Chapter 8:One

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Pietro's point of view:
Henry is turning One tomorrow and Hope isn't here to see it, its coming up on a year when she died and I can't believe I've made it this far without her. Thinking she will miss all of Henrys life makes me sad, she shouldn't have died. We could have found another way to win but she died, sacrificing herself for the world. To make it better for Henry and her family

Henrys first word was Mama and I cried, he decided to say mama first. Henry will never get to know his mother which is what makes his first word being mama so sad

He crawls and can walk along surfaces but hasn't quite figured out how to walk without holding onto something. Henry loves to be independent and always is causing trouble

He has shown some speed moments. He will be crawling and in a blink hes across the room, I guess he got my powers. It will be so cool when hes older and I can teach him how to control it and we can race each other and he can join the Avengers if he pleases

I've always hoped to have a young speedster with me, it will be so fun when he can walk by himself and run next to me

Nat's point of view:
I go and visit Hopes grave a few times a week, I talk to her and tell her all about Henry growing up and how the team is doing. I always leave a flower on the top of her gravestone

Sometimes I'll see Tony there but as soon as I arrive, he leaves. I think he still hasn't come to terms with it a year later, I mean its hard. He didn't even know Hope was his daughter, he didn't even know she existed until I brought her to the tower that one day and it was probably the best thing I could have done for Hope and Tony

They grew this bond nobody could break apart until the day Red Skull killed Hope, Tony was heartbroken. We all were, the light in the dark tunnel went away and we were all left alone with no light to guide us

Henry is turning One tomorrow and I can't believe it will be a year soon, it has felt like way more but it also feels like it just happened yesturday. I don't know where all the time went but I knew I was living everyday to the fullest just like Hope would want me too

Tony's point of view:
Pepper had her baby and we named her after Hope, we got a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Her name is Faith

Faith and Hope have the same meaning so we went with Faith to keep the memory of Hope alive. Hope stood for so much more than just herself, she stood for hope itself. Protecting anyone who needed it and saving the world no matter what

Faith has Hope's eyes and everytime I look ino those brown eyes all I see is Hope and Faith combined into 1 person

Henry is turning 1 tomorrow and I have this big party planned for him, I'm his grandpa and that boy will be spoiled as much as I can help it. I won't turn him into a younger version of myself but he will have anything he asks for within reason of course

Pietro's point of view:
I needed to talk to Hope, I had no clue what to do anymore. I went to her grave and sat down in front of it, "Hope I don't know what to do" I said taking a deep breath "If you can hear me please send me a sign on what to do"

I waited and waited but nothing ever came, there was no change in the wind or elements. Nothing. "Please Hope why did you leave us, Henry is 1 tomorrow and he'll never get to know you" I said tears falling down my cheeks "But I promise I'll make sure he knows who you are" I said standing up and kissing the stone that held Hope's name carved into it

I stood there looking at the little memorial we had craved into, I heard someone walking up to me "Hello" I said turning around to see Nat

Nat comes here once in a while and talks with Hope. "Pietro everything will turn out okay I promise all of the Avengers are here to help you through this" she said giving me a smile and bringing me into a hug

"I know its just hard without her here I didn't know her for that long and then we had Henry and then she left me alone" I said crying into Nat's shoulder while she rubbed my back comforting me

"Hey I know its okay" she would whisper into my ear every few cries

"I know its just hard" I said stopping the tears falling from my face "I just I could have saved her" I said thinking back to that day just like everynight when I close my eyes

"Hey Hope wouldn't want you blaming yourself there was nothing any of us could have done" Nat said taking a deep breath "She knew she had to do it in order for the universe to live"

"Your right" I said pulling away and wiping my face

I normally don't cry but when it comes to Hope, I can't help it. She is my one weakspot that isn't with me anymore, Henry is here and I will protect him with everything I have because I can not fail him too like I did with his mom

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