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It's Friday, which means I've only got two classes today! I go to Elona's dorm to check what she's up to and find out that she's already left. I assume that she's got early classes today, so I get showered and dressed and head to Frodieur Jindong by myself. I ordered a vanilla latte and a chocolate croissant.

As I take a sip of my coffee, I suddenly remember what I did last night. F*ck Akeela! Now I feel extremely bad. Ian must be pissed. I quickly stuff down my croissant and start thinking of ways to ask Ian for forgiveness. I remember that Ian loves iced americanos, so I order him one to-go and head to campus. I bump into Chae Won and ask if she knows where Ian is and then head over to the business studies building. I wait outside his class. After about 10 minutes, I spot him walking out with Cream and Rem so I quickly walk over to them. I don't even look at Cream and tell Ian that I need to talk to him.

I can see that he's still mad at me, but despite that, he tells Cream and Rem to go ahead and that he'll meet up with them later. "What is it?" Ian passively asks. "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. You were just trying to help me, and even though I was mad, I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I sincerely apologize. "Whatever," he says and begins to walk away. "Wait!" I exclaim, "This is for you." I then hand him the Iced Americano. "I don't want it, we've been at each others' heads for a while, for all I know you could've poisoned this." Ian states. I shove it into his hands, bow down and say, "I'll do anything for you to forgive me. I'll even let you extend my 'servant' contract. Anything!" "Why do you care so much?" he asks. "I just don't like having bad energy with people because of my actions," I reply. "Mhmm... " he says before walking away. "Look I'll even take a sip of this, so you don't think it's poisoned," I exclaim. I quickly take a sip and start coughing as the bitter taste enters my mouth. Bloody hell, how the f*ck do people drink these?!

I decide to stop trying for now, since I have class, but after class, I'll come up with a plan.

After my criminology class, I decided to find Ian, and follow him around until he forgives me. I don't go empty-handed though, I take a packet of flaming hot Cheetos - since those are the only crisps I have.


So far, Akeela has brought me snacks, carried my bags around, written a really thoughtful essay explaining how she was wrong, and taken down my lecture notes in the classes we have together. Heck, she even offered to do my laundry. I find it kind of funny how she used to complain and cuss at me, but now she's trying to suck up to me. I won't lie though, I am enjoying her attention. To be fair, I can't be mad at her for going off at me, because she's human and has the right to be irritated. However, instead of telling her directly that I have forgiven her, I just pretend as though I'm still p*ssed because this is the most time I have actually ever spent with her and I don't want it to end.


Okay, let me just put it out there. I do want Ian to forgive me, but if he doesn't soon, I'm going to explode. I have been doing tasks for him the entire day and I'm getting annoyed. I might go off at any moment now. "Hey Ian, listen, could you just give me an estimated time for when you're going to forgive me because I've been doing stuff for you all day. Please." I say, trying my best not to sound rude. "Chill bae, I'll forgive you after you do just one more task," Ian replies smiling. "What is it?" I ask curiously. "Go with me to the recording studio," he states. "Wait, that's it?" I excitedly ask. "Yup" he replies. "Deal!" I agree.

After English Lit, around 5 pm, Ian and I head to a recording studio in Gangnam. It looks so good. The interior design is dark but somewhat artistic. It feels like I've entered a whole new world. Ian takes me in and lets me take a seat on the couch. He sings a few bars and records them. He's got such a beautiful, magical voice. I won't admit it, but I like hearing him sing. It's like getting to see a whole new side to him. He looks so happy here - it's like he was born to be an artist. "That was amazing!" I exclaim. He smiles, "I guess you liked it..." "You have such a nice smile, you know." I blurt out, "Wait I don't mean it in a flirty manner, because like I'm totally not into you or anything like that." F*ck Akeela you just made it worse. He scoffs, "Sure, whatever. Let's go get something to eat."

We leave the recording studio, and head to a fancy restaurant serving DELICIOUS Italian food. We both ordered pasta. For the first time, since I've met Ian, I'm actually really enjoying his company. We talk, laugh, eat and have a really good time. I was having such a blast that I even forgot about Elona for a while...

After supper, we went for a stroll by the Han river. It was a bit chilly, so Ian put his jacket around me. The river was so peaceful. Around midnight, Ian dropped me off at the girls' dorm. Before leaving, he gave me a peck on my forehead. I stood still for a while as I was extremely flustered. After I had sort of gotten myself together, I said goodbye and headed up to my room. 

I check my phone and see that I received a message from Elona, realizing that she has not been around for the whole day. I hadn't even noticed because I was so caught up with Ian.

What kind of friend am I?

- End of Chapter 15 -


Hi everyone! Sorry for taking so long to publish new chapters. We will be giving you 5 chapters today to make up for it. We're also currently working on new ones! 

Comment what you think will happen between Live & Elona and Ian & Akeela! 

Make sure to stream Mito - Let's show Ian some love 🪐🖤💫

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