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Today, I am determined to find out who exactly those douchebags (DPR) are. I have a plan though. The girl I sit next to in psychology, Chae Won, is quite a blabbermouth so I'm sure she'll be able to help me out. I take a seat at the back of the classroom - the same spot I sat in last time - and wait for Chae Won to arrive. Just before the bell rings to signal the start of the lecture, she makes her way up to the back and takes a seat right next to me.

"Hi" I say, trying to get on her good side. "Hey," she replies. The professor arrives and class begins. I whisper to her, "I'm curious..." I say. "Mhmm?" she replies. "Well remember last time when you were telling me about DPR... do you mind repeating what you said" I ask, trying not to sound like a stalker. "Omg yes! Lemme spill the deets." she replies. She then continues to explain who each of the members are, and I'm still astonished as to why these guys have so much clout. But I am not going to lie... I still find Live kind of hot.

"You two at the back!" exclaims the professor, "If you do not want to be in my lecture, then leave. You are being a distraction to everyone." Live turns around and gives me a stare. I try not to blush from embarrassment. "Sorry sir," we both replied. "If this happens again, I will personally escort you out." The professor warned us. Live scoffs and turns back around.

After class, I rush to find Akeela so I can share my findings with her. "Hey Akeela!" I call out. "Hey Elona," she replies. I then continue to tell her who exactly the DPR crew is

~ DPR : A Brief Lesson on the 4 Membered Group ~

DPR is a group of seniors - they have been close since childhood. They are popular and untouchable, just as CL mentioned earlier. Every girl in this university has a crush on at least one of them. Cream and Rem are said to be players, but nonetheless, girls still fall into their traps. They also have a band together.

Ian : Has long, black hair. Previously lived in Australia. Is a singer, director and the chief editor of the band. Is super smart. Everyone sees him as cold. Does not date. Skill - video making. Majors in Cinematography, minors in business.

Live : Has dirty - blonde hair. Previously lived in Guam. Is the rapper and singer of the band. Said to be loyal to his girlfriend, CL. Skill - rapping. Majors in business, minors in psychology.

Cream : Has "orange" hair. Is a singer, rapper, and producer. Majors in music production, minors in business. Is said to be a player. Likes classical music.

Rem : Has short black hair. Good at basketball. Lived in the US. Is a producer. Majors in music production, minors in business. Is said to be a player.

- End of Chapter 3 -

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