Chapter 13:Finding out the Truth

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Pietro kissed me before I was pulled away from him and Henry was taken away from me, I fought with all my strength. Trying to get free of the person's grip, I didn't want to hurt them so I held in my powers. I couldn't do anything to get free, I was pushed back into the cell. "No" I said trying to get out of the cell before the door shut

Pietro came up to the bar and we held our hands together. "Guys its Hope" he said fidgeting with the new lock

"How do we know that?" dad asked looking me in my eyes

"Steve threw his shield at me the first day we met and I hacked into your system when I was taking down that hack you couldn't figure out dad, I'm Hope Stark" I said pleading with his eyes

"Thats not good enough you can read that in an interview" mom said stepping closer, crossing her arms over her chest

"Fine" I said trying to think of anything that would be a little secret. "Until the age of 5 I lived in St.Croix, Iowa" I said. I didn't think that was in a muesum or interview

"Holy shit" mom said trying to grab her keys off of her belt. She unlocked my cell and brought me into a big hug

"Hi Mom" I said hugging her back, squeezing her tightly

"Hope" she said choking on my name

"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" I said pulling away and looking at my family

I'm finally back home and happy, "Group hug" I said a tear escaping my eye, opening my arms to everyone. They all rushed towards me and now we were in a big group hug

This is one of the best moments in my life, I have my family back. "What happened to you?" dad asked being the first to pull away

"Well how do I explain this" I said thinking "When I died" I said using air quotations "I woke up in a field outside of a school called Xaviers school for the gifted"

I got a few weird looks from my family "The kids there have powers like me I made friends there and tried many many times to get home but nothing worked until now" a tear escaped my eye "I was stuck there for 2 years but I'm here now and that's what matters" I said looking up into Pietro's eyes

He brought me into his arms and spun me around in circles, kissing me. I couldn't help but giggle. I'm finally home, I just hope the X-Men will do just fine without me. I feel like I really was the one who pulled them togther into a big family

"Now this is depressing lets get out of this area" I said walking towards the door

Everyone followed me out and then I was lost, I have no clue where I'm going. "Now where do we go I don't have this place down yet" I said turning around and looking at everyone clueless

"Here follow me" Pietro said grabbing my hand and leading me down hallways, we entered a room and it was a living room. Spacious and had plenty of light

I sat down on a couch and Henry came running over to me, jumping in my lap. "Hello little man" I said bring him into a hug

"Its been 2 years what did you invent that I couldn't think of?" Dad asked sitting next to me bringing me into a side hug

"Everynight I dreamed about me dying" again I used air quotes around dying "Red Skull used the reality stone to make me shift reality's and when I got the Eather and turned it into the reality stone I got back home" I looked around the room when I said home

"So thats how why didn't I think of that" Dad said hitting himself in the forehead

"Because you thought I was dead not in another reality" I said grabbing his hand, stopping him from smacking himself again

"But your home now and everything can go back to normal" mom said bringing me into a hug while dad walked off into another room before returning with shots

"Shots already?" I asked looking at him and then the 10 glasses he had in his hands

"Yeah" he said handing them out to everyone

"Sure why not" I said raising my glass

"To Hope returning home" Tony said before downing his drink

"To me being back home" I said smiling back at my family before taking my shot

"Woah" I said shaking my head left and right, I haven't had a shot in a few years

I heard the elevator ding before little Morgan ran out but Morgan isn't little anymore she is big. "Dad Faith wants you" she said coming over and bringing along another little girl

"Morgan" I said running over, dropping to her height and hugging her

"Hope" she said crying into my arms

"I'm here little one" I said rubbing her back "I won't leave you again"

"I missed you" she said looking into my teary eyes

"I missed you too" I said wiping away her tears

"Morgan" I heard a little girl say from behind us

"Hi little girl" I said grabbing her hand and giving her a smile "Now who might you be?" I asked looking at my dad

"This is Faith your other little sister" dad said giving me a smile

"Hi Faith I'm Hope" I said picking her up and giving her a smile "I'm your big sister"

I have another sibling, it would be nice to have a baby brother but baby sisters are just as cute. I'm happy I get the chance to have a younger sibling and as long as they are healthy thats all that matters

"Now its been a long day I think I'm going to head to bed" I said looking around the place confused

"Right I'll take you" Pietro said grabbing Henry and my hand

"Here leave me Henry you guys need to be reunited" mom said grabbing Henry from Pietro before we thanked her and walked up the stairs to our room

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