Plan Backfired...

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Today was the day! The day that Mikey Way comes! I really hope that Gerard will love this! I walked into Gerard's room to see if he needed anything. "Need anything, Mr. Way?" I asked. "No, not really." He responded. I nodded and walked out. I went to the employee lounge and found Mrs. Goode. Oh joy! Not really.

She glared at me as I walked to pour myself a cup of coffee. I looked back at her once I was done with my coffee. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I snapped. She just gave me a sarcastic laugh and put her cup of coffee down. "Isn't that cute. Trying to defended yourself, I see?" She smirked. I didn't want to start a fight over stupid ole Mrs. Goode. So I just walked out. Causing her to snicker.

I walked down to the cafeteria and drank my coffee. I looked down at my watch and realized that it's only one more hours until Mikey came! I was excited to see how Gerard would act.

I walked around the hospital in search of things to do for an hour since Gerard didn't need me. I suddenly walked upon this little sign that said 'Keep Out'.

'I wonder what's inside..' I thought to myself. I've always been a very curious person. I loved to explore new things, and this 'Keep Out' sign looked very interesting for me. I decided to sneak Inside and just looked around. I mean, no one will know, right? I quietly walked inside to revel a huge room with bright white lights and blue prints everywhere. I wonder what those blue prints were..and most importantly who's blue prints those were.

I wondered around for what only seemed like twenty minutes, but ended up being fifty minutes. I thought I should tell Mr. Martin about this, (Mr. Martin is the boss of my boss, so he's like the main boss of both of us.) so I quickly walked towards his office and told him about the secret room. I walked out once I told him and looked at the clock in the cafeteria. Mikey was going to be here very soon! Oh I can't wait to see him get reunited with his brother. I walked to Gerard's room and sat down near his bed. "Need anything, Mr. Way?" I asked. He shook his head no and smiled. Even though he was deathly sick and felt like he had no hope. He always found a way to smile. Which is why Ive might've developed a small crush on him.

At that very moment, I saw Mikey Way out of the little window on the door. "I have a surprise for you, Mr. Way." I smiled. "What is it?" He asked. I smiled again and got up to open the door. I gestured for Mikey to walk in and he did. As soon as Gerard's eyes landed on Mikeys his smile faded into a frown and his eyes filled with hate.

"Gerard, just give him a chance.." I pleaded. "" Mikey said, nervously. "Fine..come here." Gerard said. Mikey slowly walked towards Gerard and Gerard pulled him into a hug. I smiled at how brotherly they were being. "You know what, Mikey?..." Gerard began. "What?" Mikey asked. Just then. Gerard punched Mikey leaving him with a bloody and probably broken nose.

"You're a fucking asshole!" He yelled. "That's no way to behave, Mr. Way!" I yelled back. "Ugh! I want a different nurse! You always treat me like a child then you bring him in here and...ugh..." My heart just broke. I really didn't know how to respond. But I found the words. "I'm sorry Mr. Way. I'll go tell Mrs. Goode to get you another nurse." I felt so sad and heart broken. He was my favorite patient. Even though he was my first patient. He was and will always be my favorite.


 i probably don't have much reads and votes yet, but by any chance if you do read this fan fiction, please vote, comment, and share!

ALSO! Please! if you have a instagram go follow @gerard_way_is_my_potato! she helps me write this fan fiction!

AND, if you have a twitter , go follow her @AsylumKitten_

Love what you do and who you truley are ~ Frank Iero

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