Chapter 10

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I squealed seeing Jayson walk through the door, I haven't seen him in a couple of days but we've been talking ever since we met that day at the party. He smiled seeing me walk through door and opened up his arms to me. I jumped in his arms, he picked me up. I grabbed onto his shoulders just in case he was to drop me.. " Jayson, don't drop me ! " his big arms wrapped around my waist securely which made me feel safe..

I snuggled into his neck enjoying the moment until I heard the door shut on its own and I look towards the door and a girl was there. I slid down Jayson trying to figure out who this girl was, she resembled Jayson a lot but hey who was I suppose to know who she is. She's was gorgeous though, she had a short hair cut and a Minnie Mouse pajama top and Minnie Mouse shorts with pink uggs. " hey I'm Aniyah, his sister sadly and you must be Breauna.. He talks about you a lot he just came asking me about a place to take yo-" I let out a small laugh when she stopped seeing jj giving her a look that says shut up. I said hey to her, she seemed real cool.

I looked towards Jayson who looked like a tomato. I grabbed my chest acting dramatic with humor in my voice and said " Jayson Jaden Jones is that you blushing?! " Aniyah started laughing. But I thought it was cute, I thought he was cute.... I walked up to him and grabbed his hand, I tugged on since I wanted him to bend down to me. My hands reached up for his face and I cupped it in my hands " you look beautiful blushing princess" I started laughing and quickly tried to run away from him before I knew it, he had a laughing me and Aniyah tickling us both until we yelled sorry. Aniyah started yawning which I couldn't blame her it was ready to be 4am. I led her to the guest room and she comfty really quick.

Walking down the hall I see my room light on, assuming that Jayson found my room I went in and he was sitting on my bed in basket ball shorts. Just looking at the sight made dirty thoughts flood my mind, I shook my head a couple of times then climbed into be with him.

I noticed some scratches on his back, I felt anger rise up in me. It's not like we're together...Even though that's besides the point, I put time in to him. Taking time out my day to talk to him or hang out with him. When he gone go around fucking other bitches. I was jealous.... I haven't felt that way in awhile, I scooted away from him."Bre?" he looked confused.... I didn't respond though many thoughts fill my mind thinking about how many hoes he's been with. What if he has a girlfriend? What if he not feelin' me? What if he treats me like another random female? What if -

" Breauna what happened ? " his voice sounded very serious the bass in his voice was strong. But I wasn't scared, " yes Jayson ? " I knew their was a lot of anger dripping from my voice I want it to go away but it wouldn't.... My eyes fluttered open when they closed, I notice he came closer. " go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up " he wrapped his arms around me, it felt so right but I knew it was wrong since he could possibly be with somebody else. I had no more strength to fight him off I me though, I snuggled into him as my eyes fluttered shut and his breathing evened out.

boring and short... so new character Aniyah. I'll update more since it's winter break😛 and sorry it took so long but my goal was reached. Vote, Comment & Share😘

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