Chapter 35

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Tiffany (jayson's mom)

Looking in the mirror, I notice a woman.. A lost woman at that with a lot pain and secrets. I looked deeper at myself than the mirror showed, I looked at my rare my blue eyes for an African American....

The eyes that reminded me of my children... The ones I gave away, one day I knew that I would have to come out and admit it. Jayson & Aniyah deserved to know their siblings and Jayson deserves to know his twin... Although, they looked nothing alike, they act the exact same..

I knew once these secrets start to flow out of my mouth, they won't be able to stop. I know everybody would be disappointed especially my children once they find out their father isn't their actual father. He knew, but didn't mention it ever. The dates never added up... We weren't even together when I was pregnant with my first child, nor the twins. But with Aniyah we were which is why I got a DNA test done and she wasn't his child either.

After Aniyah I had another baby girl who I let a close friend girl watch her since she turned two. He doesn't know about her though, at least I don't think he does. I do plan on telling him since she'll be living under my care eventually.. Well under our care.. All together I have five children, going on six all by one man...

Standing in the mirror I looked at the growing baby bump under my black lingerie. Although, I'm two months pregnant it was noticeable if you actually knew I was pregnant. I didn't notice him behind me until his hands wrapped around my tummy and were over mine.

"How's my big boy doing?" He always assumed that our children we have while we're together are boys and the ones we have while we're not our girls... So far he was right, but I'm hoping for baby boy also. Hopefully God blesses me with one.

"He's fine, can't keep anything down but otherwise he's our strong little man" obliviously my hips swayed to the low music playing. It's just something about music for us island girls that makes you want to move as soon as the beat drops. That's exactly what I did, I moved to the beat even with him behind me.

Every time I'm with him my mind is at peace, my worries go away. It's just as if we are the only to people in the world. The only two people who matter to each other. This whole entire week was meant for us to grow a stronger bond since we've recently just got everything right.

A light giggled left my mouth as his magical lips worked their way down my neck.. He could do things to me that no other could ever do, that's why I love him.. I knew sooner or later I would have to tell everybody, but it's not like Chris is even around or that were together. The perks of never getting married....

I turned around facing this sexy chocolate man of mine. My hands rubbing up and down his abs, "baby you've got taller and bigger since the last time I saw you" it's been years since we've actually seen each other naked. After Chris and I finally decided to actually be with each other I let him go sexually, plus he had unfinished business with his female. Now everything is over with we can just do us...

My hands slipped into his pants as his grip on my waist tighten, I stroked him up and down continuously. Pulling his pants and Calvin Klein boxers all the way down and taking them by removing off each of his legs. Finally being face to face with him.. His dick was standing straight out, staring in my face.

It's been a long time since I've seen a cock this big. My hands wrapped around it, not all of it but most of it. He groaned as I took him into my mouth. I teased him, wrapping my lips around the tip of his cock. I knew he was becoming impatient by the grip he had on my hair.. The longer I teased him the more I knew my punishment would be.. I finally stuffed as much of him as I could into my mouth, swirling my tongue around. I guess I wasn't moving as fast as he liked because he started to fuck my mouth. "shit Tiff, suck harder."

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