Chaper 28

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Mommy's and Daddy's grave was right next to Jazmine's. They ran the streets completely. They had a type of love that you don't really see now a days. Even at a young age I knew that daddy wasn't faithful to my mother. I knew that during the nights. that mommy would come in my room thinking I was sleep and bring me to her bed and cry at night was when he didn't come home.

Those nights happened about 5 times a week. But she still stuck by his side. I knew I would've left a long time ago, I would've took my child child and left. But after the first couple of months I realized what was going on I noticed the way her face brighten ups when he's around and how happy he makes her.

He may have made her happy and sad at the same time, but I guess that's what you call love? I don't know. But they loved hard and til their dying day they were together. At a time I hated my father and blamed him for me losing both of them, but I later realized who he was. What he did. And how they actual died.

They were making a drop, and a huge on to be exact. It was around 2 in the morning and my parents were meeting up with these Columbians. The Columbians were getting there money and my parents were getting there drugs and before you knew it a phone rings. It's one of the Columbians they start yelling "you set me up" with a thick accent.

Next thing you know guns are pulled out and that was only thing I could hear before it was really silent and you could hear crickets. Mommy was laying on the floor with her eyes trying to stay opened she reached for my dad hand who body was halfway on her. He tried to shield her. They both mouthed they loved me when they saw the tears streaming down my face. I knew my life was done right then and there. Maybe if I didn't follow them I wouldn't have seen this. It would've been better for me.

I ran towards them sobbing it was a couple of daddy people on the floor and the same for the Columbians. I was crying hysterically, sobbing . She whisper run then her eyes shut, I kissed mommy's and daddy's forehead for one last time before I took off running. Running for my dear life..,.

That was the last memory I had of them... It's sad to know that every time I get close to somebody they die or end up leaving of screwing up something good. But what hurts the most is that I always feel like it's my fault. Like I wasn't good enough. I was the reason they left me. Maybe it was the way I talked, or looked... It just pains me to know that I always lose somebody because of me.

I wanted to text Bre and let her know that I needed her but I didn't want to take her happiness away... She was with Jayson and happy. What type of friend would I be to ruin her happiness with my problems? I always go to her, maybe I should just let her live for her. I know I most likely will regret this once she finds out but I want her to be happy...

This was more about her past, next chapter will have drama in it and bring Virginia back into her life and maybe take ATL away..

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