Chapter 30

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(A couple of hours earlier)


Earlier today Breauna got a called from Michael about Cassidy. Michael is the man the raised Csssidy after he parents passed away. He's a Legend also so most likely is Cas uncle. I haven't seen nor spoken to her in a little over two weeks. I haven't heard anything about her either, but I wasn't complaining. I have a huge responsibility to start taking care of and a DNA test to get done. I'll admit it I'm procrastinating about the DNA test because it's a different experience to have a little me running around.

I finally got the papers for baby girl, all her stuff has been signed over to me and I figured out that Jazzy isn't her real name. It was only a nickname, her real name is Jazmine. I am her legal guardian but on all of her papers her last name is scratched out or not there. I do plan on figuring that out eventually but that's the least of my problems. I have to find a way to tell my ma and pops about baby girl. Who knows how they're going to take this. I already know old man is going to talk my head off, say how careless I am and don't care about shit.. So on and so on.

Thinking about Jazzy now I highly doubt that Jazzy is Monica's baby if she's mine, she favors her a tad bit but not completely. I never went in Mon raw either and the dates confusing as hell. It's possible that Jazzy and Monica are cousins or she could be her aunty or something. The bitch probably kidnapped her for all I know. Monica never wanted kids nor could she have children but if she's not biologically my daughter I doubt she would ever find her father.

Right now it's four of us on my family's private jet to Virginia. It's only a couple of hours but that's still a long time to just sit on a plane and not do shit. Since Jayson and Bre all cuddle up, I'll let him do his shit. It's about time him and his girl got back together or whatever their doing. Every day he used to complain about her not answering his calls, about how she smacked the shit out of him a couple of times and he couldn't do shit.. It's so much but she stuck by his side and she dis the same for him.

Baby girl and I are cuddle up talking about her favorite shows. I was listening to her, but time to time my mind would roam over to Cassidy. As much as I say I'm over her I shouldn't be thinking about her as much as I am. I'm not on my shit no more because my mind always on her. My dick don't get hard for any bitches, Jayse think I'm in "love" with her but nah that ain't it. I ain't never been in love and I don't plan on that shit happening anytime soon.

" Doc Mc Stuffins and uhmmm the Sophia show. She so purty uhm I like sponge bob too he so funny. "

A couple of hours of Jayse and Breauna's bipolar ass relationship. They argue then they're kissing on each other. I guess that's what love is all about. Finally getting the warning to put our seatbelts. I didn't talk at all if I was talking my was because Jazzy was asking questions. "Daddy where are we going?" she's a very curious child and she's smart. "We're going to see Cassidy at-" and then I was cut off by her "Ohh! Daddy were going to see the pretty lady? The lady on your phone? She looks like me, right daddy? But she's prettier than me but we look alike right daddy? I think she looks like me. You love her daddy?" So many questions at once... "Uhm yes the pretty lady and your beautiful baby. You're daddy's princess." She smiled she was going to fall asleep soon. She talks a lot when she gets tired.

The first time we met she asked me why was my voice so deep, why I had so many tattoos, where was i then fell asleep in the midst of a question. "Daddy do you love her?" I tried to avoid that question. I honestly didn't have an answer. Did I love her? "hey jazzy we're here. Let's go see the pretty lady" Jayson grabbed Jazzy and we headed to the door. It wasn't locked so we went right in, one gun shot ranged through the air and another right after that. I didn't want Jazzy to be around this so I told her to cover her eyes and ears and waiting in the hallway.

Her curly hair I could tell that was her miles away. The way she's standing, her short height with thick thighs. I was to caught up to see she was ready to touch the ground. I ran over ad caught her right when her hand was going to hit the ground. "Cas? Dee? Baby stay with me." I tried to talk to her, but it was like she was in another world. I heard "pretty lady" behind me and I saw my baby girl standing there with a tear running down her face. Cas head turned slightly and I could tell she was in pain "Jazmine....." It was a faint whisper but if you were close enough you could hear her. Jazmine? Jazmine? Jazmine?

Her eyes start to shut slowly, I saw a wet substance on her face. I didn't know what it was, then I feel shit on my face. I don't know where it came from, but I knew my life wouldn't be the same without Cas.

Death is what it takes for you to finally realize what somebody actually means to you. Death is what it takes for you to finally realize that all your actions, or what you've believed was all false.

Mistakes .....

In my case it wasn't death, but she wasn't far from it. She's been lying in a bed for a week, she's unstable and has no brain activity. Nobody sure if she's going to live or not. I did some shit I never did, I prayed to God to keep her here with me. I prayed that when she wakes up she's fine with no major damage. I prayed that when she wakes up she'll accept Jazzy and I. I prayed that Breauna gets better too and Jayson has the strength to deal with her. Lastly I prayed that her dads actually get better too.

Breauna is in depression stage and is in a hospital room not to far from Cas. She blames herself for Cas being in the state she's in. She says that if she wasn't to caught up with Jayson she wouldn't have went MIA on her best friend for a week and some change. She would've known how she felt and why she left.

Breauna has on restraints since she's been clawing her skin and punching everything she can.

It's crazy how life works isn't? One minute everything's fine and another minute you want to die. I guess that's how shit is when you live the life that we live.

Jazzy appeared next to me, it's obvious she could see the sad, pained expression - She could see the sad look on my face. "Daddy we're Legends.. We're never sad. I loove yo-" next thing I hear is snores and she's in my lap. But Legends...? Cas was the only one who ever said "we're Legends and we don't do this or we're never this..."
I have no clue how long this is, I tried to make it longer than I usually do. I know it's short though😐 just wanted to update.

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