in Sakura's familiar bedroom.

"Forgive me, Sakura, but there are pressing matters that I can no longer delay," Eriol said, offering a formal bow.

As Eriol's figure vanished, Sakura stood alone in her room, contemplating the emptiness that had replaced her guardian and mentor.

A voice interrupted her reverie, emanating from her dressing table. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick for hours!"

Sakura spun around, alarmed by the unexpected voice. She let out an exasperated cry, "Kero!"

Annoyed at Kero's stealthy approach, she admonished him, "Please don't do that again. How many times have I told you?"

Kero, undeterred, retorted, "Me? You're the one who disappeared without a trace. If this continues, I might have to accompany you to and from school again."

Sakura narrowed her eyes at Kero, maintaining an unwavering stare. Kero, unfazed, retreated to his makeshift bed inside one of the dressing table drawers.

"Looks like the kid passed on his death glare to you," Kero teased, bringing a touch of humour to the situation."

Ignoring her guardian's last remark, Sakura hurried downstairs to inform her brother and father that she had safely returned. But as she approached the living room door, she hesitated. What could she possibly tell her brother? He must have noticed something was amiss when Yukito didn't come home from school today. Sakura peeked through the half-open door, spotting Touya seated on the sofa, engrossed in the TV.

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