Episode 7:Building

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Hope's point of view:
I ran down the stairs getting to the lab expecting it to be empty, it was midnight. I ran into the lab skidding past my station and grabbing stuff out of the drawers

"What are you doing down here?" Beast asked startling me

"Oh I have an idea on how to get home" I said smiling starting to put the pieces together faster than my brain could handle I thought. I could feel Beast staring at me

"Wow slow down or you'll mess something up" he said walking over and putting his hand on my shoulder

I looked up at him and I could see the bags under his eyes, "Fine" I said looking back down at my work and going slower making sure I won't mess anything up and hurt myself

Beast's point of view:
I was working on a project Professor asked me to do when Hope came running into the lab startling me. She was set on a mission, her brain going a million miles an hour

She needs to slow down or she is going to fry her brain "Hope you need to slow down" I said putting my hand on her shoulder

She took a deep sigh and slowed down double checking everything she did, making sure she wouldn't make a mistake. The last thing we need is for Hope to land on another Earth that isn't hers

"Would you like help?" I asked watching over her shoulder

"No I'm good" she said not turning away from her work "Actually I need a lot of copper wire you think you can get that?" she asked back at me

"Yeah" I said walking over and grabbing the big role of copper wire

She took the wire from me, wrapping it around the circular center, the center was glowing like a reactor. There were bolts holding it together, and it would be enough for powering something big

Logan's point of view:
It was morning and I had a note on my nightstand saying 'when I woke up to go down to the lab' I put on my shoes and went down to the lab. I don't know what Hope has in mind but I'm sure its all going to work out in the end

I walked into the lab and saw everybody surrounding Hope, sad faces going all around the room. "Whats going on in here?" I asked walking over to Hope and looking her in her eyes

"I'm going home" she said giving me a small smile

"What???" I asked shocked

"I found a way" she said bringing me into a hug

Hope's point of view:
After a few weeks of putting the space traveler together, it was finally time. I got to go home but I had to leave a new family I had found, I was excited but sad at the same time. I got to go home to my son and husband but I would have to leave some of my friends and people who needed my help

"Guys I don't want to leave you guys but if this works than I can come back and visit anytime I want" I said giving them a sad smile

"Hope we get it go back to your husband and son I'm sure their missing you" Professor said giving me an approving head nod

"We'll do just fine without you but we will miss you a bunch" Logan said putting his hand on my shoulder and giving me a smile

"Really your not making me feel any better for leaving" I said feeling tears ready to fall from my eyes

"Sorry" he said wiping away the tear that fell once I blinked my eye

"Hugs" I said extending my arms to everyone in the room. They all walked over to me and gave me one big group hug except Logan, he isn't much one for hugs. "Your getting a hug too" I said pulling away from everyone and wrapping my arms around Logan

Logan hugged me back eventually "I'm going to miss you trouble" he said ruffling my hair up

"I know me too" I said biting the inside of my lip "Promise me you'll keep living like I'm here and you won't return to the guy you were" I said giving him a serious look

"I promise" he said bringing me into the hug this time

"And promise to not get into much trouble thats our thing" I said poking his stomach

"I promise that too" he said poking my shoulder back

"Everyone I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, I don't think I would have made it here without the help of you guys" I said looking around the room at everyone with sad faces all around "If you guys ever for some reason end up on my earth look me up at Avengers Tower in New York"

I got a few head nodds and smiles "Will do Hope" Professor said giving me the biggest smile out of everyone

"Okay we need to get this thing going before we lose the window" Beast said handing me the suit I'm supposed to wear to make sure my body doesn't tear apart switching earths

I changed while Beast got the machine ready, I walked out on the plateform getting ready to leave. Looking one more time at the new family I had grown to love "See you all soon" I said giving them a quick wave before closing my eyes waiting to leave this place

"Okay one.....two......three" Beast said before I heard him push the button

I was waiting for the machine to start up but it wasn't, I opened my eyes and noticed the machine I created was working. I walked over to it picking it up and looking at it, "Huh" I said tilting my head before the machine exploded in my hand making me go flying

I hit the wall and all I felt was pain before my world went black

Hello everybody, my friend is in the process of writing a story, yes it is a work in progress, but let's be honest.  Who's story at first isn't a work in progress, I hope you guys check it out, and enjoy reading it.  I edit them and there is real potential with the chapters, but have fun and continue on reading.  

It all started one night, Nala was at a bar, a mysterious man talking her ear off, but trouble came knocking. She missed her chance the first time, and nobody knows if she will get this tall, dark, mysterious man back. Only fate will bring them back together, if it is in Nala's cards. Want to know what happens, if she gets him back, or loses him forever. Keep reading to find out who ends out on top with Nala.

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