Chapter 22: Jail

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Landing in front of the other half of my family, they all had dissapointed looks on their faces, I can't believe I'm about to do this to my family.

"Steve" I heard dad say and just as quick I heard dad say "Hope."  Steve and dad started to yell at each other from the opposite sides of the runway, causing everyones' head to keep turning from one side to the other.

"You know this could all be over right now if you just signed the accords. Everything could go back to the way it was, Hope would be somewhere in a holding cell for the rest of her life" Tony was saying all these things and I knew it was true, it was just a matter of time, I don't see a way out of this one for me.  

"No I will never hand Hope or my team over to be put in a cell for the rest of their lives. I can't believe after everything with this family, you would just throw us away like a pieces of trash." I heard Steve say, and what he was saying was true. How could dad just throw away our life we used to have, it broke my heart.

I have kids now, a husband, friends, and family from another universe, and dad doesn't see that.  All he sees is something with a fancy name and a place to sign. 

My hand started to twitch, the sky around us started to stir, clouds filled the sky and the sun dissapeared.  I looked up to the sky, "Take deep breaths" Storm said, coming up next to me and putting her hand on my shoulders, giving me a smile.  She worked on making the sky look how it's supposed to look with her powers.

I watch as dad and Steve walk to the middle where they talk for a while, leaving the rest of us to our own sides. They returned and I felt a little nervous, I couldn't stop thinking he would turn me over like my dreams.

They tried to come to an agreement out peacefully but dad just couldn't see Steve's side, when Steve got back to us, he looked at me and gave me a sad face, I knew we were going to end up fighting.

"Under roos" dad yelled, when somebody in a suit swung out of no where and took dad's shield out of his hand by using some sort of spider webs.  Steve's hands were rapped in a spider web, he raised his hands into the air, after looking at the webs for a second.  Hawkeye a few miles away fired an arrow, it went through the spider web and Steve was free.

Everyone started walking, then it moved to a jog, and then a full out sprint. Nobody was backing down at this point. "Steve their not backing down" Bucky said, kinda asking if they should stop or keep going.

"Then we won't either" he stated and kept running. I wasn't liking this, everyone started fighting each other one went after another. I felt bad everyone for who everyone was fighting, Wanda was fighting vision, Nat and Clint but my dad faced Steve and well Bucky and Sam stayed near me farther away from the fight. 

If I fight it is going to be later in the fight with the X-Men, we are in the back with Sam and Bucky, because we are the most deadlyist people on our team.  We can cause the most damage, even though we don't want to.

The fight broke out between my family members, getting more intense by the seconds, cuts on their faces.  Maybe a few broken bones by the end of the day, a guy in a black cat suit came running towards me and the X-Men.

We all jumped in different directions, rolling and falling to the ground, I could hear Logan's claws come out of his knuckles. Perfect match for the guy dressed in a black cat suit, them going head to head in combat.

I got up and ran over to Storm, helping her off of the floor, "Hey you alright?" I asked, looking over her untouched body.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said, raising her hands toward the sky, bringing dark clouds to the airport. "I'm ending this now" she said, making lightning strike around us in a random pattern.

"I like your idea" I said, adding to her plan, I added more wind than a normal storm would have, along with more rain. The rain came down so hard you couldn't see your own nose.

The rain kept up like this for a few minutes before I started to feel sick, my head was spinning, and I couldn't keep up the heavy rain, and wind. I saw dad flying towards me at a fast speed, he swung my body into his arms.

Injecting a needle into my arm, making my head spin even faster than it was before, my eyes slowly closed. Leaving my friends and family on the tarmat of the airport, I couldn't fight anymore, I guess my dream came true after all, no matter what I did.

When I woke up the entire team was surrounding me, but in their own little jail cells. With clear glass walls, keeping us locked up, and little beds in the corner of each jail cell. "What happened?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my head.

Everyone lowered their heads, "We lost once your dad got you, the battle went down hill fast" Storm said, staring directly into my eyes. "Wanda went down at almost the same time you did and then the battle was over."

"I'm sorry I saw this and I tried to stop it but I wasn't strong enough and now we are all locked up in these cells" I said, putting my head against my cell wall, I watched as everyone stopped moving. Pietro had been running back and forth in his cell, his blue outline fading ever so slightly.

"Hope this isn't your fault" Logan said, catching my attention to meet his eyes. "Nobody could have saw this coming ever."

Tears started to fill my eyes, "But that's the thing I did see this happening and I didn't even tell anybody to try and stop it and now we are all locked away for the rest of our lives" I said, shedding the tears like the rain I had made fall earlier.

"Hope nobody blames you we will get out of this and it will all be okay" Pietro said, putting his hand up to the glass, I did the same wishing we could touch right now.

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