Chapter 15:A hot mess

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Its been a few more weeks, Pietro and I are getting along alot better now, we haven't been fighting but making out instead. I'm late and in need of going to the grocery store to get a pregnancy test

I'm hoping I am pregnant because that means I could have my little miny me, I always wanted. I bought it and went to our bathroom, waiting for the results. My alarm went off and then Pietro came into the room when I screamed

"What whats wrong?" he asked running into the bathroom

I handed him the test and smiled before being brought into his arms and hugged "I'm guessing your happy" I said grabbing his face making him look at me

"Of course" he said kissing me

Our kissing wasn't breaking up anytime soon, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Pietro set me on the counter and started to kiss my neck making me turn my head in pleasure. I slipped my shirt off so he could travel down my body more, I took Pietros shirt off before our shoes and pants came off. Pietro carried me to the bed before more started happening and we did our thing

When we were done we went into the shower and washed off

9 months later
I just had a healthy baby girl and we named her Amelia Storm Maximoff.  I wanted her middle name to be Storm from my best friend I made

My family is so happy for me, when I was little I always wanted to have at least a boy and girl but if I had more that was fine by me

Mom and dad are whining because each one had her more so I took back Amelia, she is only a day old and her family is already fighting over her

She is going to be the favorite and baby of the family, I can already tell

Before I knew it, it was time to go home.  Mom told me to act surprised because she spilled the secret of my coming home decorations

I think she got a little excited for me that she couldn't wait for my surprise.  I didn't really need to act the surprise out because it was a lot more than what I imagined

There was streamers and balloons falling from the ceiling, Wanda and Pietro were shooting off confetti canons

Everyone was smiling and clapping for me, this is the family I know and love.  They always will put others first and show them the world, just to make them happy

"Thank you" I said smiling at them all holding Amelia in my arms

"Your welcome honey" mom said hugging me and taking Amelia from me

"Hey" I said but was picked up by Pietro bridal style

"You'll get to see her later but Henry wants to see you" he said rushing us upstairs

Henry was waiting in our room sitting on the bed being as patient as he could be with a sign.  It read 'welcome home mommy' in his little chicken scratch

"Hi buddy" I said going over to him and hugging him

"Mommy home with sister?" He asked me

"Yes bud Amelia is down stairs with nana" I said pointing out the door

Henry's eyes got big and he jumped off the bed running down the stairs and into the living room to see his little sister

"He's more excited about Amelia then me" I said looking at Pietro

"I know" he said coming over to me and kissing me

I put my hands around his neck and we just stayed in our happy bubble for a few minutes before being interrupted by a crying baby

"Oh Amelia" Pietro said grabbing her from mom, rocking her, making her fall asleep in his arms

"You've got this" I said patting his back and walking out of the room with mom

I walked down to the living room where everyone was still in the living room talking.  "Hey" I said walking over to the couch and sitting down resting my head back

"How you holding up?" Dad asked

I lifted my head up and looked at everyone "sore" I said before dropping my head again

"That's understandable" mom said

"Yeah" I said closing my eyes and humming

Everyone sat in silence, thinking in their own minds not disturbing anyone.  I don't know how much time has passed but Pietro was still upstairs with Amelia and I had Henry watching my phone next to me

Soon the silence was interrupted by someone talking "Sir there are strange people walking into the building" Jarvis said

My head snapped up and I looked around the room at everyone "does someone have people coming over and didn't tell me?" dad asked everyone

"I didn't" I said looking at him

Everyone else gave either a head shake or a "No"

Everyone was now on edge from who could be walking into our home.  Every time we are at a happy spot trouble just has to find us

Thor walked in smiling "ugh it's just Thor" I said hanging my head over the back of the couch again

"Jarvis Thor is an avenger not a stranger" dad yelled up at the ceiling

"Thor is not the intruder sir" Jarvis replied back

"Oh god" I said standing up and taking my phone from Henry "Henry come here" I said extending out my arms stepping behind dad and mom

Mom had her hands up ready to punch and dad had his suit assembling.  Steve had his trusty shield and Thor his hammer

I'm about to put Henry down if I need too and fight with fire or water.  I looked down at Henry and then up at the top of the stairs where my room door was still shut meaning Pietro was still in there with Amelia safe

The elevator door opened and I put Henry down pushing him behind me.  Steve and Thor threw their shield and hammer and dad sent out a repulsing blast before I could look, I heard that metal clinking noise that I grew to know and love

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