Dreams? Real Life? I Don't Know. (Part Two, Day Two)

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Okay guys, even though I only got one comment, I decided to update, cause I wanted this chapter out already. So. You're welcome. xD I tried making this one funny....but i think I failed. ._. I'm sorry.

And this time, I'm not updating till I get three comments. I mean it. xD

~ Neøn

---(Day Two)---

I decided to explore the white room. Which was a horrible idea. I ended up at my old high school. Belleville High School. Great. Memories of my high school years flooded back. I flinched a bit. I remembered how much I hated high school. I wasn't the most popular. Or liked. Or handsome. To most people.

I closed my eyes for about 10 seconds. I took a deep breath in.

Once I opened my eyes, teens were everywhere. I was once again a teen. I looked around, looking for nothing, really. I was just looking. Then I came across Frank. Who looked very happy. He ran to me while I still kept my very confused face.

"Pancake!" Frank squealed and gave me a quick peck and a hug. Pancake...I remember that nickname. Frank used to call me that all the time...when we were dating. Well..I guess I'll just enjoy this moment while it last.

"Frankie!" I smiled. He was so short. But it's cute. "I missed you! You've been gone for two days!"

"I have?.." I questioned.

He nodded quickly and his lips once again found my lips. I smiled into the kiss, forgetting all this confusing stuff. Once he pulled away, I remembered how much I loved him...I loved him as much as I did with Riley. If Riley's even real...

Ugh, shut up and enjoy this GeeTard!

Don't call me that.

I can call you whatever I want. I'm your brain.

You're me.

I'm your brain.




I think I'm slowly going crazy. I just fought with my brain.

"Pancake?" I heard Frank giggle. "Yeah?" I answered. "Is everything okay?" He asked, still giggling. "Yes.." I said, giggling softly. He nodded and we went into the high school.

I saw all the jocks and ass holes. I tightened my grip on Frank's hand. I remember this day. The day I get beaten up for being 'gay'. I'm not even gay..I'm bisexual. "Are you sure you're okay?" Frank asked, sounding very concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine, I promise." I smiled a bit. He nodded and smiled back, walking to our locker, where we saw Ray and Mikey.

"Hayyyy guyysssss!" Frank said, sounding extremely sassy. "Frank just stop. Sass is Gerard's thing." Ray said. And everyone bursted out laughing. "Yeah, Frankie. Don't think you can take my sass." I said, putting my hand on my hip, and snapped. Everyone's laugh became harder, as did mine.

I loved these moments. But i know what's coming next.

"C'mon love birds, we gotta go to 1st Period." Mikey said, looking at me and Frank. I smiled at Frank and pecked his lips. "EW." I heard Mikey say, and I laughed a bit. "Let's go.." I smiled and started walking to class. We all had the same 1st period, so we went the same way. Obviously.

I sat down in the back next to Frank. Mikey sat in the second row to the last with Ray.

"Okay class! Today we have a science test!" The teacher yelled, many students groaned. Including me. I hate school. And tests. And bullies. And needles. Needles more than anything.

The teacher, Mr. Ryes, started handing out the tests. Once I looked at mine, I groaned even more. Earth science. Even though most people think it's easy. I didn't.

I looked at my test.


That one is easy. I laughed in my head, and wrote down Gerard Way.

Now for the first question...

Compared to felsic igneous rocks, mafic igneous rocks contain greater amounts of...

A. white quartz

B. aluminum

C. pink feldspar

D. iron

Ugh! How am I supposed to know this?!

First question and I don't even know.

I just put down A.

Okay, next question.

What are the two most abundant elements by mass found in Earth's crust?

A. aluminum and iron

B. sodium and chlorine

C. calcium and carbon

D. oxygen and silicon

I actually know this one. Yay for Gerard.

The answer is D.

Next question. I can do this.

Which sedimentary rock is most likely to be changed to slate during regional metamorphism?

A. breccia

B. conglomerate

C. dolostone

D. shale

I can't do this.

I just guessed C.

And the test just went on like this. Me not knowing the answer most of the time, and knowing answers sometimes.

"Times up!" The teacher yelled. He went to everybody's desk and picked up all the tests. I'm pretty sure I failed.

No. I know I failed.  

I looked over at Frankie and he gave me a cute little smirk. I smirked back. We continued this for a while until the teacher decided to speak.

"It's almost time to go, start packing." And with that, he went to his desk.

I packed up all my things, and Frankie sat on my lap. We both giggled childishly. He then leaned down, and kissed me. This wasn't a peck though. No. It was a make out session.

Now I remember.

The bad thoughts kept flowing in my head.

This is the reason why i get beat up. This very kiss.

Frank pulled away, very pleased. and I gave him fake smile and we both got up.


The bell..great. When I walk out those doors, I get beat up. I slowly started walking toward the exit. I closed my eyes waiting for the first punch to happen. But nothing did. I opened my eyes and like before, everything turned white. Why is this happening?

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