Chapter 23:Bullshit

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Soon after Pietro's hand fell from the glass wall, strangers in armored suites came in holding trays of food. "Good to know you won't starve us to death" Logan yelled, at the prison guards.

"Logan shut up" I said, throwing back venom in my tone, I banged my fists against the wall. "Get me my mom now" I screamed, wind erupting from all around me.

The guards delivered our food without a word, dropping it in a square box that was pushed into our cells. "Fuck you" I screamed, the door closing. I screamed out in agony, I just want to see my kids and get out of this mess, tears started to form in my eyes.

"Hope it will be okay" Pietro said, putting his forehead against the wall.

"No it won't be I want my kids and to get the hell away from this place" I screamed, turning to face everyone. Tears streaming down my face, "This isn't my idea of a happy life and this sure does suck and no matter how much happiness you try to give me, it won't bring back our kids or our life we used to have."

Nobody talked, their eyes all on the floor, knowing what I said to be true and there is nothing any of us can do to stop what is happening right now. "Well that was an impressing speech" mom said, coming into the room, her eyes trailed down on the ground.

"You did this to me" I said, her head snapping up to meet mine, our eyes meeting, intense stares going back and forth between the two of us.

"Hope I never meant for it to end up like this" she said, her eyes turning away from mine.

"Whatever" I said, turning my back to the only mother figure I have ever known in my life. The person who raised me from a few days old to now, the person who backed up the decision to lock me up for the rest of my life.

"Hope I will get you out of this" was the last thing she said, before she walked out of the prison cell area. I slid my back down the wall, tears falling from my eyes faster than I could stop them.

Everyone's words blending into one, going quiet in the background. I zoned out, losing all concept of time until everything went numb, my life is over and there is nothing I can do to stop it now.

-A Year Later-

It feels like days passed, moving in and out of this hysteric state for a while and the last time it happened I was in my cell, but before I even decide to brave the outside world for that last time, I finally came around and I wasn't in my cell anymore. I'm in a plain white room, the walls white, the bed set completely white, there is so much white it is driving me insane.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked, looking around the room, being completely alone. There was a camera in the corner of the room, I walked up to it, "Where am I?" I asked, nicely this time hoping somebody would answer my bloody question.

No answer, just endless amounts of silence, I sit back down on the bed and close my eyes. Pretending like I am at the beach with my family, Amelia and Henry running around when they are older. Splashing in the water, sand covering their bodies, and their hair all in a mess.

I laid down on the perfect bed, the sheets getting ruffed by my weight, I let out a loud sigh and closed my eyes, its has been a year since I could touch another human being, or see my kids. I start to drift off when I hear the door open.

I open my eyes, and my ears perk up, I sit up and see this shadows coming quickly running towards me. I got ready to fight them when it was my little kids, tears started to form in my eyes immediately, I bent down and opened my arms for them. "Mama" they both yelled, smiles plastered across their faces.

"My babies" I said, struggling to hold back the tears, threatening to break loose of my eyes. They jumped into my arms, my back hitting the ground when I lost my balance, but none of it mattered now because I was holding my babies in my arms again.

I started to shower their heads in kisses, smelling their freshly clean curly hair, I squeezed them as tight as I could. Them in a laughing fit, I'm holding my babies again, how is this happening. "How are you here?" I asked, burying my face into their necks.

"Daddy let us in" Henry said, giggling when I tried to snuggle with him.

"What" I said, shocked sitting up, both of the kids falling off of me and falling onto the ground, their butts smacking onto the white carpet.

"Come" Amelia said, grabbing my hand, trying to pull me up to my feet. I got up on my own and grabbed onto Henry's hand, we walked out of the room. Leaving the perfect ass white room behind in the distance, but I stopped in the door way.

There he was, standing right in the middle of the hallway, his eyes staring off into my eyes, I let go of our kids hands and ran to my husband, my best friend. I jumped into his open arms, my arms hugging his body tightly, I buried my face into his neck, being glad we can finally hold each other again.

"Your here, you're really here" I said, grabbing his face in my hands, I brought our lips together. Once we pulled apart I looked into his eyes, "Do you know how long I've been waiting to do that, being stuck across a big and open room, being able to see you but not touch you" I said, putting my forehead against his.

"Me too babe" he said, pushing his lips against mine again.

"Mom" Henry said, tugging on my leg, Pietro put me down and I picked up my baby boy, while Pietro picked up our daughter, my family back together one way or another.

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