Chapter 9:Broken

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-2 years later-

Hope's point of view:
Its been 3 years without Henry and Pietro. Henry would have just turned 2 a few months ago and it makes me sad, I've missed everything already. Henry probably doesn't even know who I am, I hope Pietro didn't find someone to replace me

I'm still here at the Xavier's school for the gifted. The machine I used to try to get back home failed, it blew up in my face. Everyone in the room was flung against the wall and I ended up getting the worst of it. I got a concusion and broken leg, along with a fractured arm

I was sitting in a wheel chair for a few months, letting my leg, arm, and head heal. I have been here for 2 years now and I finally came to terms on how I'm not going to be able to go back home

I need Pietro to take care of Henry for me because I'll never be able to make it back to them, everynight I see their faces. Right after I drift off into sleep I see me 'dying' all over again

How the reality stones glows the brightest and is the last one glowing before everything went black that day. All I try to come up with is inventions to get back home but I never thought the solution would be in plain sight

Logan's point of view:
Hope was so excited to finally being able to go home 2 years ago and then it blew up in her face, literalty. She got the most damage out of the X-Men, she can't do anything to help herself get home

She has come up with every idea possible and so has Beast, we are all stumped and sad. We all want Hope to be able to be with her family and happy and although she may put a smile on her face everyday, everyone can tell she doesn't like being here. No matter how happy she seems

She wants to go home and be with her familly and if its the last thing I do, Hope will get home and be with her family again some day.

Hope's point of view:
Wait plain sight, the reality stone. Its been infront of me everynight. All I need to do is find the reality stone and I could get home, if this doesn't work then I won't ever be able to get home

I started idea planning, the Eeather which is the reality stone comes from this rock looking thing in England. Jane found it before she really knew what it was so I have to go get it out of the rock and turn it into the stone. Good won't be to hard not!!

I grabbed my computer and booked a plane ticket to England, one way or another I am going to make it home to my family. I would just need to build a device that would allow me to turn the Eeather into the reality stone

Now thats the big issue, I have no clue how to turn the weird liquid into a physical solid. Time to start planning I guess

Beast's point of view:
Its been 2 years since Hope came here, she misses her family so much and there is nothing I can do to help her. I've gone through every brain cell I have to come up with ideas but nothing. Everything I come up with doesn't work and I always end up getting Hope's hopes up in the end

We try everything Hope comes up with but again nothing ever works out, it either short circuits or doesn't work completely. I don't want to say I've given up but there is no other way besides the way she got here and she can't remember that

Hope's point of view:
Ever since I came up with the idea that will bring me back home I've been working, I have this huge eraser board in my room and I have sketches everywhere. "There" I said pointing to the one right in the middle that will be the most successful. I was jumping up and down in happiness

"Whats going in on here?" Logan asked peaking his head around my door

"Oh just figuring out how I can get home" I said a big smile on my face

Logan's face dropped into a frown "I'm sorry" I said looking down at the ground and dropping my smile

"Hey your fine you have a son and husband who you miss dearly so I will support you as much as you need okay" he said bringing me into a hug

"This is nice" I said hugging him back

"Good because it will be the only one you'll get from me" he said smirking

Logan's point of view:
Hope just told me she is trying to get back home and last time she said that it ended up badly. I don't want her getting herself all excited for it not to work. Hope misses her family every day but I just can't ever see her finding a way back to them

I'm sure her family has moved on and its time for her to do the same as they did. Once I left the lab I threw my fist into the wall, punching a hole in the wall. "Shit" I said taking my hand out of the hole and walking up to my room

I'm really hoping, Hope gets to go back home to her family. She really does need them to keep going, I think the only thing that has stopped her from going insane is the possibility of her returning back to her home one day

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