White Rabbit Meets Plush Toy

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Kero observed Sakura's increasing distress as she continued to struggle with her memory. The frequent moments of pain when she tried to recall the previous day's events were deeply concerning to him. It had barely been an hour since he had seen Sakura wincing in pain, and it seemed to be happening more frequently as the day progressed. One moment, she would be smiling, and the next, she would be clutching her forehead with both hands. As the second hour passed, Kero's worry grew, and he realised it was time to intervene and find out precisely what was happening to his Mistress.

"Sakura," Kero said, calling out to her. "Can you call Yukito and ask him to come over when he has a moment to spare?" Kero requested, attempting to conceal his concern for Sakura's sake.

"Sure, will do," Sakura replied, heading to the telephone in the living room. She had learned not to question Kero when he requested Yukito's presence. Such requests usually involved matters related to Clow Reed, the Cards, or private discussions about guardian responsibilities.

Within 10 minutes, a knock sounded at the front door. Sakura rushed downstairs, passing her brother on her way.

"Watch where you're going, monster. You nearly knocked me over!" Touya's voice rang through the house, highlighting the usual sibling banter that played out in their daily lives.

Sakura's face lit up with delight as she opened the door to find Yukito standing there. "You're early," she exclaimed happily.

Yukito responded with a warm smile, "I'm glad you called and invited me over."

Sakura directed him, saying, "Please head to my room; Kero is waiting for you there." She closed the front door, leaving Yukito to make his way to Sakura's bedroom.

Yukito nodded, understanding that Sakura's request was not unusual, given his primary existence as Yue's vessel. However, now he knew there was a different reason behind her invitation.

Upon reaching Sakura's bedroom door, Yukito knocked gently and announced his presence. He waited patiently on the landing and watched as the door opened quietly, revealing two beady eyes looking directly at him.

Yukito stepped inside, and there he stood, face to face with the familiar yellow, winged plush toy sitting on the dressing table.

"Kero, I presume?" Yukito inquired.

The plush toy nodded and responded, "Yukito Tsukishiro. It's nice to finally meet you in person."

Yukito chuckled and admitted, "Likewise. Although I must admit it does feel a little strange to be talking to what I thought was Sakura's plush toy."

Kero, a bit offended, narrowed his eyes at the young man. "I don't appreciate being called a plush toy, especially by a white rabbit," he hissed.

Yukito quickly realised his mistake and apologised, "Oh, I'm sorry, Kero. I wasn't aware of that. Please forgive my ignorance." He smiled apologetically, hoping to make amends.

Yukito shifted the conversation back to the reason for his visit, "anyway, I got Sakura's message. You wanted to see me and then I presume Yue next?"

Kero nodded, his expression serious. "Yes. Normally, I wouldn't involve you, since you are Yue's borrowed form, and I usually need to speak directly to Yue himself." Kero paused for a moment, then continued, "However, now you are fully aware of Yue and the situation with Sakura. I think it would be best for you to be involved when you can."

Yukito agreed, saying, "I would like that very much, Kero, but I can't help thinking that it has more to do with Sakura than a simple catch-up on events."

Kero acknowledged Yukito's observation and stated, "Indeed. Well, I think it's best to start off with what you can tell me about Sakura and how she has been acting lately."

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