Chapter 21:Lets go kick some ass

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"Yeah of course come in" Sam said, motioning farther into the house, once I got in the place was a circus. X-Men all over the place, roughing around and laughing, but they all stop when they see me in the door way.

Logan is the first one to me, in a panic, he asks "Are you okay? What happened to you?" his questions, bringing back into what I just did to my parents and Secretary Ross.

"I" I looked around at all the eyes watching me, "I'm sorry" I said, sobbing into Pietro's shoulder, I can't face anyone after what I just did to the place I called home and the people I love.

"Oh Hope" Storm said, coming over to me and bringing me into a hug, Pietro had a tear rolling down his face. He probably feels like he could have done something differently than what happened.

"She crumbled the tower" Pietro said, looking down at the ground, tears filling up in his eyes. "Our family in it" I burried my head into Storm's neck and cried even harder.

"Hope everyone is okay and you can rebuild the tower, everything will be alright" Storm said, trying to comfort me, rubbing my back.

Sobs escaped my mouth and the room was quiet, my sobs filling the room in itself. "How did this happen?" I asked, myself not expecting anyone to answer.

"Hope nothing really happened I promise you'll be okay, everyone will be okay" Logan said, rubbing my back, trying to give me comfort.

"Why didn't I sign?" I asked myself, shaking my head in Storm's arms.

"Hope" Strom said, pulling me out of my neck, "I will help fight with you and your family to retore your family to what it used to be, you understand me" she had my face in her hands.

"Yes" I said, nodding my head in her hands.

"Now lets get ready because Steve just called we are going to war" Sam said, coming back into the room. I didn't even realise he had left the room in the first place.

I wiped my eyes clean and gave a firm nod, looking around the room at my fellow friends and family. "Lets get ready for war" I said, getting ready for this up coming war, that I know I'm going to lose.

Not soon after I got Professor to agree to watch the kids, with the help of Beast. Steve showed up while we were discussing a plan, "Steve" I said, getting up and giving him a hug, feeling him sigh in my arms.

"Are you ready?" he asked, me, not pulling away from the hug.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said, looking into his eyes and giving him a firm head nod. "Lets do this guys" I said, turning back to the whole team, that was gathered in Sam's living room. Pietro and I said goodbye to our kids and sent Professor, and Beast off to a safe location.

We all rode in a huge white van, the seats squished together, and not much room to breath, or put our feet. "So what's the plan?" I asked, probably the same question going through everybodys' head right now.

"We are going to meet some friends and then we will be going to be far away from this place if we can without getting caught first" he said, driving up a parking lot ramp near the airport. There was another big white van, also just randomly sitting in a empty row.

We all got out, and the other door opened, Wanda, Clint, and some mysterious guy stumbled out of the other van, "Uncle Clint" I said, throwing my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Hi sweetheart" he said, running his fingers through my dirty, matted hair. "How have you been?" he asked, me.

"Well thats kinda a dumb quetion, but I guess all will be well when we win this thing" I said, dropping my smile and looking down to the ground.

"Hey everything will be alright you just got to have faith that it will all work out" he said, picking my face up, making me look him directly in the eyes.

"Okay" I said, nodding to agree with him, everything will work out in the end.

Just as we were about to head out of the parking ramp, a all to fimilar voice came over the over head speaker system. Blasting through every row of parking floors, through out the entire airport and into our bones. It was dad, tears started to form in my eyes, he made it out of the tower alive.

"Hope come out we can talk this through" he turned everyones attention to me, I shook my head in disbelief.

"Hope what is he talking about?" Pietro asked, my attention turning to him, and him only as a tear rolled down my left cheek.

"They want to lock me away" I said, my voice cracking under the pressure and stress of it happening. I heard multiple whats come from all over the parking garage, "I won't be locked up anymore just because I'm powerful" I said, turning towards my friends and family who have known me for a few years now.

"Hope that won't happen" Storm said, coming over to me and putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah we will fight by your side and prtect you no matter what" Logan said, putting his hand on my other shoudler, I leaned into their touch, letting it consume me. My eyes closed and I took a few deep breaths, before my eyes opened again and rage filled them.

"Lets go kick some ass" I said, throwing my hands towards the concrete floor, and flying off towards my father, ready to face my own creator and match maker.

Hello everybody, my friend is in the process of writing a story, yes it is a work in progress, but let's be honest. Who's story at first isn't a work in progress, I hope you guys check it out, and enjoy reading it. I edit them and there is real potential with the chapters, but have fun and continue on reading.

It all started one night, Nala was at a bar, a mysterious man talking her ear off, but trouble came knocking. She missed her chance the first time, and nobody knows if she will get this tall, dark, mysterious man back. Only fate will bring them back together, if it is in Nala's cards. Want to know what happens, if she gets him back, or loses him forever. Keep reading to find out who ends out on top with Nala.

Written by:Abby 

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