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Sometimes the most precious people are the ones we least expect or even meet by mistake. Kind of like fate, if you think about it. Imagine you are baking a batch of brownies, but you forgot to check if you have all the ingredients. Whilst baking, you suddenly realise that you have everything else, except for the chocolate chips, so you substitute them with caramel. 

Sure, the chocolate chips were appealing and would probably taste just as good, but the caramel added a completely different flavour palette to your otherwise simple brownies. 

Plain chocolate brownies might have been nice... and a SAFE choice, but in life you do not always need to settle for plain. Sometimes taking risks is what we need to do to make life more interesting. 

They say we have three lovers in life. The one we love. The one that loves us. And the one with reciprocate feelings. Natsume Soseki once said that "the moon is beautiful." By saying this, he wanted to find another way of saying "I love you." Complicated phrases, just like people, can be equally or even more beautiful than straight forward or obvious phrases.

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