Chapter 6:I'm Not Okay

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Nat's point of view:
I didn't get much sleep last night but when do I ever get sleep, every night I lay awake after I wake up from a nightmare.  I see Hope die every night when I close my eyes

I couldn't do anything to stop it and I feel like I let Hope down but Hope doesn't want me crying over her.  She would want me to live my life and not be afraid to move on, she would want me to move on and make the best of my life

Pietro's point of view:
Today is the day I'm going out with Sophia and trying to move on, I feel weird.  Hope was my everything, she was the one I saw myself growing old with but now I'm moving on

'Knock, Knock'

"Come in" I said turning towards the door

"So your really going through with it huh?" Nat asked walking in with Henry asleep in her arms

"I'm going to try" I said buttoning up the top of my shirt

"Just know you don't have to move on just yet, it hasn't even been a year" she said going over to Henry's crib and putting him in it

"I know but I have to start somewhere right" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Yeah I guess that is true" she said sitting on the chair in the corner of the room "But are you sure you want to start this soon again" her eyes giving me sympathy

"Yes and like I said I got to start somewhere" I said turning around and giving her a smile, walking over to Henry and giving him a kiss before leaving for my date

Steve's point of view:
I heard Pietro is trying to move on, its has been 7 months.  I don't blame him for trying to move on but he was married to her for only a few months before she died, leaving him with their son 

Hope didn't just leave Pietro and Henry, she left her entire family.  I'm not mad she saved the whole world but I was kinda hoping she would have lived and would still be here with us today

I eventually came out of the training room and have been hanging around more with everyone, Tony came to truth that there was no way to bring Hope back.  She was gone and there was nothing any of us coud do

Tony's point of view:
I tried everything I could possibly think of but nothing was working, I even ran Hope's DNA through this system I made with Bruce.  The system was supposed to tell us where Hope was but it told us she was on another earth but thats impossible because there is only one earth in this universe

After I got that result and Pietro flipping out on me I starting giving up, Hope was gone and I couldn't do anything about it.  All I could do was move on and do my best to take care of Morgan, Pepper, and the new baby coming

Morgan has been missing Hope, she misses playing tea party and barbie.  Ever since that one babysitting night before I knew Hope was my daughter, Pepper and I try to play with Morgan but she says it isn't the same

I wish I could tell Morgan the truth about Hope but she is to little to know, let alone understand that her sister is never coming back.  I don't think I'll ever have the heart to tell her even when she is older  

Nat's point of view:
I can't believe Pietro is moving on this fast, I am....was Hopes mother and I'm still mourning.  Yeah I'm not in the training room all day, everyday but I'm still hurting, and I'm still going

I have been helping Pietro with anything and everything he needs.  I am basically taking up the role of mother again, I raised Hope from a baby and now I'm raising her kid

I'll raise Henry to be a kind and caring man, who will always help other people when they are in need.  To always protect the world with his family, and I'll make sure he always knows who his mom is no matter what

Pietro's point of view:
I got to the restaurant with Sophia, I didn't go all out like I did with Hope.  I didn't really know Sophia and I didn't feel like giving her mine and Hopes thing, that was our special thing and I won't give it up because Hope is gone

The whole date all I could think about was Hope, Nat was right.  Its to soon to be moving on and dating someone new, I just lost my wife less than a year ago.  Henry needs his fathers full attention and I need to be there for him double now because Hope isn't here to help with him

"Sophia I'm sorry but I can't do this" I said walking Sophia to a cab, she had a little to much to drink

"But why?" she asked whinning

"I'm still getting over someone and I have a kid at home that needs me right now" I said shutting the door of the cab and walking away from the cab back towards the tower

I thought I was ready, I thought I could get over Hope easier but its not that easy.  Getting over someones death is awfully hard and so much work, something I thought would be easier but its not

I'm going to go home and cuddle up with Henry in the bed, I need to start hanging out with the family.  With Henrys family.  The only way we are going to get through this as a family

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