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I'm kind of surprised that Live just ignored me like that. Maybe he didn't hear me? Nope he definitely did, because why else would he turn his head towards me when I called him. It's probably nothing, so I act unphased and make my way back to the bleachers. 

I meet with Akeela and notice her coughing. I can't help but wonder why Live ignored me, especially after what happened in the elevator. Sh*t I still have his jacket. I quickly make my way back to the dorm with Akeela and make her a turmeric and honey paste for her cough which surprisingly works.

Our school's having an outdoor movie night today. They've set up a huge projector screen in the basketball court. "Let's get going to the movie night, so we get good seats," Akeela says. "You go ahead, I'll meet up with you in a bit. I just need to sort something out here first." I reply. 

She looks suspicious, but leaves anyway. I then started looking for Live's jacket.


Elona told me that she'll catch up with me, so I walk to the basketball courts by myself for the second time today. I'm feeling a lot better now thanks to the honey - turmeric paste. 

I take a seat and save one for Elona, then I wave at Cream. He waves back and starts walking towards me. "Hey Akeela. I'm surprised you did not come with Elona" mentions Cream. "Ah - yeah. She'll be here soon. How's your tat healing by the way?" I reply. "All good. It actually doesn't hurt at all. I must have a high pain tolerance ... " But before he could continue with what he was saying, a girl asked me to stand up so that she could pass through... and I trip. Just in time, Cream catches me. Our eyes meet - I notice he has the most beautiful sparkling eyes. We stay in that position for a minute or so, before he helps me up. "You okay," Cream asks. "Y - yeah.. I think so." I reply, blushing.

"Yo Cream, we're getting snacks. You coming?" Ian shouts out. "Be right there!" Cream replies. He then runs towards Ian, and they make their way to the snack section. 

Elona arrives, and sits next to me."Everything alright?" I ask. "Yup!" she replies, "What movie are we watching?" "Crazy Rich Asians" I tell her.

The lights switch off, and Ian, Cream and Rem all take seats next to us. I am a bit perplexed, but say nothing of it. Live is probably sitting somewhere else with CL. The movie begins and Elona and I laugh hysterically throughout. When it ends, the lights turn back on and it takes some time for our eyes to adjust to the brightness. "You two are so loud!" Ian says. "Whatever," Elona and I both reply.

"Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom." Elona says, "Be right back okay?" "Sure." I reply.


I saw Live exit by the doors - without CL. So it's the perfect opportunity to return his jacket to him. I make up an excuse and tell Akeela that I'm going to the bathroom. Then, I rush after Live. 

"Live!" I exclaim. He turns his head, sees me and tries to get away. "Wait up!" I yell. I don't know why he's being like this, but I just ignore it. He must just be having a bad day. 

I finally catch up to him. "Here's your jacket," I say and hand it to him. "Thanks," he replies and walks away. "What's your problem?!" I yell. Everyone turns their eyes towards me. He doesn't reply. He just walks away.

I'm not going to lie, I feel hurt and confused. Did I maybe do something bad to him in the elevator that I just can't remember? But that can't be the case because I was 100% sober. So why is he being a complete a*shole and ignoring me? I thought we could be friends... but he clearly does not want that.

 Devastated, I make my way back to Akeela.


Elona leaves to go to the bathroom. She's been acting weird lately, and I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not. Maybe she's on her period? "Akeela... Akeela.... You awake?" Ian says to me while he waves his hand right in front of my eyes. "What do you want now?" I reply, sighing. "That's no way to talk to your master, now is it?" he teases. 

Elona comes back in and asks if I'm ready to go. She looks down, so I agree and we head back to our dorm rooms. We don't say a word and just go straight to bed.

The next morning, I wake up early to fetch Elona's favourite coffee from the coffee shop not far from Yonseo. I knock at her door and she lets me come in. "Omg thank you! I love this coffee." she exclaims. She looks in a much better mood today than yesterday. 

"No problem... listen I need to tell you something." I say. "Spill" she replies. I then tell her that I think I have a big fat crush on Cream, and that she was right. I also mention the fall scene from yesterday. She looks super excited and explains that his girlfriend isn't a mountain and can be moved. In a fit of laughter, I leave her dorm to get ready for my lecture at 9 a.m.


I'm still upset about yesterday, but I've decided to put it behind me. I don't need him in my life. Sure, he may be super sweet and thoughtful, not to mention super hot, but I am going to prioritise myself.


I feel like a douchebag for what I did yesterday, but there's no other way. CL and I are starting to get distant, and Elona starting to appear in the picture will just result in a huge mess. I get my sh*t together, and meet CL at the library for our date.

 We then head off campus to the park for a walk. We buy iced americanos from a coffee cart and continue walking around. "I'm cold," states CL, "Do you mind if I borrow your jacket?" "Sure," I reply and hand it to her, "I'll be back in a sec." I then walk over to the pretzel stand and order two pretzels for me and CL.


As I put on Live's jacket, a pink note falls out. I pick it up and read it...

Thanks for the jacket :)

~ Elona

"Why did Live borrow Elona his jacket?" I think to myself. Live returns with two enormous pretzels. "Oh my gosh, thank you blondie" I say. He then drops me off at my place and we say our goodbyes.


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