Chapter 17:Settled

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Hey Everybody I thought of an idea that could lead me somewhere to end the story and if you guys will bare with me, I will start writing it hopefully this weekend. And then have it out for you guys and finish the story with more of an better ending than what I wrote before

I think you guys will like whats to come if you guys will just hold for a month or so but anyways have a nice day bye

Once we got all the X-men settled, life went back to normal. I mean I'm tired as hell, sore, and hungry but non of that matters right now because I have both of my families with me here. I will live with my entire family from now on and forever

Sure it was hard explaining everything to the team but eventually they saw why I liked the X-Men, Storm has been all over Amelia. Secretly she loves her but she won't admitt it

"Oh come on Storm I want to hold her" Mom whined from in the living room

"But I'm holding her" Storm moved Amelia away from mom, shielding her with Storm's arm

"Storm" I said stepping into the living room "Please let my mom hold her?" I asked with a smile on my face. The same smile I know she can't say no to

"Okay" she said handing Amelia to mom

"Thank you" she turned her attention to Amelia, holding her in her arms. Mom's face lights up everytime she looks at Amelia, I like to let her have her a little more because it reminds her of what she is missing out on but at the same time she is still getting a little kid to watch over and take care of

I left the living room, going up to Henry's room to see him. When I got in the room, he was jumping on his bed. "Henry" I said his name and he turned to face me

"Uh oh" he said dropping down onto the bed

"Yeah uh oh" I said rushing over to him and tickling him "What did I say about jumping on the bed" I questioned not letting up on the tickling

"Don't" giggles rung out through the room "Do it" he struggled to get his words out between his laughing bits

"Thats right" I said sitting up and bringing him onto my lap.  I looked into his eyes and I couldn't be more happy in this moment, but it always has to be ruined.  The emergancy siren started going off and I rushed down to the meeting room

Does anything ever want to be good, or just let me be happy for two whole minutes.  "Avengers suit up" Tony said stepping into his Iron Man suit

This chapter is complete I have about maybe 5-15 chapters left of the story and then the story will be complete for real this time.

Hello everybody I am wrote another story if you want to go give it a try, a little description is down below. I'm currently getting a lot of chapters edited so you won't have to wait long to find out whats happening in the book

Your Tony's sister and nobody knows about you but what happens when you fall in love with Captain America and your big brother doesn't approve

When your whole existence is a secret and nobody knows u you live in the attic of stark tower but what happens when a certain avenger gets curious and finds your room how will it play out and what will Tony do in the end while he is trying to protect you

"Steve" I dropped my head. Remembering Anya is painful I didn't even get 5 minutes with her before Yelena had to take her away from me.

"Stop playing games" he snapped causing me to flinch.

"I'm sorry" I dropped my head to the floor, letting it hang "I lost her" I let slip out of my mouth, breaking into sobs

"You lost who?" Steve asked worried getting down on the floor, looking up into my red, puffy eyes

"Why worry I'm nothing but a pest in your way" I tilted my head to the side looking him straight in the eyes again

"Your not a pest and I will always worry about you no matter what, you are my sister." I could tell he truely meant it again but I couldn't stand this anymore

"No I'm not, I have no family anymore. You left me and you sent me away to a father who cares what I can do and only that so please leave" I pointed to the door letting the venom in my voice lace every word that left my mouth

"NO you need to let it out and talk to me this is what you really need and if you don't believe that now you will someday when this is past and your happy in Steve's arms again" Tony had a smile on his face

"Your dad" I said looking at him narrowing my eyes

"What the hell does that mean?" he asked more confused than ever

"Hey believe what you want but I know the truth and that is your Howard and don't know how to be anything different" I felt something in my heart break more

Continue if you dare in The Secret Sister, now found on my profile page

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