A Duel of Wits and Will

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura and Tomoyo won't. instead they will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies. I will be continuing this on.

A Duel of Wits and Will

Calista's face contorted with a mixture of anger and disbelief as she tried to discern the newcomer's identity. It was clear that she hadn't expected this intervention and it put a new twist on her plan.

"Eriol! What are you doing here?" Sakura asked, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and relief, assuming that the shadowy figure was Eriol.

The newcomer remained silent for a moment then spoke, it was definitely Eriol. "I couldn't let my dear friend and her friends down, especially not in a moment like this," they replied, a hint of amusement in their tone.

Calista, on the other hand, was seething with anger. "You!" she spat, her frustration mounting. "What is the meaning of this interference?"

The newcomer raised an eyebrow, their expression calm and collected. "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to help protect what Clow Reed entrusted to Sakura."

Calista wasted no time unleashing her magic towards Eriol. A tempest tore through the room, compelling Sakura and Tomoyo to dash for cover. Oddly, the young boy stood unwavering, the wind passing through him as if he were a mere phantom. Eriol's sly grin betrayed his satisfaction – all those hours of study had paid off. Calista, undeterred, flicked her hands, conjuring ropes that shot towards him. Without hesitation, Eriol summoned his Sun Staff in a blink, directing it skyward. The staff radiated brilliance, and the ropes shattered like fragile illusions.

"Freedom!" Kero rejoiced, stretching in jubilation.

Uncertain of her role, Sakura observed Eriol effortlessly wielding his magic. Calista hurled a barrage of spells at him, each one an attempt to breach his defences. However, they all faltered, leaving Calista frustrated. Eriol, sensing her defeat, graciously lowered his Staff with a serene smile.

"Who are you?" Calista demanded. "My brother was the only one powerful enough to match my magic."

Eriol, stepping forward, replied, "I am not him, nor will I ever be. I am merely his reincarnation, nothing more. I'm here to fulfil his last wishes and ensure the new Master of the Clow Cards is up to the task of safeguarding them." He nodded in acknowledgment to Sakura.

On the opposite side of the room, Tomoyo's keen eyes spotted an old child's toy resting on the floor. Gently lifting it, she discovered a bear-shaped creation crafted from short, curly wool, its once dark and beady eyes now obscured by centuries of dust. Affectionately patting its back, Tomoyo was met with an unexpected fit of sneezing.

Calista, momentarily diverting her attention from Eriol, witnessed Tomoyo holding onto the bear. "Let that go right now!" Calista's voice thundered as she raised a hand toward Tomoyo.

Another gust of wind raced by, resulting in Tomoyo losing her grip. Swiftly, the bear, now adorned with a small rope, made its way over to Calista.

Sakura observed this bizarre exchange between her friend and Calista, a whirlwind of questions storming her mind. What had Tomoyo done to trigger Calista's attack? Sakura saw Tomoyo drop something small, but the distance prevented her from identifying it. Whatever it was, it held significant sentimental value for Calista. Taking advantage of Calista's distraction, Sakura hurried towards Tomoyo.

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