Chapter 20:I'm sorry

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In the morning Senator Ross was back in the conferance room, and he was not happy to be here.  We were forced right there and then to make a decision, the ones who didn't agree with the accords let the room, and those who wanted to sign stayed, I on the other hand am torn.  Pietro had gone to pack everything in a secret get away car, the kids were in their rooms.

"Everyone please excuss us except Hope, Tony, and Natasha" Ross said, turning his attention to the three of us.

"What do you need Ross?" dad asked, looking between mom and I.

"Well" he said, trailing off and setting his hands on the table, looking down on me.  "With Hope's powers" he started, but I interupted.

"Mutation" I said, staring him right in the eyes.

"Right well with your mutation you can't sign because you would be arrested right away and be locked in a cell in the middle of the ocean" he said, my eyes going wide.  Mom and dad's head snapped towards me, their eyes widening as well.

"What, no" I said, standing up and knocking my chair over.  "No, no, no" I shaking my head in disbelief. 

"Hope I'm sure this is a misunderstanding" dad said, coming over to me, extending his hand out to me.  I could see something glistening in his other hand, behind his back. 

"Are you serious" I said taking my hand and thrashing it towards the metal, throwing it across the room.  "I can't believe you had that and agreed to lock up your oldest daughter, who you didn't even know for the first half of her life, and then then your willing to put me in jail for the rest of my life, even with me having two kids" I said, shaking my head.

"Hope I know you have two kids but you can be dangerous" dad said, my eyes widening. 

"I'm done" I said, shaking my head and turning my attention to Ross, "Thank you so much Ross for making my family go up in smoke" I said, glaring fake laser beams into his eyes. 

"It is what has to be done" he said, bringing out another pair of power dampening cuffs, he had three pairs and then there was an additional one on the floor.

"This is bullshit" I said, crossing my arms.  Mom still sitting in her chair shaking her head, but Ross and dad took a step towards me, and I took a step back farther towards the wall and door.

Pietro came running into the room, he almost knocked me over in the process.  "Hope whats wrong?" he asked, putting his hands on my shoudlers. 

"That thing I told you about its time for it to take action" I said, tilting my head up to look him in the eyes. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, leaning down and giving me a kiss.  

"Pietro go grab Henry and Amelia from their room and run, I will catch up with you" I said giving him a serious look, I won't go willing with Ross to be locked up for the rest of my life.  If Ross wants me to come in he is going to have another thing coming, I will not back down willingly. 

Pietro took off in the direction of the rooms going to get both of our kids "Hope it doesn't have to be like this" dad said stepping closer, handing out his hand with a cuff, expecting me to put them on myself. 

Mom was standing next to him now "How about we all calm down, and just talk about this" she said, giving everyone a smile, I don't think she agrees with any of this.

"I'm not doing anything wrong here I'm not the bad guy here" I said backing away one step at a time, "I don't hurt anybody" I said, blinking the tears away, that were threatening to fall down my face. 

"We're not saying you are" dad said, giving me a sad look, his emotions playing all across his face. 

"Well thats not how it seems now" I said, crossing my arms. 

"Hope please" mom said pleading with her eyes, I could tell she didn't want to be doing this, but somebody is making her do it.  To betray her daughter and fight against her instincts when her brain and heart are telling her something else. 

"Better buckle up" I said, raising my hands to meet each other into the middle, moving my hands slowly I started to create an energy ball in my hand, tears falling down my face, "I'm truly sorry for this" I said before throwing it at the floor and the whole building started to shake.

I ran out of the room fleeing from my parents who were blocking the ceiling pieces from falling on them. I can't help but feel bad for what I did make in the conferance room, I hope they will be okay in the long run. 

I ran outside and got swept off my feet by Pietro, he ran me to a car where Henry and Amelia was in their car seat "Drive" I said to him as he got in the drivers seat, our seat belts clicking and he put his foot to the pedal. 

I told Pietro where to go, Steve always said thise place would be safe incase I would ever need a place to lay low. This place was secluded and a little bit in the woods, so hopefully nobody will find us here. 

After many turns, ditching a few tag alongs, and hitting a few pot holes, we made it to our destination in one peice.  "We are here park behind his house" I said, pointing behind the big and tall blue building, it could fit at least a few smaller families, but only one man lives here or until we moved the X-Men here as well.

We arrived and I grabbed Henry out of his car seat and Pietro grabbed Amelia, we walked to the front door where I knocked and waited, hopefully Sam will answer and let us in. "Hey" Sam said, opening the door and giving me a smile before a worried look.

"Hey we need to lay low" I said, looking down at Henry sleeping in my arms peacefully.  I looked back up, tears in my eyes, I don't know how much longer I can keep up this strong act, I just potentially buried my parents in a concrete tower.

"Come in" he said stepping aside and letting Pietro, Henry, Amelia and me in the house.

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