Chapter 26

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Living in Richmond is way different than living in ATL. Different environment, people, house, stores and the list goes on. I've avoided a lot of people that I once did know. They would probably ask about the guy I was with, the guy who I was so happily in love with or look at me with sympathetic looks, which I didn't want. I've survived through everything I went through, I am breathing and turning 19 very soon. It honestly slipped my mind, it's June 27th and my birthday is September 4th.

I looked back at my reflection through the pond that I once grew up near. I looked different, very different. You know when you stare in the mirror at yourself and think that your beautiful then the next day your ugly? Within a month I went from being beautiful to changing into somebody I thought I wouldn't ever be. I look dull, plain, ugly. My hair was in a big puff ball, I had a hello kitty shirt on with jean shorts that stopped about 2 inches above my knees and grey uggs. Summer uggs? It's comfortable, gives off a different feel. Looking at my reflection it reminded me of one of the incidents I went through with Jayceon.

It was a windy day in ATL, the sun was out and it was a good day to go to the park. I was at the park with Trey, we've always been close so I refer to him as my cousin. We were just sitting on the swings talking catching up. He filled me in on his now three year old son Trey Jr. and he wanted to surprise his girlfriend Layla with a proposal. He had the perfect idea, spoiling her all throughout the day and taking her to the restaurant they first me out. He wanted to buy the whole entire place out for the night. I thought it would be cute and special. I knew Layla would think that it was too much, but in the end she would love it. He was one of the very little men that was faithful in this world, he did start out acting up, but Layla made sure she put him in his spot. I have to say after he found out that Layla was expecting Trey Jr. he got his act together saying he wouldn't want his child to grow up acting like a little bitch, fucking everything walking.

I then started to fill him in on my life. I started to tell him about all the troubles I was going through with Jayceon which were many. Phone calls started to get short, text messages getting boring, different females coming up to me telling me to leave their man alone, pictures of him and hoes I was tagged in, shade being thrown on the gram, bitches stabbing my tires. Anything you can think of, speaking of the devil looking up I see him heading my way with a bimbo tailing him.

Before I knew it he was yelling trying to figure out who Trey was which pissed me
off. He had a little hoe with him and he's over here on Trey who's basically family. He clearly stated multiple times that we weren't official. Just trying to figure out where we stand, but I'm just like if you want a future with me you got to be loyal and faithful to me throughout all the stages including the talking stages. That night I walked away from him after making sure Trey was good. I didn't cry. I didn't smile. I didn't laugh I was just through until I fell for his games all over again...

I knew one thing that part of my life was being left behind me and I was moving
forward. In order to get over somebody I have to admit my feelings for him then take it day by day. It might take awhile but it'll eventually happen ...

It's so hard to make these chapters long 😐 I'll try to update tomorrow 💖 vote .

Love UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora