Chapter 16:No

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I stretched my arms out as quickly as I could when I heard the metal, "Logan" I screamed. I pulled as power as I could and pushed as much air in the room that I could touch infront of the X-Men

"Storm help me please" I yelled hoping she would have quick thinking like me

"On it" she said jumping infront of everyone putting her hands up and putting every line of weather between the X-Men and I. Shielding everyone from the 3 very dangerous blows that are coming their way

Once Thor's hammer and Steve's shield dropped they hit the floor with a clunk and dads blast went up into the ceiling. I felt my energy starting to drain and everything started to go fuzzy "Hope" mom said looking at me worried

"I need a minute" I said sitting down on the couch, closing my eyes

I sat there for a few minutes before I felt something touching my hand, I opened my eyes and it was Professor touching my hand. "Hope" he said reaching up his hand and touching my head, I felt something. Professor must have sped up my healing, I could see mom and dad standing on guard incase Professor did something they didn't like

"Thank you" I said giving him a smile and his hand a firm squeeze

"Dang nice warm welcome" Logan said once I stood back up

"I'm sorry Logan" I said running over and hugging him "Hug me back you stone" I whispered into his ear and then he hugged me

"What about me?" Storm said sounding hurt

"I'm sorry here" I said letting go of Logan and hugging Storm

"Hope who are these people?" mom asked looking at me smiling

"Oh right sorry mom, dad, avengers this is who helped me for 2 years" I said looking at the whole group

"So wheres this speedy guy I remind you so much of?" peter asked looking around the room at my family

"He is upstairs" I said looking up the stairs at my bedroom door

"Oh hes off limits" Peter said play fully hitting my shoulder

"No hes just with our kid" I said smiling. Its weird thinking that now I have both a son and daughter to take care of and look after

"Hey shes mine" Pietro said zooming in and grabbing me bridal style, running me behind my family

"Pietro its okay its just Peter" I said kissing his soft lips

"What did I do?" I heard both Peters say at once

"Now thats crazy" I said looking between the two boys

"Hope has your power drainage happened alot recently?" Beast asked looking still worried

"No its the only time I just had Amelia so I have no energy and in no shape to use my mutation" I said looking at him getting out of Pietro's arms

"Oh okay I don't want to see you get hurt like last time" he said looking at me

I figured out what he was talking about just as everyone looked at me. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked down at the floor

"Thanks Beast" I said opening my eyes looking at them

"Sorry" he said

"What happened last time?" dad asked looking at me

"I pushed way more than my body could handle and I ended up breaking my leg, having a fractured arm and getting a concussion on top of it all" I said looking at my arm that still shakes if I'm over using it

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