Storms of Sibling Strife

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura and Tomoyo won't. instead they will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies.


The room enveloped itself in an almost suffocating quiet as the young man delicately unfurled the tapestry of his reincarnation's life, each word a thread in a story woven through centuries. The air, thick with the weight of untold history, pressed down on the room, and hot tears traced a path down Calista's ethereal skin. The pain of a forgotten past played out in the depths of her puffy, haunted eyes.

The revelation hung in the air like a heavy mist, each word a weighty truth settling upon the room. "Clow Reed tried everything to bring his nephew back from the brink of death. He even resorted to using his new Cards."

"What?" Calista's voice trembled with astonishment, the fabric of her understanding unravelling. "I have no memory of this."

"No. I'm afraid you won't," Eriol confirmed, his words a soft echo of untold secrets. "Clow Reed resorted to using the Cards, and unfortunately, things went from bad to worse.

"What happened?" Sakura's voice, a fragile melody, cracked with a blend of curiosity and sorrow.

"A Time loop," the young man declared with a dryness that cut through the air.

"Wait. What?" Sakura asked, her uncertainty casting a subtle ripple in the room.

"Clow Reed used the Time Card to travel back in time," Eriol began, the weight of the revelation settling in the room. "He tried all sorts of things to circumvent Lang's impending demise, but nothing yielded success. Days turned into months, months into years. Eventually, Clow Reed gave up."

"How long?" Calista's demand sliced through the silence, urgency amplifying the gravity of the revelation.

"Well, to the outside world, it would be as if no time had passed—" Eriol began to explain but was promptly interrupted.

"How long!" Calista repeated, her insistence cutting to the heart of the matter."


Calista's breath caught, a sharp inhalation that echoed through the heavy silence of the room. She let the new information settle, allowing it to permeate the recesses of her consciousness. The weight of decades spent in a futile struggle hung in the air like a tangible presence.

"I honestly didn't know he spent his life trying to save my son's," she admitted, her voice carrying a blend of disbelief and remorse.

"If I knew then what I know now, then I wouldn't have caused so much trouble for him," Calista apologised, the words heavy with the burden of hindsight. The weight of regret draped over her like a shroud, and her heart bore the weight of the havoc she unwittingly wreaked upon her brother's noble endeavours.

The room, now charged with the echoes of a forgotten past, bore witness to the complexities of family, sacrifice, and the irrevocable choices that shape destinies. Calista's apology lingered in the air, a sombre note in the symphony of revelations.


The cityscape of China was briefly illuminated by a searing flash of light, an ethereal beacon that cut through the darkness. In the aftermath, Clow Reed emerged, standing in the heart of the streets, the lifeless form of Lang cradled in his arms. His silhouette was stark against the remnants of the chaos he had tried to undo.

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