Dreams? Real Life? I Don't Know. (Part One, Day One)

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IVe been busy. Sorry. You know. School and such, I needed to get my grades up, and I did! c: A, B, and C's. c: and one F in culinary. Bitch please. That teacher just doesn't like me. I made a cake once, and everybody fucking loved it. xD well........on with this story! xD and by the way I'm writing this on my iPad..cause I'm in New Orleans right now..so when I get home, I'll edit this xD

Oh and, I'm not updating unless this gets at least three comments and three votes. ~ Neøn

---(Gerard's Point Of View)---

(Day One Of The sleeping Medicine, like..it's the day everybody thought he died.)

Giggles were coming from everywhere. Not just any giggle. No. Riley's cute little, awkward giggle. I don't know if I was dreaming or this was real. It felt so real, but it also felt so fake. I was in my room. I was a teenager. How this happened? i dont know. Riley's giggles were gone now. I looked around my room that I haven't seen in ages. The walls are painted black. My drawings were scattered everywhere, mostly on the walls. I looked at one of the drawings. It was Frank and I. Kissing. How old was I? i know I'm a teenager. I can tell by my face. I remember my whole teenage life. Sadly.

I quickly got up, and went into the kitchen. I saw my mother and father up already, drinking a nice, warm cup of coffee. "Hello, darling." My mother said warmly. "H-hi.." I stuttered. I was so confused at this point. Was this all just a dream? Having cancer? did I never have cancer? Did I never meet Riley? is Riley even real? so many unanswerable questions filled through my head. "Are you okay, son?" My father asked. "Yes." I answered quickly. "You gotta get ready for school, sweetie!" My mother called out as she walked out of the kitchen to the living room, as my father followed. I nodded even though she couldn't see. I went back into my dark cozy room and changed into my worn out Iron Maiden shirt with my washed out black skinny jeans.

"GeeTard! I need a ride!" Mikey's voice filled my room as he invited himself in. "To where?.." I questioned. "Uh..to school?" He said more of a question. "Oh..right.."

"What's wrong?.." Mikey sounded a bit concerned. "Nothing." I said quickly, slipping my shoes on. "Okay..." Mikey said, sounding skeptical, but soon letting it go as I walked through the my door. "Want some coffee before we go?" Mikey asked. I would've said yes. I mean, my blood is MADE out of coffee. But I had too much on my mind right now. "No." I answered finally, leaving Mikey very shocked. "Well..okay.." He said slowly as he poured himself and cup.

I couldn't take it anymore. I could smell the coffee. The heaven. "I change my mind..I want some.." Mikey smiled, and poured me a cup. "That's better." He said, handing me the cup if heaven in the process. I smiled a bit and we were off to school.

Suddenly everything changed.

I wasn't a teenager anymore.

I was a child. A chubby child. And Mikey was next to me, being the skinny child he is. Or was. I don't even know anymore.

I was no longer in the drivers seat. I was replaced by my mother. I looked at Mikey, with a very confused face. He just gave me a smile and my mother kept driving. "Where are we going?..." I asked, very confused. "Did you forget already?" My mother laughed. "Maybe we need to send you to a hospital, GeeTard." Mikey joined. I always hated it when he called me that. At this point, I was a little pissed off. "Stop it, Michael." Thank you, mother! god. He could be so annoying. "We're going to the doctors, for a check up." How come this day seems so familiar? "Oh." Is all that escaped my lips.

We appeared at the place that seemed oddly familiar. But then again, Not. I swear. I remember this day already happening.

Both Mikey and I stepped into the doctors office. "Is GeeTard scared about the doctors?" Mikey sneered at me. Now I remember why I hated him. Not only cause he's a jerk. Cause when I was in the hospital, he never came. He never cared. Well..If even had cancer..I'm still so confused on this whole thing... "No." I replied, firmly. "Sureeeeee." He said, his vice dripping with sarcasm. "Mom!" I screeched. "Stop it, Michael! And stop being a tattle tell Gerard!" I could hear the stress in my mothers voice. So I just decided to stay quiet.

"Gerard Way? Mikey Way?" A nurse called out. Oh crap. I remember this day. Why am I re-living this? this is one of the worst days of my life. The day I first get a needle. The day my needle phobia kicks in. The doctor screwed up. She stuck the needle in me, and it got stuck. I went through so much pain. 'Why am I re-living this?' Is what I kept asking myself. Unless I wasn't re-living this. Unless this is real life. But then how do I remember this? ugh. This is so confusing.

"Sit please." The nurse said, pointing to Mikey. Ha. The poor little fucker is first.

Mikey stepped onto the stool and hopped on the very uncomfortable bed. "You guys are due for a shot today." Mikey looked like he could care less. Even for a five year old. He was pretty tough. Even though I knew this was coming. Fear trembled inside me. I was scared. Very scared. One of the most scariest things. I have to go through this again. Mikey must've saw the fear in my eyes, because he started singing, "Gerard is afraid! Gerard is afraid! Of a tiny neeeedle!" He sung, extending the 'E' in needle. "Shut up." I glared at him. "Watch it Gerard." My mother snapped. "But!-"

"No Gerard! Just please! Stay quiet!" She yelled, and like the good son I am, I obeyed. Though Mikey made a face that was pissing me off.

The nurse chuckled at our childish behavior, "I'm going to check your ears, okay Michael?" She said sweetly. Mikey has always had a crush on our nurse, Alicia. "Okay." He giggled. What a dork. She grabbed the otoscope, but I just call it the ear checker and checked his right ear. Mikey kept giggling as she went to his left ear. "Perfect." She smiled and grabbed the eye poster. You know, where all those tiny and big letters are on.

Alicia placed it on the wall and pointed to a small 'G'. Mikey started flinching his eyes. Oooooh. Did someone need glasses? "Um..it's a..uh..B?" He said, sounding very unsure. Alicia shook her head and pointed to a bigger letter. This time it was 'J'. "Uh..it's..it's..a C?" He questioned. And once again, Alicia shook her head. She then pointed to the big W on top. "W." Mikey answered sounding absolutely sure. Alicia smiled and nodded. "But Im sure you need glasses." Mikeys smile faded away. "G-glasses?" He stuttered. Alicia nodded. Mikey groaned and hopped off the bed. Now it was my turn.






I answered them all right. I didn't need glasses. "Good job." She smiled. "Let's check your ears now." She once again grabbed the otoscope. Or 'Ear Checker' and started checking my right ear. "Mmhmm." She mumbled. She went to my left and and stuck the cold metal piece in once again. "Perfect." She smiled. I smiled back and hopped off.

"Now for the needles."


The needles.


"Mikey goes first!" I called out before she even stepped out of the room. Alicia chuckled and continued walking. "Why me?' Mikey asked. "Cause you're younger." I said, making Mikey glare at me.

I gave him a sarcastic smile.

That's when Alicia walked in. With the shots. Ugh. "Okay so Mikey, I think you're going first." She giggled. Of course Mikey giggles along with her and sat back on the bed. Alicia started wetting the area before she actually gave the shot. After that, she grabbed the needle and plunged it into Mikeys shoulder.

Oh god.

Mikey didn't even scream; nor cry. All he did was sit there with an emotionless facial expression. He got a band-aid and a lollipop. "Gerard." Alicia spoke. Aw shit. I'm up.

I sat on the small cold bed and waited for the pain to happen. I closed my eyes very tight. This continued for about 30 seconds. I realized I haven't gotten the shot yet and looked around. Everything was faded. The background disappeared. Mikey was gone. Mother was gone. Alicia was gone. Gone. White surrounded me everywhere I looked. Is this a dream? is this real life? I don't even know.

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