Chapter 4:Moving On

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Nat's point of view:
It has now been a month since Hope died, everyone is now almost out of their funk except Tony.  He still locks himself in his lab working on countless of things he won't tell anyone about

I have come out of the training room and I only go in their to train twice a week, Henry is getting used to being only with Pietro.  I think he is realizing that Hope isn't coming back and he'll never know her but only get to hear about her

Pietro's point of view:
"Tony you said you could fix everything so bring Hope back" I yelled at Tony mad that Hope is dead and he can't bring her back

"Pietro I'm sorry but I can't fix this its out of my control she sacrificed herself for everyone else" Tony said looking down at the floor

"Why not Tony your rich just invent something and everything can go back to normal" I said hitting the table with my fist

"Pietro I know its hard but shes gone and we can't do anything about it anymore" Tony said looking up into my sad eyes "I can't think of anymore ideas to bring her back its not possible"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing Tony who said he would figure it out is giving up.  He won't even keep trying, I mean he has to its his own daughter.  Right

"Whatever" I said storming out of the lab and speeding up to my room

I ran over to Henry and picked him up, "Hey buddy I know I said I was going to bring you mom home but thats not happening I guess" I said bouncing him up and down

Henry was getting better with me and now I don't always need Nat's help getting him to stop crying, sometimes he still likes to be in her arms.  I don't even want to imagine what I have to tell him when he gets older and asks why his mom is never around

"Henry it will be us forever okay" I said giving him a smile

"Thats not true" Nat said coming into the room and startling me

"I know" I said looking up at her and giving her a smile

"Okay as long as you know thats all that matters" she said coming over to us and rubbing Henry's cheek with her thumb

"Here take him please I have a few things to do" I said handing her Henry

Nat's point of view:
"Henry I hope your daddy can get through this and move on some day" I said bouncing him as he was falling asleep in my arms "Huh what you a little tired today" I couldn't help but smile at his little cute yawn

"Aww your so cute" I said yawning along with him

Henry started falling asleep in my arms and I could tell it was time for bed, I put Henry down in his crib once he was asleep and went to my room.  I sat down on the bed and let a few tears slip "Why Hope? Why did you have to leave us so soon?" I mumbled to myself

I got up and moved under the covers going to sleep to only face one more day

Hope's point of view:
I've been at Xaviers school for the gifted for now a month, every idea I get that could bring me home doesn't work.  Beast has been helping me any free second he has but he can't come up with any ideas either

I mean I don't mind it here, its nice and calm.  I don't have to worry about there being an emergancy or having to maybe die in battle, well I kinda did.  Everyone back home probably thinks I'm dead

All I want to do is go back home and hold Henry and Pietro in my arms, I miss seeing everyone daily.  I miss Steve's normal confused looks and how he is always confused on modern technology and sayings

I miss helping dad fix up his suits or help mom train and prepare for any battle that could happen any second of any day.  I probably won't get to see Henry's first step or first crawl or hear his first word, I'll miss it all and I don't think I can cope with that

Pietro is seeing it all and all I'll get to see is Henry being born and nothing else, I need to find a way to get home before I miss to much.  I have missed so much already and I don't want to miss anymore

Tony's point of view:
Pietro just flipped out on me because I told him I could try and bring Hope back but its impossible, and thats saying alot coming from me.  I have tried everything and nothing works

I don't want to say I gave up on Hope but there is no way to bring her back so in a way I am giving up on bringing her home.  She knew what she was getting herself into when she went into that battle

I need to come out of the lab and I need to be around the rest of my family and take care of Morgan.  Pepper can't take care of Morgan all by herself being pregnant and all, we found out right before the battle against Red Skull

"Hey guys" I said pouring myself a cup of coffee trying to wake up or should I say stay awake, I haven't slept in uh I don't even know anymore

"Hey Tony" Nat said giving me a small smile

"Tony" Pietro said grabbing Henry and walking out of the kitchen.  I got a few confused looks from the rest of the team that still live here

"Um I should probably explain that" I said looking towards where Pietro just left.  "I may have been trying to get Hope back but everything I come up with and try never works" I looked down at the ripples in my coffee

"What" Nat said standing up and throwing a dagger next to me, logging it into the wall

Hey everyone long time no write, I should start off with saying I'm sorry for not being active and updating like I normally do but I've been dealing with things at home and school and its just been a lot for me.  Everytime I come up with an idea its for later chapters in the book and I can't use them yet, but anyway hopfully I get back into the rhythm of writing again soon and then chapters should hopefully be flying your way one after another

Until then thanks for reading and I'll try to update fast

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