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I don't even know how to feel. Half of me is still trying to digest that CL, my first love, is leaving me. The other half, is kind of relieved. I wanna cry but also jump with joy. I think Anton Chekhov's words describe what I'm feeling best...

Then I feel so happy,

And at the same time so sad.

It's unimaginable

Today has been a crappy day, so I head back home. I try calling it a night, but my mind is so busy that it's impossible to sleep. I check my phone and it's 2 am... I start thinking about Elona. She keeps running through my mind, and I just have to see her. I get a small bag and pack enough clothes for three days. I then get my car, and drive to Yonseo. Luckily for me, the warden is asleep and I know the perfect way to pick locks. I somehow manage to sneak into the girls dorm and go to Elona's room.

I don't even know why I came here, I must be out of my mind. It's as if something is drawing me to Elona. I knock on her door and whisper her name. She opens the door, and pulls me inside and shuts the door. "What are you doing here!?" she asks, "Are you aware of the trouble you could get into?" Elona is in her cute pj's and her hair is in a mess, but heck she still looks so hot and irresistible. It just makes me want to explore her.

I tell Elona to pack three sets of clothes. "What the hell are you talking about Live," she says in a raspy voice, rubbing her eyes, "It's 2am. I think you should go back home and sleep." "Come on Elona, it's friday. It won't be that bad if you miss out on a day of classes. We've got the whole weekend to do whatever we want." I say. "Are you mad?" she replies. "Also I thought you were supposed to be ignoring me." "Listen, about that I'm sorry. I'll explain everything, just not right now." I assure her. "Mhmm" she mutters. "Please... I need this." I say. That seems to make an impact on her. "Fine, f*ck it. Let's go." she replies, still in her raspy voice.


So Live is telling me to pack clothes and go on a secret adventure with him. Not going to lie, I'm a bit concerned... but actually really looking forward to spending time with him. I've just decided to believe he had a good reason for ignoring me because I'm tired of trying to figure it out. "Just the two of us?" I ask. He replies, "Yeah." I tell him to take a seat at my desk while I pack. He fiddles around with my pens, which is kind of cute. I have no idea where we're going, so I just pack jeans, shorts, tops and sneakers. While he's not looking, I quickly sneak in my underwear.

"You ready?" he asks enthusiastically. "Yup" I reply. We silently sneak out of the dorms and get into his car. He starts driving, and only now I start questioning what exactly I got myself into. But you know what, life is supposed to be an adventure. I'll just text Akeela in the morning with an excuse and enjoy the most of my weekend. "Where are we headed"I ask. "Busan" he replies with a smirk. "Cool" I reply, before dozing off.


I'm actually surprised Elona said yes, but extremely grateful don't get me wrong. After about an hour in, she falls asleep. She's so cute when she sleeps. Her cheeks get all puffy and her eyes are sealed like a love letter in an envelope - when they're open, they make you fall in love. After about an hour, Elona wakes up. She yawns and fixes up her hair. "Sorry," she says, blushing. "Don't worry, you're a cute sleeper." I say smirking. She blushes.

We stop at a rest stop and I go get two iced caramel macchiatos. "Thanks!" she says, and her eyes widen. She must love caramel macchiatos. "Let me drive" she states. "Nah don't worry about it" I reply. "Just let me drive. You must be tired. Plus, I won't get lost if I just follow the GPS" she insists. She somehow ends up driving and I doze off.


Yes! I get to drive. Live dozes off. I kind of want to kiss him, but I don't. After about two hours, we arrive at the hotel. Live is still sleeping - he must've been tired considering he did not sleep at all last night. It's 6 am, and Busan is very quiet. I gently fix his hair with my hand, and move my finger across his lips. I caress his face and then realise what I'm doing.

I gently wake him up, and he smiles. We get out of the car, and enter the hotel to go get our room keys, but it turns out we can only check in at 8am. So we have 2 hours left. "Let's get some food" I say, "I saw a nice Milmyeon place not far from here." "Let's go" he replies with a raspy voice. We then head over to the restaurant and stuff our faces with the noodles. After that, we still have an hour left till check in, so Live drives us to the beach.

I habitually grab his hand and run towards the sea. I giggle with excitement, because it's been a while since I've been by the ocean - my giggles turn out to be contagious, and before you know it Live is also laughing along. We then walk along the ocean, and he does not let go of my hand. His hair moves so gracefully with the wind and the sun kisses his skin to give him the most beautiful glow.

After some time, we take a seat next to each other on the sand. I kind of shiver, and Live puts his jacket around me. "Wait, is this the same jacket you gave me in the elevator?" I ask. "Yeah" he smirks. I blush. We sit there for a while before I mention checking-in. Just as I stand up, Live gently pulls me back down. He then places one of his hands on the sand, and another one behind my head. We stare into each other's eyes for a while. He then says, "I hope you don't mind..." His head moves towards mine and we kiss.

- END OF Chapter 14 - 


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