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Following CL's announcement, there was a lot of chaos. The room was still full of chatter about CL, but sadly not all the chatter was positive. I caught a sight of Cream and Rem and excused myself from the table after Elona left to go to the bathroom. I made my way towards Cream and Rem who clearly looked drunk, and complimented them on their performance.

"Mhmm I know... Akeela, do you wanna go f*ck." I hear Cream slur. "Uh, aren't you in a relationship." I reply, and take the glass of champagne Rem poured for me. Rem then proceeds to laugh hysterically. "You mean Alexis, we're in an open relationship babe. Don't you wanna be one of my other girls Akeela?" Cream states. "What the f*ck Cream, just f*ck off, I don't want to be another one of your concubines." I sputter angrily and throw my glass of champagne at Cream.

"WHAT THE F*CK AKEELA! YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM, HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED GOING TO ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES?!" I hear Ian yell at me as I make my way outside. F*CK DPR. F*CK SOUTH KOREA. F*CK IAN. When the hell did Ian even come to the table!?

I send a message to Elona to meet me by the pool. "UGH F*CK THESE STUPID HEELS TOO" I say as I throw my heel to the side of the pool.

As I reach for my heel, without any warning, I feel someone push me from behind and I fall into the bloody pool. "Ahhh!" I yell. Just as I expected, it was stupid drunk - Cream. Out of nowhere, Ian jumps into the pool and carries me out. "Why did you save me? I don't need your help!" I say, still in a sh*tty mood. "What the hell Akeela, I was just trying to be nice, but I guess you are an ungrateful and rude b*tch." Ian sputters and leaves. Just great. My entire outfit is drenched in chlorine water and I was rude to Ian for no reason. Wait actually there was a reason he told me to go to anger management classes.Someone hands me a towel, I don't even bother waiting for Elona anymore and just grab an Uber and head to the dorms.


What just happened? Did CL really just say that she will leave everything behind and move to the STATES? I bet the whole of DPR is upset, since they were all quite close to her.

I notice Live grab CL's hand and walk out of the room into the hallway. I can't help but be curious, so I follow them, even though I know it's a bad idea. I hide behind a door - close enough to hear and see them, but not get caught. "CL what the f*ck?" Live snapped, "So you're just going to leave me... not to mention, your family business?" "It's not your decision to make, Live." CL calmly replies, "I've already thought this through and made up my mind. No one, not even you can change my mind."

I see Lives' nose turn red, and tears roll down his face. I feel so bad for him. He really loved CL, and now she's just leaving him, without any warning, to pursue her dreams. I mean, I do understand her decision, but she could have at least prepared Live for it. "I wish you the best in life, Live" CL says, trying to comfort Live, "Plus, we can always visit each other."

I decide that this conversation is between them, and I should let them have their privacy, so I quietly return back to the hallway without getting noticed. I don't see Akeela at our table, so I check my phone and to my luck... it's dead. So I just decide to take a seat and stuff my face with cake hoping, Akeela will show up. Not gonna lie, the cake tasted like HEAVEN. It was a moist, orange - chocolate cake that melted in my mouth. But I still can't get over what I just heard in the room. After about 30 minutes I decide to head back to the dorms, hopefully Akeela realises I left, and doesn't wait for me.


"So that's it then... are we breaking up?" Live asks me. "Don't think of it as a bad thing, Live." I say, "We've been together for God knows how long and I think we both know that we aren't as close as we used to be..." Live interrupts,"Bu - but.." I cut in, " Live, I'm letting you go. It's best for both of us. Let's go find people we can love fully." "No one will be able to replace you!" Live yells. "Live, first loves are like that. But I know you like her more" I say. "Who" he asks with a guilty look in his eyes. "Elona" I say. "Go be with her and have a happy, successful life." I then leave before he says anything else, because I am also at the verge of tears. I am not angry, nor do I hate Elona... this is just how our destiny was written.


DPR: Will it End in Despair, Payback or Romance?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora