Chapter 18:Lagos

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The mission was in Lagos, it wasn't going our way, especially after Wanda blew up a building trying to save everybody's lives.

Right now we are on the way home and everybody is silent, I don't think anybody knows what to say or even think.

We got back to the tower and Henry came running towards us.  Wrapping his arms around both mine and Pietro's legs.

"Hi buddy" I said, running my hand through his long and mangled hair.  He needs to get a hair cut, but I like him with his long hair. 

Pietro doesn't like it but I don't listen, he's a mommas boy so it's both his and I's choice.  I will though go get it trimmed in a few days.

Storm came walking into the room with a smile on her face, the exact opposite of mine and the avengers mood right now. "How did the mission go?" She asked.

"Don't ask" I said, walking right past her and heading towards my room, Henry right on my heel. I changed out of my white widow suit and got into comfy pajamas.

I'm to tired to give a shot anymore, yeah it's only five in the afternoon, but I don't give a shit in this moment, my day has just gone to shit and I have a bad feeling about the future. 

I drifted off to sleep, waking up in sweat, my cloths sticking to my skin like someone poured honey onto them.  My hair a mess and caked in sweat.

The end for my family is coming, no I just got them all back. This can't be happening again, I don't want it to happen and I will do whatever it takes to keep my family together. 

My stress level going through the roof, I don't know what that fighting dream was, but the team was definitely split apart. 

I laid in bed and just stared up at the ceiling, I got to keep this a secret and stop an arguments that take place in this family. 

I finally got up and walked out of the bedroom, and walked into the living room.  Everyone was sitting around laughing, the X-Men included, I love how my family accepted the X-Men as our own, I truly can't complain. 

Time stands still as I watch my big, and dysfunctional family get along, I watch and can't help but smile. My life is whole and nothing is going to stop me from keeping it that way.

"Hope come sit down with us" mom said, patting the empty seat next to her. I walked over and leaned into her open arms, cuddling up into her side.

My family talked and laughed with me, we ended up putting a movie on and ended up all falling asleep to watching Finding Dory per Henry's request.

Mom lightly nudged me awake, my eyes fluttering open just a little bit before trying to close again. I looked up and we were one of the only people left in the living room.

Somebody took Henry and Amelia up to their rooms and left me down here in my moms comfort. "Hope come on it's time to go to your bed" she said, putting my arm over her shoulder and helping me up.

"Thank you mom for everything" I mumbled out, swaying in and out of sleep.

"Your welcome honey I will always be on your side" I heard mom say, setting me down in my bed and kissing my forehead goodnight before leaving the room and covering me up.

I closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep again for the night. I could feel the bed dip when Pietro got into bed, but that's all I remember until Amelia woke me up in the middle of the night to eat.

I fell asleep in Amelias room, sleeping in the rocking chair, holding Amelia in my arms. I felt Amelia being lifted out of my arms and I woke up, "shush go make to sleep" Storm said grabbing Amelia.

Casting a little wind to keep rocking the chair, to put me back to sleep.  I drifted back off to sleep until Jarvis woke me up.

"Mrs.Maximoff Mr.Stark is waiting for your presence in the meeting room with the other avengers please" Jarvis says, cutting off quickly.

I got out of the rocky chair and made my way to the meeting room in my pajamas, I sat next to Sam and listened into the conversation.

Secretary Ross was standing in front of all of us, pacing back and worth. Talking about all our missions we have successfully completed, but apparently in the eyes of the government it's bad.

All the avengers leave is destruction, which is bullshit, because my dad cleans up our messes and makes sure people have what they need after the missions are over.

A huge booklet was set in front of me and I looked at it, my eyes widening. Oh hell no this is going to be what breaks us apart, just by looking around the room, I can tell who is on what side.

I knew from the moment the booklet was set down that this is going to end badly.

Hey everybody I'm back not really, I don't even know anymore. I know where I'm going to go with this story, I just need to write it. I do apologize I'm working on this story, but I've currently got my mind on a lot of things and this isn't my first priority, but I promise more chapters are to come. I do know that once I start writing I will probably finish this in one go speaking I wrote this chapter in 20 minutes.

Anyway good night/morning/afternoon from me.

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