Chapter 1:Awaken

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Hello everyone welcome to book 2 I hope you end up liking it, there are going to be different charaters point's of views coming in this book because well you'll see why in just a minute. But I'm glad you followed up on the end of book 1 and are now reading book 2 but best of luck and thank you so much for giving book 2 a shot

Darkness again, all I see is darkness. 'Ow' I feel something on my cut leg, I sat up putting fire on my hands "Back up" I said through gritted teeth

"Wow its okay we won't hurt you" a guy in a wheel chair says wheeling over to me

"Who are you" I said making the fire bigger

"I am Charles Xavier and the principal of this school" he says slowly reaching his hand out "We won't hurt you" he gave me a smile trying to reassure me but I'm sure thats not how it works

"And why should I trust you?" I asked looking down at his hand

"Well I can help you control your powers and give you a safe place to stay" he said looking me in my eyes

"I already can control my powers and all I need is to get home to my husband and son" I said trying to get up but was stopped

"Please put out the fire and let us look at your leg" he said putting his hand on my shoulder

"Fine" I said closing my hands and the fires went out and I laid back down

"Now what is your name?" Charles asked me

"Hope Maximoff" I said looking down at my lap

"Okay Hope how did you get cut?" he asked moving so the doctors could stitch up my leg

"I was fighting Red Skull" I said realizing I don't know if we won or not "Wait did we win"

"Hope I'm sorry but I don't know what your talking about earth has no problems since Cuba 1962" he said looking confused

"But we just fought Red Skull in New York we destroyed like half of New York City" I said looking confused too

"Hope that never happened" he said just as confused as I am

"But the Avengers we fought Red Skull and beat him and we won why don't you remember the Avengers and I fighting Red Skull earlier today" I say looking him into his eyes

"Because there are no such things as the Avengers here" he said looking back into my eyes

"What do you mean?" I ask afraid of the answer

"Hope we are the X-Men and there are no such things as the Avengers" he said being dead serious

Pietro's point of view:
It has been a week since Hope died, everyone is grieving in their own way. Tony barely comes out of his lab, Nat and Steve never come out of the training room. I'm in our room with Henry and the rest I don't know they went their own ways

Wanda and Vision went to Europe to travel and Sam went to help out his family, Rhodes is with the army and Bucky is off fighting hydra bases. We are all trying to make it through on our own, through the pain and heartbreak

"Henry we will get through this" I said bouncing Henry trying to get him to stop crying

I think he knows that Hope is gone because since that day all he really does is cry unless in Nats arms, I think he misses being in Hopes arms. In his protective bubble of his mom

"Please Henry can you stop crying I'm trying really hard here I'm missing your momma too but we need to get through this together" I said bouncing him

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