We'll Carry On

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Yesterday was the best day of my life, Riley and I had so much fun. We slept over at Riley's beach house, soon to be our house. I smiled to myself as I thought that. Our house. It sounds so great.

"Baby!" Riley yelled as she grabbed my clothes, interrupting my thoughts. "Yes, Rainbow?" Rainbow was the nickname I gave Riley yesterday. Let me explain why...we saw this rainbow while we were at the beach, and she said it was beautiful..and I said "just like you"..so I decided to call her rainbow, yes, it may sound stupid, but oh well, she loves it. "I need you to pack your hygienic items." Riley says, as she picked up my clothes and put them in a big Marvel themed suitcase. "Okay." I responded and walked towards the bathroom.

I grabbed my shaving razor, shampoo and yes, I use conditioner, so I grabbed that too. I also grabbed my toothbrush, and floss, and I obviously i didn't need a comb..sadly..I really miss my black luscious long hair..it was so beautiful, but of course, I HAD to smoke. If I never had smoked, I would have never gotten cancer, but then, I would have never met Riley...so in a way, I'm kinda glad I got cancer, cause I would've never met Riley if I didn't.

Anyway, once I was done, I walked back to Riley and gave her everything she asked for, which was just my hygienic stuff. "Thanks." She muttered quietly while she got my stuff together, I felt bad..I mean, I wasn't doing anything. "Want help, rainbow?" I asked Riley. "No, I'm fine." She smiled and continued. "Okay..but tell me when you do!" I said. She nodded.

                                        ---(Meanwhile with Mrs. Goode)---

(Mrs. Goode's Point Of View)

I dont know if Gerard has noticed yet, but I've been watching him. I still haven't gotten a plan yet; nothing, but soon I'll have a plan, and Gerard will be gone. Forever. Just like my mother.

(A/N: yeah..i know, that was a small point of view, but it's just to get the point across!)

                                                ---( Meanwhile With Riley)---

(Riley's Point Of View)

It's been a good three or four hours and we got all of Gerard's belongings inside our new house. I just loved saying that.

"Rainbow!" Gerard called. "Yes?" I answered. "I folded all my clothes..where's my present?" He smirked. His present. I told Gerard once he folded his clothes I had a present for him, you see, when Gerard was busy folding, I called his old friends, their names are Frank and Ray. Frank was very short and Ray was tall, Frank had a piercing in his lip and nose, with blackish brown hair, and Ray on the other hand, had a fro with no piercings what so ever.

"Your present should be here in a day and 19 hours." Since they lived in California, it would take them that long to get to New Jersey. "Oh..so my present isn't sexy time?" He said, sadly. "No." I laughed. "Ugh.." He groaned. I laughed once more.

"But can we have sexy time anyway?" He said. "No." I laughed. He gave me the sad eyes. Dammit. Whenever he does that I just can't say no. "Please, rainbow?" He said with a babyish tone. "Fine..." I whispered and stepped closer. He smiled widely. Dammit Gerard, you really know how to get what you want..

He pulled me closer, and now our middles were pressed together. "You know...I've never tasted you before.." I felt him smirked against my ear. "No..you haven't.." I whispered, getting very aroused. "Can I?" He sounded so seductive. "Of course.." I breathed out. At this point I was breathing very heavily, as my middle was pressed against his, I could feel his huge bulge that was just dying to escape his pants.

"Lay down." He ordered. "Yes, sir." I obeyed. As I was laying face up on the bed, Gerard joined. He was now in between my legs and seconds later my body felt tingly. Pleasure was running through my body as he licked every inch.

Soon, i was at my point, I had an orgasm.

He then started licking my cum off.

"You taste good.." He smirked. I couldn't help but to smirk back. "I bet you taste good too." I said. "Wanna make sure?" He winked. "Definitely." I quickly got him underneath me and ripped off his pants, and I'm guessing you know the rest.


HEY. HI. comment? vote? share? please? c: ~ Neon Dream

Interviewer: Okay, so you've been a band for about a year and eight months. You've come pretty far in the short time that you've been a band. Can you give us a brief synopsis of the past two years, like how it all got started?

Mikey: Basically, we went to this evil magician and we told him to make us rock and roll superstars. So he took a pint of each of our blood and put it in a cauldron.

Ray: Obviously he fucked up, 'cause look at us...

Mikey: We're not rock and roll superstars, but we're sweet little dudes.

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