Chapter 10:Returning Home

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Hope's point of view:
I traveled to get the Eeather so it can be turned into the reality stone while Beast stayed back to build the machine, once I got back all I would need to do is put the stone where it goes and then I'm back home with my family

I just am praying that there aren't going to be any complitcations

Pietro's point of view:
Tony just moved all of the Avengers to up state New York, the new building is beautiful and has many different things to do just like the tower did.  I was a little hesitant to leave the tower because thats where Henry was born and its the place that I grew to know and love Hope but all good things always come to an end at some point in our lives

I guess it was my time to move to the next chapter in my life

Hope's point of view:
Thankfully I got the Eeather out of the stone with no problem, I brought it back to the school and turned it into the Reality Stone.  I'm almost home, I just have to make it home.  I finished up the last few things I needed to do

Pietro's point of view:
We packed all of our stuff up and we packed it all up into the quinnjet where it would be flown to out new building.  Henry and I decided to drive to the new building, to just get a little us time.  Without Henry, I don't think I would have been able to make it this far

He is here for me and I am here for him, it will be us always and forever

Hope's point of view:
I boxed all my stuff up and put it into a storage pod, I gave some of my stuff to Logan and all my friends as something to remember me by.  I can't just leave them so for the last week, I have been spending a day with each and every one of them

The whole day to ourselves to do whatever we wanted to do.  I went on my last mission with the X-Men and now it was all up to me on when I went home.  If I went home today, or if I go home in a year but I do know one thing

That is that I have been waiting for this moment for 2 long and hard years.  I've been alone and away from my family for way too long

Pietro's point of view:
It wasn't to bad of a drive but Henry slept the whole way, I listened to my music and just rocked out.  I had the windows down and was living the best I could in that moment

When I got to the new Avengers building everyone was already unpacking and moving into their new rooms.  Henry's room was right across the hall from mine, he was still nice and close to me but we would both have out own space now. 

I think between keeping some of Hope's stuff, my stuff, and plus Henry's stuff.  We had too much stuff for just one room

Hope's point of view:
I set a date of 2 days from now is when I'm going to leave.  I'm going to leave this school and my friends but I'm going to be able to get back to my family.  Yes everyone is sad but they are all happy for me

I finally get to go home and see my family once again, I'll get to be my happy and normal self.  But some stuff I will never be able to forget, like how the X-Men helped me through a tough time in my life and how I'm better with my powers thanks to them

Everything they thought me, I will never forget.  It will stick with me forever and ever, I will forever be grateful to them and if I ever could I'd love to repay them

Pietro's point of view:
It only took a full and long day but we finally got everything unpacked and we were all getting used to the way around the place.  Henry keeps walking into walls which I think is the cutest thing ever but he gets right back up and does it again

Henry is learning new stuff everyday and I love how he thinks somethings are amazing, while other things he things are so dumb and useless.  I just wish Hope was still here to see all of this

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