Chapter 5:Almost Normal

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Pietro's point of view
It has been 7 months since Hope died and everyone is almost gotten the hang of the new routine. I even am going to try and date again. Henry is crawling everywhere and I can barely keep up with him

One second he is next to me playing and then all I need to do is look away and then he is across the room getting into something hes not supposed to be in. Henry so far has ripped a few barbie heads off of Morgans barbie dolls and gotten into Peppers makeup. Tony thought it was funny but the girls did not

Nat and Tony don't think I should be moving on yet but I think its time, its been 7 months without Hope and I need to move on. I met this lovely lady named Sopia and we are going to go for dinner in 3 days

Hope's point of view:
It has been 7 months and I think Henry would be making baby noises and crawling all over the place causing trouble for his dad. I hope Pietro isn't moving on but at the same time I want him to be happy

At the rate my ideas are coming and succeeding, I will never make it home and Pietro needs to be happy with or without me. Yeah it makes me sad but if I can't be there to make him happy, I hope someone else is there to make him happy

I have been getting close with a bunch of people here at the school and for them all being mutants, they are all really nice and sweet. Some have more dangerous powers but with a little help for me and the X-Men they all have their powers under control

Professor wanted me as a teacher, seeing I'm so good with my powers and the kids at this school. Everyone comes to me if they have a problem or questions to ask, I have friday nights with Logan and hang out with my friends any second I'm not teaching or working on a way home

'Knock Knock'

I looked up from my work station to the closed door, "Can I come in?" Logan said peaking his head around the door

"Yeah whats up?" I asked putting down my tools and looking at him

"Well I know its not friday but do you want to have a movie night tonight, we have a mission friday night again" he said showing me the movie in his hand he was hiding behind his back

"Of course" I said putting away my tools quickly and taking off my aprone

"Good I'll meet you upstairs" he said leaving the room and letting me clean up my work station

The lab isn't exactaly mine like back home, dad gave me half of the lab and said that it was mine and mine only but here I share the space. Beast and a few other students are the only ones who really uses this area but still, I should keep it clean for them

I put the last tool away and headed upstairs to Logan's room to watch the movie and before you think of anything Logan and I are just friends and nothing more. We can never be anything more that friends

Plus when would we have the chance, we are never alone. Either Deadpool will jump in and stay with us for the rest of the night or Professor will call for one of us. We made it through all of Superman V.S. Batman and we were still alone

"Holy shit I think thats the first time being able to sit through a full movie alone" I said turning and giving Logan a look before hanging my head off the couch and laughing

"Boo" Wade said dropping down from the ceiling

"AGH" I said jumping up and being terrifed "I'm going to kill you" I smacked his arm making him loose his balance and fall onto the floor "And thats what you get" I said walking away and leaving him alone lying on the floor behind the couch

I walked out of the room and Storm, Jean, and Scott where all outside the door ready to barge in. "Are you okay?" Scott asked looking worried

"Yeah just Wade being Wade" I said rolling my eyes and looking at him still lying on the floor

"Ugh his dumb pranks" Storm said walking away from the room

I followed after Storm and we talked all the way to our rooms, it was getting late and I could use some rest but lets be honest without Pietro I have nightmares every night and I don't get alot of sleep

I was dreaming when I came up with the idea

Logan's point of view:
Wade always has to come and ruin a good time, Hope and I were watching a movie when he decided to drop down from the ceiling and scare the crap out of us.  Hope smacked Wade in the arm and he fell onto the floor

Serves Wade right, he deserves to fall on the floor after he scared Hope.  I mean Hope could have easily killed him if he scared her enough, I wouldn't want to scare Hope or get in her way, yikes that would be bad

All Hope wants to do is go home and back to her family and even though this isn't Hope's home, I'll miss her.  Hell everyone here is going to miss her, Wade will miss scaring her and Storm will miss having a friend who is a female besides Jean

Professor will miss her help, and Beast will miss having a geek in the lab.  Scott and Jean are friends with Hope but they don't hang out much but even they will be sad when she goes too.  It just won't be the same without her smile and laugh but I'm sure its not the same back on her Earth right now either

Hello I am colabing with @michalarae on Like Fire and Ice.  It is under her account but I am tagged in every episode, it is a love hate kinda story and will have many turns in the near future.

Glorious Purpose.

What does it mean exactly?  To someoneit may be their birthright, while others may think of it as their duty, but what happens when love conquers all.  Evil, Love, Good, Bad, Family, Loss

Welcome to our family.  Follow along if you dare

That is the description and if that seemed intresting give it a shot, thank you and have a nice day

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