Chapter 40 (Part 2)

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This chapter is still in the past you guys!


Trying to block out the loud voices I was hearing in my sleep. I was tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable again. This dress was just making me even more damn uncomfortable, but I felt as if I would be disrespectful to fall asleep in my underwear and bra or seem slutty and that just won't me.

So my ass would be uncomfortable getting a good sleep. But these people talking ruined my whole entire good sleep. Getting out of the bed looking for my phone that I put somewhere to check the time. I was fully rested with a headache so I knew I was asleep for a little bit.

Forgetting about my phone and looking out the window I noticed it look to be about 5 or 6 o'clock, and people were up making noise. Really?

Opening up the door the voices seemed to get louder and it sounded like Jayceon, Jayson and another person voice, but I've never heard their voice before.

Following the voices which lead out to basically an all white room, I saw a pissed off Jayson yelling the last words I heard was "why the fuck was she out there acting like a hoe"

My thing is who the fuck he calling a hoe? That's exactly what I asked, "who the fuck you calling a hoe Jayson?" I mean yeah I was offended, my body count was 1, I've barely had boyfriends so that doesn't give him the right to call me a hoe.

"How the hell you get here Breauna?" I mean damn call me by my first name then, but why does he have to be so loud with me? Okay, maybe I was somewhat loud, but I was offended. Did I offend him? No!

"I'm sure Jayceon, already told you, so why ask a stupid question." Swing through my peripheral vision I saw Jayceon do a little nod. As if he was agreeing with me, "let's go" his voice was aggressive.. I mean it was a little turn on to, but I'm still going to act like I was mad and not give six fucks.

"I'm not going with you" so what I was being stubborn, but it's whatever.

Grabbing me by my arm he dragged me out the damn room while I protested. Hitting him upside his head.

Finally getting to his destination he opened the room and dragged us inside and close the door behind us.

"Have you lost your damn mind?" I yelled at him looking at him like he lost every sense he had left.

"No, Breauna have you lost your damn mind? This what we do now? Go to clubs and sex people on the floor?" Should I feel bad? I mean we got in an argument a few nights ago and he told me he was doing him so I need to be doing me and that's exactly what I was doing.

"I mean I'm just doing me like you told me to" his eyes widen like realization hit him.

"Seriously? That's why you doing all this shit? Acting like a little ass child over a petty argument. You know damn well when I said that I was thinking out of anger. At the end of the day you know you're mine. So why you acting out?" I mean his words hurt me, what did he mean by him doing him?

"You need daddy to give you something to make you act right? You need some act right baby?" Act right? Nigga.

"I am acting right." which I was or did I need some act right?

"That's why you acting like you lost your mind? You need me to put this dick on you? All you had to do was ask. You want this dick?"


I'm like a week late with this update, but hey it's here. Next update will be part 3 to this.

Sorry it's short❤️


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